In this deeply moving episode, we sit down with a multi-dimensional intuitive healing medium @luminouslivingwithlauralee2027 as she shares her incredible journey of overcoming childhood trauma and discovering her life’s purpose through spiritual healing. Join us as she discusses the pivotal moments that shaped her healing journey, from attending Lakeside retreats to mastering diverse spiritual modalities like Tarot and Reiki. Whether you're curious about intuitive healing, seeking guidance, or navigating your own path to spiritual awakening, this conversation offers inspiration, insights, and practical wisdom for connecting with your higher self and healing from within.
- 0:00 - Introduction
- 1:41 Meet Laura Lee!
- 5:14 What is Psychic mediumship?
- 14:12 What's it like to feel energy?
- 18:21 Music and its role in healing
- 33:41 Connecting to your spirit
- 41:25 Disconnecting From Endless Fear
Full Transcript:
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Hello beautiful souls. So, so here I'm today your host, Yulia, and I would love to introduce to you our special guest today. Her name is Laura Lee and she's Intuitive Psychic Medium. Can you imagine, Laura, welcome to the show.
Laura Lee:
Thank you so much. It's such an honor to be, uh, on your show. Thank you for having me.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
So my first question, as I normally ask everyone who come here into our beautiful loving space, is who are you?
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Can you introduce yourself a bit more, what you are currently studying, where you are really involved in TIRS so that we could dive deeper into that?
Laura Lee:
Um, well, I am, um, I've been going out and doing a lot of vending events. That's where I met you, which was so nice. And so that's my way of, um, kind of getting out there.
Laura Lee:
I'm, I'm stepping out of my comfort zone, so to speak, as, um, for. As about since 2006, I've been studying or seven. I've been studying the healing arts in it. And that whole time I've been an educational assistant. So I would, I would do a lot of undercover energy work with the special needs kids. I worked with when I would send them, I would.
Laura Lee:
Send off things as I was working with them. Um, but what I'm doing is I'm gradually I'm going to be supplying as an educational assistant now and I'm focusing on doing this, this, um, more full time. So that's where I'm branching off to. It's a, it's a whole new world for me. to do this. Um, I've done, uh, like I volunteered at Wells Springs and I would offer Reiki treatments there, or I volunteered at the hospital and I gave Reiki treatments and, um, I thought I was going to do more energy with my hands.
Laura Lee:
And working with healing with my hands. Um, and then spirit led me to readings. And, uh, I was not expecting that to be, um, where I was going to be taken. I thought I was just going to do straight up energy work with my hands.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
When we start working with this period, it's always like that. Uh, ever unfolding the rows of creation. It's always like more and more and more right?
Laura Lee:
It really is.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Yeah, and it's already like, correct me if I'm wrong, when you go to that pathway, it's like the pathway of continuous service. It stops being about you and you never know what is the limit because it stops really being the limit.
Laura Lee:
That's so true.It's so true. And um, I think spirit likes pushing us out of our comfort zones to really get out there and like, take that leap of faith.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Oh, I love it. Take that leap of faith because we today, we so much need it. Especially with everything what's happening in the world, taking that leap of faith, and we cannot already find that grounding in the external world.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
We have to come back in here, right? And find that guidance from in here. That's why I see my clients, for example, lots of requests. Hey, Yulia, how can I start guiding myself from within? Right? Yes. Intuitive. Intuitive guidance. So if you could elaborate slightly more about that intuitive psychic mediumship, because that type of connection to your intuition is really a fascinating topic, which is so streamlined everywhere today.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
So what is, first of all, intuition for you, and second question is, what does it mean to be an intuitive psychic mediumship?
Laura Lee:
Okay. Um, what does intuition mean to me? For me, it's like, uh, you know, that gut feeling you get when, uh, you know, something happens, you're like, oh, and, um, Or we get a little nudge and then we don't quite listen to it.
Laura Lee:
I'm like, Oh, I should have listened to that. Cause I had a feeling and I didn't follow that feeling. That's what intuition is. And, um, we all have it.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
But how did that, uh, story start for you? Were you always intuitive or it's kind of like, uh, started somehow from certain event?
Laura Lee:
I've always, I feel like I've always been intuitive.
Laura Lee:
Like, um, for me, it's like, uh, premonitions with dreams. I have very, I have very intense dreams, and a lot of them would end up playing out and happening and I'd be like, I don't know. even just with places I lived and people that come in my life and or even sometimes not really world events but some things would happen and then I'd be like oh shit that happened right um in my dream so I think I'm very um intuitive in my dream world I think I think some of us can get quite busy in our dream world without realizing it um.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Did you experience lucid dreaming?
Laura Lee:
Yeah like I've I've I've um I think I've like Astral traveled without realizing I was astral traveling. I didn't even know what that word was when I was doing it. Right. But yeah, without, um, yeah, so that is a big part of it. And then, um, for me, like I practiced the mediumship.
Laura Lee:
I went to a meetup. com group and Um, it was like Oakville mediums and training and I just showed up and I was like, I saw things when I was little that really scared me and I shut down those portholes because I, I, um, it scared me and I shut all that down, right? And then, uh,
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Oh, that's exactly what happened to me in my childhood.
Right. It took me a while to actually reconnect again with myself, because I shut it down. We have so much happening here. I can't believe that. We
Laura Lee:
Have so much, right? And sometimes when you've had traumatic events happen, especially when you're a kid, it can open up not nice portals that you don't want to open, right?
Laura Lee:
So there were some scary things I'm aware of. But, um, Yeah. So when I did the Oakfield mediums and training, that was a real, um, eye opener for me and made me go, Oh my gosh. Um, I'm not saying I'm like an expert medium, but I do, I can do mediumship. And that was like, I did that for about 10 years. I go for like once a week for two hours and we just would practice mediumship, right.
Laura Lee:
And it just, as you exercise that muscle, it got bigger and then, um, So the funniest thing was, well it's not funny, but the person who ran it, um, the Oakfield Mediums in training, her name is Sharon McGregor, anyways, her son went to my high school, and he had died in a car crash, and he came, she came to talk about his death, the mothers against drunk driving, but I didn't take my kids because they were special needs kids.
Laura Lee:
So I didn't see her. And then two or three years after all that happened, that's when I landed at Oakville mediums and training. And her son came in really strong, like I heard his name. I, my third eye opened, I saw like a car crashing trees, like I saw all those things. And, and it took us about a year and a half to realize that I was an educational assistant at the same school her son went to.
And I was like, Oh my God. Wow. Yeah.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
That's interesting. Yeah. How the roads can be crossed really in here.
Laura Lee:
I felt like her son brought me to her. And, um, yeah, so that's where I got the mediumship into practice and, and it grew there. Um, more like I'm, I'm audit auditory. Like I hear things, I hear words and I hear things.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
So you kind of clairaudient.
Laura Lee:
That's it. Clairaudient, and um,
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Do you see stuff?
Laura Lee:
Sometimes, but I don't really see, like, I don't see, like, um, the, your loved ones beside you, and stuff, like, I don't see, like, stuff like that, or auras or anything like that, but sometimes my third eye will open, and it'll give me more, like, a movie picture.
Laura Lee:
But it's more like I can hear and then I can sense and feel like the personality or figure out how they died because I can feel it on my body. I'm also like a feeler.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
So when you do your readings, How does the process go usually are there certain speakers if you could just because you definitely do a lot of readings and I've seen it personally when we were on one event with you.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
That's by the way. Exactly. When they met this wonderful lady. So, um. I just, that was not an expert here in Toronto. So, uh, I just wanted to understand, did you already managed to figure out like the stages, which you walk your clients through, maybe, uh, you could elaborate more on that. How is it actually happening? Can you classify it or it's always different?
Laura Lee:
It always can be a bit different, but I always start with an opening prayer. And it's funny when I do it because some people like one woman, she never had a reading before her life. And I, and I kind of encase us in that golden glory bubble. And only us can be inside this bubble while I do my session.
Laura Lee:
Cause there's a lot of energies flying around. So I was like, okay, that's all, you know, and, um, And this one woman said, like, she, she never had reading before. And then she said to me at the end of it, she goes, I can't forget to say this after you did your prayer and put us in that bubble, the room got quieter and then went, Oh, that's so cool.
Laura Lee:
Um, but, um, and then from there, I just, what I do is I scribble on the paper. And then, um, I'll I I'm actually doing, um, psychometry, I guess, cause I want to, I've been guided spirit guided me to hold. It's. People's objects, any keys or any, only what they've had on though, like not anyone else's energies on it.
Laura Lee:
And, um, from there, I, that's when I just scribble and I just, Basically, I just say to people, I'm channeling information. Um, what I get is what I get. I can't make it fit and I can't change it. But, um, sometimes it's like people are like, Hmm, I don't know what that means. And then some people are like, Oh, okay.
Laura Lee:
And there's usually a theme is what I'm trying to say. A theme will come up and then the cards play into the theme. Um, and then. Um, I'll feel things too in their body. Like if I feel like they have something going on with their legs or bad headaches or anxiety and all, whatever it is on their body, I'll do energy work while they're sitting there.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
You know, you're kind of like also doing that energy healing work at the same time.
Laura Lee:
I am while I'm doing the reading. Yeah.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Yeah. You mentioned regarding the Reiki healing. How did you open that? If can you?
Laura Lee:
Well, I, um, about 2006, I became a single mom and, uh, I decided to utilize my kid free weekends because I had a, you know, um, a tumultuous narcissistic kind of partner at the time.
Laura Lee:
So it was like, I had a lot of wound licking to do and heal and childhood. Things that were surfacing, you know, like things that happened to your kid and the ways you would protect yourself when you were a kid don't serve you so well now as an adult. And so I knew I had to heal and I had a deep wounds.
Laura Lee:
And, um, So I, I, uh, did professional counseling and all that stuff too, like counseling. And then I also did my, my quest on my spiritual quest. So Reiki classes is where it started. And honestly, when I got attuned and with it and worked on people the first time and I felt the energies that zapped in my hands.
Laura Lee:
I went, okay, that's it. I'm like, there's like, it's like wax sealed. Like no one can tell me there's no, like, you know, there's nothing beyond what we see in front of us. Cause I'm just going to go bullshit. There is, there's like so much we don't know.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
And how did you start developing that?
Laura Lee:
I practice, like I, I, um, from 2007 until 2010, I just did Reiki 1, Reiki 1, Reiki 2, Reiki 2, Reiki 3, Reiki 3, blah, blah, blah.
Laura Lee:
And I just kind of like, and I just took workshops and, um, I did like tarot workshops and pendulum workshops and like Hopa Ono workshops and like, you name it, anything I could do. I was out there doing
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
I love that approach because when you do it all together, something will definitely work just for you. Yeah, it's kind of like doing it all into 1 direction.
You start pushing it into 1 direction. Something will really work.
Laura Lee:
Something will really work. Exactly. And I did it more for me. Like, I didn't honestly Yulia, I did not see myself doing. Almost 18 years ago. I never saw myself. It's taking me that long to come out to public and actually do things right like as I just was like, I had that, you know, imposter syndrome feeling and, and, um, and then spirit just kept on pushing me and pushing me to do more and get out there more so.
Laura Lee:
And the Reiki really helped me because I would Reiki my, like, I would just do the energy on myself, right, to like, you can heal yourself. That's what it's all about. And that's, that's what I want to say to the people that come to me, we all can do it. We all have it.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Yes, yes, very deep wisdom in that.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Once you start working with that in a spirit, in a deep spiritual core, your authentic self, in fact, your higher self, your intuition, whatever you call it. In fact, you cannot sit still because that stillness, once you restore yourself, did you notice, Laura, is that, in fact, what's happening is it's always active.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
It works out from you. It's like what I remember, Laura. In the Bible, Jesus was meditating, and then he opened his eyes, and he saw the crowd, and the crowd was hungry, greedy, and, uh, kind of like, very unhappy, and then he started working with the crowd, because all these things, started being resolved. Now he can work with the crowd and he became very active.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
So it's something like once we are really inspired and touched by that inner spirit within us, we kind of like, we cannot sit under the tree board here anymore. We just need to, to go and act with the world, right?
Laura Lee:
It's so true. So true. And like, um, And also while I started that journey, like I had being a single mom was hard and, you know, always broke and, you know, struggling and all that.
Laura Lee:
And I was like, okay, no, break that programming. And I've just been reprogramming myself because, and it's for me, it's my ancestral line of my whole family, right? It's like, it's, it ended up being a bigger job than I thought I was doing. Right. And then, um, And like in the midst of the storm, like my daughter, my oldest daughter has mental health and, um, it's not been easy.
Laura Lee:
Let me just say, and like in the midst of the storm of all like. The stuff, if I didn't have, um, my Reiki or my spiritual, um, beliefs growing the way they did, um, it really like ground grounding myself in the storm. So I'm like all grounded and things around me are going crazy,
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Grounded in the eye of the storm, right, right.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Yeah, because today is the time of chaos. In fact, it's not the time of order, but the chaos is the order itself. So we must find ourselves kind of like in the middle in the eye of the storm. That's right.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Yeah. So opening up that Shiva eye Shiva eye inside. Yes. .
Laura Lee:
No, let's do it. . No more fluoride toothpaste. Done with that .
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Yeah. I love it. So you mentioned, um, that you started healing arts. What does it mean? So what is this even like, kind of like healing through the art? What is this?
Laura Lee:
I know I love calling it the healing arts. I like I, because, because when I, when I first started like, um, there was a place I went to is called Lakeside Retreats, and it was in Beamsville, Ontario, and this woman, Bev Haskin, she's passed on now.
Laura Lee:
But she, um, I kind of heard about her through a friend long time ago. I used to be a drummer in a punk rock band. So it was like somebody that used to be in my band, knew this woman who was a principal at an alternative school. And then. When I ended up being a single mom in Oakville, she lived in Beansville, and she was doing all these spiritual workshops, so I felt, um, safe.
Laura Lee:
So that's where I did Pendulum, Hopo Ono, Reiki, um, You know, um, uh, making drums. Like I had a, like a weekend drum making, working shop and bringing and birthing our drum.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
I love this. I actually started studying jamba drumming. I love it. It's one of the simplest, easiest things to study. You buy these jamba drummer, like, uh, this, uh, thing on Amazon very quickly and easily.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
I think it's great. costing like less than 100 bucks. I'm having like classes with my teacher. It's so much fun.
Laura Lee:
It's so fun. And I think music is an integral part of healing too. Huge. Yeah. And so I don't know, just because I studied all these different things, like building intuition, connecting to your angels and guides, you know, all these things like that.
Laura Lee:
But I went there for quite a few years and she had all kinds of amazing guests come in, like, Even the Hopa Ono, um, the women were actually trained by the gentleman who in Hawaii, in Hawaii that founded it, because I can't remember his name because I'm bad with names, but they were trained by him. And it was like a Friday, Saturday, Sunday workshop.
Laura Lee:
It was intense what happened at that one. And, and Ono to this day all the time. I'm always saying that over and over. I think that's a really good clearing prayer.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Do you do it on yourself and others?
Laura Lee:
I do. Yeah. And even world events. Yeah.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Alrighty. So, you know, I'm just wondering about one question still, um, because you have that in a deep connection with your intuition, do you actually nurture that connection?
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
And how do you nurture and grow it within you? Are there any certain sets of practices which you continuously follow or maybe some magic like miracle, which you like? Some practices, like principles which you stay up into when you are like out of that, um, intuition balance within you. What do you do to get into that intuitive space?
Laura Lee:
Um, I always like invoke the Christed light within, always, and I do it more than once a day. I'm always invoking it and spreading it out like that, you know, like the Qigong kind of energy, push, pull, I did Qigong too, that's what I think I've done. And I, um, So yeah, I just invoking the Christ plate, just giving gratitude and thanks, you know, thank you God.
Laura Lee:
I have a roof over my head. Thank you God. I have food on my fridge. Thank you God. I have money in my bank. Thank you. And, and it's going to be even better, better, better. Um, I talked to my team a lot. I'm just like, okay, guys, like, no more, um, solitaire games and drinking coffee. It's like, okay, thank you.
Laura Lee:
Align me to, you know, I have an event coming up the weekend. Thank you, team. Align me to the event. Align me to the people in the event. And then, I just do a lot of talking and I also just take some time to breathe and quiet my mind down and
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Mm. Um, Do you do any kind of meditations?
Laura Lee:
Nurturing? Pardon?
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Do you do any kind of meditations?
Laura Lee:
I do some meditation. I'm not a big meor, but I do some meditation. My, my meditation is my walk in my trails. Um, I do like a walking meditations and that's where I do a lot of my prayers and I send out a lot of prayers to whomever needs it. And also, um, to the world too, because the world's a bit messed up.
Laura Lee:
So just like, well, all this stuff has got to crumble and it's going to look really messy, but it's just sending love for, um, helping whoever needs help through these kind of turbulent times we're going through right now.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
You know, I've been thinking about all these times and, um, since I kind of like very, very sensitive to everything, like all we are here, but my levels of sensitivity just started opening too much and I started like going to, into the corners, like into these swirling of the tornado and then I realized after like doing certain meditative practices, I guess.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
That actually these world teachers are the only thing, love, you cannot build anything, no matter how hard you try, if you don't experience love.
Laura Lee:
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
It's just not possible.
Laura Lee:
It's so true, Yulia. And we have to realize we have to love ourselves, most importantly, before we can love others. Some people feel like that's like, Oh, that's like ego.
Laura Lee:
That's really selfish or no, but it's really important. I find like, um, yeah, love was a big thing. Cause I didn't like, cause of all the different things that you go through, you don't believe in yourself so much, you don't feeling worthy. And those are all things that you got to work on to love yourself.
Laura Lee:
And then once that comes in and it ripples out to the world, right.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Yes. Let me give you a specific example. So I, for example, like I started, uh, going, uh, to figuring out, like, I give the task to a person. I have a team of people who I'm just like really amazing people who help me with all what I'm creating here.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
And I give a task, let's say, and then I see the person is not fulfilling my expectations or something. So And then instead of being sad, the only way to go into the clarity mode, right? No matter, maybe you are doing your business or you are doing like some job, whatever you go into that dust mode, into the mode of, it's already dust.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
I call it like demon already is inside, you know? So, and you are there, you don't see clearly. All right. But only some love You kind of can see what really happened and give first of all, um, straight feedback, not the feedback which is filled with a certain emotional aspect, which is always coming from that demon, in fact, which is affecting us, right, which we have to transform through love.
Laura Lee:
Yes. All those attachment energies and all those things. Absolutely. And like our heart drive, like our heart is the drive of our everything. Right. And that's, that's like, it's like, I also, when I'm working with people is kind of like working to override the brain to the heart and just connecting the heart and the brain and to, um, sometimes the brain can be a bit of a virus. So. Yeah.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
How can you, how can you do that overwrite? Let's say I'm just like, you know, I have so many clients and some of my friends are like this. And I'm pretty sure you have many people who are around you that way, right? You already mentioned now. So let's say mentally, I understand I am wrong, but it's, it's there.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
It's there, right? Yeah. Yeah. What can I do like action steps, right? Or practices so that I would do that override from like, hot perspective and that these will be suited. What will be your recommendations?
Laura Lee:
Um, well. I would be doing my body regen on you because that's what I learned in body regeneration is aligning the chemical and electrical frequencies of the brain and then the chemical electrical frequencies of the heart and then you align them both together.
Laura Lee:
Um, and that energetically kind of calms the mind down. So, um, on the energy work end of things, that's how I would do it. And then as for, as for the person, it's like, um, to, you know, when you catch yourself and you know you're in it, that's the first step. is recognizing when you're in there, right?
Laura Lee:
Awareness. Mm-Hmm. The awareness. is really important. And then
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
How do we recognize it so that we would not be swinging around? How, what, what would you recommend to first this recognizing how to stay there? Is there something maybe we should write or
Laura Lee:
I'm thinking, yeah, like I'm thinking, um, there would be like, maybe some affirmations you can say, and reprogramming the mind and things.
Laura Lee:
I also like to, um, suggest to people just to. Um, whatever's bugging them and that story that goes over and over. Well, Hopo ono really helps too. Dear father, I'm sorry. And you go and you say all the crap. I'm sorry, blah, blah, blah, blah, whatever it is. Please forgive me. I love you. And I thank you.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Yeah. So for those here who don't know what is Hopo ono, it's basically, there are four phrases, what Laura is meaning.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
So Laura, can you introduce those phrases here for our audience?
Laura Lee:
Um, so it's, um, I like saying dear father and mother cause father and mother, um, and then, and then you say, I'm sorry. And just sit with that, feel how that energy of that word is. It's heavy. I'm sorry.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
And you, and you have the face of that person whom you are kind of like, right? Yeah.
Laura Lee:
And then I go, and then I'm sorry. And then I'll go, oh, you know, I'm sorry. Um, I'll just say world's best. Sorry about all the oil spills and the water that's killed these animals or, um, Sorry about the disasters that happened or whatever people had an accident does like anything like,
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Oh, I'm sorry. I've had these nasty feelings.
Laura Lee:
Oh, I'm sorry. Had these nasty feelings about this person. And I'm really angry and I'm sorry. I feel angry. And I, sorry. I feel like I'm having not great thoughts right now and you can just list it off like crazy if you'd like. And then
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
You kind of like recognize that nasty you in you. I'm sorry I did that. Right.
Laura Lee:
I'm sorry. Yeah. And then you go, please forgive me. And I don't know if you can feel the, the energy of the words. You can feel like, please forgive me. It's like, it's lifting up and off. I love you. And I thank you.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
And by the way, guys, even if you don't feel it, when you just say it, there is some miracle happening when you say it.
Laura Lee:
It is there really is that Hopo ono a prayer so powerful. So I like giving that to people because it really helped me get out of my merry go round. I'm like, a long time ago when I first learned it and I had a situation. I'm with a. A friend that didn't quite work out. And I, and I was really upset about it.
Laura Lee:
And you know, y'all could have, would have, should have could have, would have, should have, uh, playing out the conversation that had that you'd like to have with the person, whatever it is. Right. And I was like, right. And I was like, stop it, stop it. And then I just said, okay, no, dear father, I'm sorry. And I just said, whatever, please forgive me.
Laura Lee:
I love. And thank you. And. Miracles happen, like I find feathers, like, um, random young teenage boys that out of nowhere asked if I wanted, they were, um, volunteering to give out prayers. When I was doing it one day, this Hopo Ono, I was just walking around and doing it, and then these boys asked to do a prayer, just like, random miracle things will happen, you'll feel things lift off. And another exercise.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Simplest and the most wisest things In the world. They are so actually available for everyone. We just need to start doing it, right?
Laura Lee:
We just need to do it because I'm bad with the name of the, and I can't even say Hopo Ono properly, but like the person that founded that, um, he didn't even open up the, the books of the patients in the severely criminal, like the worst of the worst humans.
Laura Lee:
Yeah, I heard about that. And he never even read it. He just put his hands on it and he did that prayer over and over again on each file. And there was remarkable miracle changes just by that
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Alone. Yes, when we speak the words here, um, when we are truly becoming connected to Spirit, by the way, did you notice, Laura, that our words become really charged?
Laura Lee:
They are. They're so powerful. And our words can be curses too. So we got to be mindful of that. We can be cursing ourselves or others without even realizing it. Like, Oh, I got this pain in my ass. And all of a sudden you got a pain in your ass, like physical pain in your ass. I'm sick and tired, tired, you know, this is killing me.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck): Or, you know, just notice what we speak, but really watch our mouth. Right. It is powerful. Yes, it's, it's fascinating. And once you get connected to spirit, really your intuition, again, your higher self, um, whatever it is, you start really being attentive, right?
Laura Lee:
You do. It's so true. So true.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
And you listen to what others are speaking as well.
Laura Lee:
Yeah, as far as, yeah, that whole being present, right? Because sometimes we're not, that was my biggest thing.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
That's the whole topic, by the way, Laura. Right. I keep going to different events, and I barely see people who are present, who look into my eyes. Well, with my hair. Once I see that person, I know that's it.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
We are there. Yes. Because usually I see eyes like these. You know, they are seeking for something all the time. Yes. It's just like, wait, wait, wait, we want to recollect ourselves here.
Laura Lee:
Collect ourselves here.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
This is not a God or Goddess, right?
Laura Lee:
It's so true. So true. Because we're racing about things that happened in the past, or you're racing forward to see what you think is going to be in the future.
Laura Lee:
And this is actually the, The now you need to be in. And that was one of my biggest growths I've been doing too, is to be more present and, you know, I still need work on it sometimes, but overall, like, you know, it's like catching yourself, right? You're like, Oh, wait, I'm going back to that old pattern. Hmm.
Laura Lee:
You know, Why am I doing that?
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
You get yourself, uh, naturally once you reconnect yourself to that center. First of all, you start using these apparatus in a very, very distinctive way. You use it only when you have to use it, right? You don't use it when you don't need to use it.
Laura Lee:
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
And then your eyes, it's like a real tool.
Laura Lee:
It really is.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
And then your ears, you hear only what you have to hear. You stop anything. What kind of penetrates the, it just doesn't really penetrate. It's reflected.
Laura Lee:
Yeah, exactly. And like a trick I learned with body regen, when you, sometimes when you hear things that people are talking about, you know, like, Ooh, you know, I don't.
Laura Lee:
Oh, I don't want that to come in me. You just kind of have your hands kind of facing out and go, no, thank you team. Like make sure I reject that.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Yes. I love it. I love it. Just when we share these experiences and it's common experiences, not just Yulia's experience. It's also Laura's experience here. Right? Um, and we can really share it to all our beloved beautiful souls here who listened to ours that it's possible guys, because guess what, what we share with Laura here is that we connection with our intuition.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
And once we are we connect with our intuition guess what's happening. We will connect with our light. And we can help our nervous system, because this. Transcribed by https: otter. ai It's part of it. And that's exactly what's torturing us, right?
Laura Lee:
It's so true. It's so true. And, um, um, yeah, just like putting your feet flat on the ground and just like a grounding grounding yourself is really important.
Laura Lee:
Um, I am listening is more important than then opening up the other areas first ground, make sure you're grounded first.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Yes, you must here be grounded. Otherwise you will be like, you will be flying away. You cannot be flying away too feminine here or too masculine. Today you must be the center. You kind of like that hermaphrodite.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
I cannot explain it. There are two sides because you cannot really build today anything without acknowledging masculinity in you. And we here, we already developed it, right? Yes. Like, we want it or not, we are there. We are already kind of like too masculine, but when we develop our femininity, girls, especially for you, when we develop that femininity, we don't need to be swung away by it. Because guess what? When I got married, I became too feminine.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Yeah, and I was like, I don't know, a lion star on the beach, you know, you couldn't do already anything. You cannot do anything in this world. Don't impact. You must have it in you. Right?
Laura Lee:
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
So, speaking about that masculine and feminine. Can you tell me, Laura, uh, how do you find that balance?
Laura Lee:
Um, I'm working on it. Um, I've been in the masculine energy because I'm a single mom and I've had to take, put the bacon on the table and take care of everybody. And, uh, so I, uh, I'm, I'm in the midst kind of harmonizing the masculine and the feminine within myself. Um, How I do the feminine is, is I just do nurturing things for myself.
Laura Lee:
Like I'll have a nice soap bath or, um, I'll do a face mask or, um, I need to do this more, but like put on music and just dance around and that's like, kind of like activating my feminine side. Um, You know, uh, I haven't been in a relationship in 18 years, so it's just like, you know, um, I, so I just been like mostly masculine just because I had to take care of things and I'm just like learning, I just want to open up more of that sensual feminine, um, energy.
Laura Lee:
Um, And we are stepping into the age of Aquarius, which is the divine feminine. It's really, well, the harmony of both, but the divine feminine is, is kind of the time for that.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Yes. Yes. That's the time for that. But at the same time, girls, for everyone, the tip. I want to tell you, you don't want to be just feminine.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Because, um, there is like, sometimes it's like we are swinging away. Once we were too masculine, we wanted too much femininity.
Laura Lee:
Exactly. It's just like finding that harmony balance. Yeah.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
You want to find that balance. We want to find that middle, uh, golden middle, right? Tower away. Dow. Like, that's where all the stability is.
Laura Lee:
Yes. Absolutely.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
This is really, really important. By the way, in Tarot Cards, who is in the middle, that's exactly she's feminine.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
But everywhere around her, there are objects of masculine activity. Okay. So there is that beautiful dance, beautiful dance of masculine and feminine.
Laura Lee:
And we all like, we all are, are, um, both, but we all have it in us.
Laura Lee:
Yes, definitely. And like, and we are all connected, like the earth itself is just one big energy. And, um, so it collectively of people can get out of. What the, I call it enemy spirit filling people with fear, fear, fear, fear, fear. Just think you don't want to feed them anymore. You don't want to feed them anymore.
Laura Lee:
Cause that's like a buffet and just kind of, uh, false evidence appearing real. And. Get out of the fear and just go and dream big dream of how you want to see the world to look plant those seeds unplug from all the nonsense and really go within and dig deep.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Yes, yes. The only thing which I would recommend here is just as you mentioned in the beginning to start from that emptiness and self healing, because if we are still into that state, and we start dreaming guys.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Yes. We kind of like create a lots of nonsense in the outside world because we are powerful dreamers. Yes.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
So we need to disattach from all the nonsense, which was before attached to ours. Let's say we were pursuing money or we were pursuing, I don't know, just relationships for the sake of relationships, you know, or I have many girlfriends here who just start being pregnant at 30s, specifically, all around the world.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
It's the time, I don't have more time.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):Women can understand it just because we are always, always meticulous of time, right? Especially we women. But when we start investigating what's behind it, we see always some pressures and demands of society.
Laura Lee:
Yes. Yeah, definitely.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Yeah, yeah. And now I can see so many women who actually started being more in tuned with their bodies and started releasing that time pressure even.
Laura Lee:
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
And it's so fascinating to see, honestly.
Laura Lee:
It really is. It's so nice to see. And like another, another way to, uh, for like the manifesting, um, there's, uh, you know, like, instead of asking, Oh, I really would like this, or thank you, God, I want this or whatever you can say, thank you, um, God, it's already done.
Laura Lee:
Thank you. I already have my love of my life already have my, you know, um, Overflow of finances.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Oh, yeah. It's the concept of being enough and that ever flowing fountain, right?
Laura Lee:
Yeah. Yeah, and just like it's already done just trust it's already done. And that's the hardest part to for people to is just to trust to trust that we're not alone to trust that there's a divine plan, there's a higher plan behind everything.
Laura Lee:
And, um, and, uh, I don't know where I was going to go with that, but yeah, I just trust.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Yes, there is deep, deep wisdom behind it. You know, I was thinking the more we develop that level of wisdom and true clear scene, we can actually create that gem of love out of it.
Laura Lee:
So true. Cause love is the most powerful thing.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Yeah. How can we come back to that love if we don't see clearly? Yeah, we must actually reconnect with that. Stability of wisdom first.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Exactly. So true. And get rid of the freight train of garbage that you don't need to carry with you anymore too.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Yes. And it's so fascinating, by the way, Laura, to see today.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Did you notice people are, people are feeling it. There is some awakening all around. Is it so?
Laura Lee:
It is. It's a very exciting time we're living. It's like, it's written in the stars and it's, it's, you know. People are starting to wake up and go, wait a second, right? Like, what does it mean to be sovereign, you know? Like, what is that?
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Oh gosh, sovereignty. That's a big topic. That's a big topic.
Laura Lee:
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Because if you really think about this, what makes a woman happy? Like, that's sovereignty. Yes. Men actually, like if I ask my husband, Like, what makes you happy? He doesn't think about sovereignty, honestly. But for me, I don't know how. I was always thinking about that. Yes.
Laura Lee:
Yeah, me too.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Yes, sovereignty makes women happy, right? What makes women happy is sovereignty. We were so many times abused, tortured, whatever was done to our bodies through our generations here, that today we are living, by the way, girls, we are living in such tremendously enlightened times, actually, even if it seems to be darkened, we can raise our voices.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
We can raise our voices. We can actually do so many things. We can be economically free. That's so amazing.
Laura Lee:
It's so amazing. It really is.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
We can choose either to have babies or not. We can choose either to be alone or not. Before, it was never such a choice.
Laura Lee:
We never had that choice. Women weren't supposed to be even seen or spoken.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
In some countries. Yeah. On that level.
Laura Lee:
No, exactly. So we're really fortunate and like, it's really, yeah, um, so yeah, exactly all those lifetimes we've had too, right? Because we've all had many lifetimes and there's all this cellular memory in us.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Yes, because you know, when I investigate what's happening, I, for example, I always had this feeling, why do I have that fear of walking alone in the dark street?
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
My husband doesn't have it. And then I started investigating and talked to my girlfriends. There is always that deep inner fear. Did you notice that? Mm hmm. Like when you walk alone in the dark street, it's only if you know how to give a punch, you will be fine, you know? Yeah, the guys here are always stronger and probably that history of raping or whatever Throughout the woman's body it accumulated that Genetical history in it that we kind of like a slightly afraid Notice that when you, uh, like I, I, for example, I walked alone in many dark places, honestly.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
And, uh, when I was walking, I always had that fear out of the blue. I don't know. What was your experience?
Laura Lee:
Yes, I have had, sorry my nose kind of itchy. Um, I have had that experience, uh, walking late at night by myself and, you know, a sketchy area in Toronto and, um, You know, um, actually someone actually did follow me and I, I put my keys between my fingers and I was like, oh my God, I hope I can, you know, give them one, if I have to, and, um, what I did that was kind of crazy.
Laura Lee:
Like this gentleman was following me and I put my keys between my fingers and then. I zigzag the streets and I realized that he was following me and I went, Oh my God, this guy is actually really following me. So without even back then, this is when I was in my twenties and I was always intuitive. So I think I got nudged from spirit like this.
Laura Lee:
All of a sudden, before I reached my street, it was like my intuition said, turn around and chase him like a psycho. So he doesn't see where you live. So I did, I turned around, I was like, Oh my God! He was like, Oh! And ran off, right?
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Oh, I love it! You know, it's amazing. It's actually the most amazing tip, which your spirit would give you.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Why? Because, you know, my husband is playing chess, and he told me the grandmasters, they use usually one of the most amazing techniques. And, uh, when they want to win. And it's called create confusion. Ha! Oh,
Laura Lee:
There you go. Yeah, I totally confused the guy.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
That scene, which is super logical, you create a confusion for it and that's how you win.
Laura Lee:
Yes. And that's how I made, like, he was gone, he took off, and then I looked, and then I, and then I ran to my house, because I wasn't on my street, and I ran to my street, ran to my house, and I was like, oh, that was weird.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
I have a tip. It's a wonderful thing when you don't know how to win, create a massive confusion.
Laura Lee:
Yeah, I go. He won't be expecting me to
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
We are masters in that we are
Laura Lee:
Masters of mass confusion. We're really good at that.
Laura Lee:
That's why guys cannot really understand our logic, right? No.
Laura Lee:
Yeah, we are definitely different.
Laura Lee:
Yes, we have our powers. Let's say like this. We have to build. Yeah,
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
That's the time to rise and shine.
Laura Lee:
Is definitely, definitely.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
So, Laura, that was an amazing talk. I, the only thing which I would love you to leave our audience with is maybe your inspiration how our beautiful souls, all our sisterhood, and maybe brothers, how we can really all step in and rise and shine. Maybe some kind of empowering phrase from you.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Uh, what really helped you in your life?
Laura Lee:
Um, for me, it was like, I'm going to have to say Jesus, even though I'm not religious, but I have a relationship and, um, just trust that there's something higher out there and that there is a divine plan and that everyone has a purpose. And, um, it doesn't matter what it is.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
That's so powerful. That's so powerful. And I want to add here for everyone, beautiful souls, you're all so, so worthy. Does not matter what this thing tells you. Does not matter what the past experience tells you. You are worthy nonetheless, because you exist.
Laura Lee:
Exactly. We're here. We're here for a reason. We're alive at the most exciting times and it's like, yeah, watch out the show's starting.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Yes. Yes. That doesn't do mistakes. We exist. That's why there is a reason for that. That's for sure.
Laura Lee:
And there's more than meets the eye. Like, I believe our souls live on and on and on.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Yes. Self worthiness is so huge, especially among women. That's why I wanted just to add here a few cents for your speech regarding trust, right? And that self, uh, self esteem. Why? Because many of us, especially women, are suffering because of that. So we need to heal that aspect.
Laura Lee:
We do. And that was a huge thing for me, right? Because I had some trauma when I was a kid. I was in this, I was diagnosed with dyslexia when I was a kid. So I was like in a scrape. I was in, um, um, in the seventies, like experimental special ed class. So I was known as dumb and I was blonde. So that didn't help. And like all that low self esteem. Right.
Laura Lee:
And it's like, no, if I could talk to. My younger self, I'd be like, no, you rock. Keep going. You're amazing. Yes. Just like keep, um, and amp yourself up. And if you could just sit and look at that little person, whoever's had like Some bad or struggles and stuff like that. And just give that little person a hug and just say, you're going to be okay. We got this.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Yes. And we have that divine purpose for everyone, by the way. So in the Bible, there is always, uh, that same like, uh, demon. So there is the demon inside each of and everyone wears. It's our personality, which we recollected through life. And if we really look at that word, it's kind of like diamond.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
And we need to transform that diamond into brilliant. Yeah, we need to work out a transformation through inner light, right? That's our true purpose here.
Laura Lee:
Yes, we gotta activate it, and it's all right here in our heart.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Yes. And acquire that true nobility in our characters, because then it is only one character for everyone, and the true noble qualities which we perceive were kind of blessings from Buddha, by the way. Buddha, bless the humanity with nobility of character. Yes,
Laura Lee:
I love that. That's so nice.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Thank you. Thank you, Laura. It's so nice to have you here today.
Laura Lee:
Oh, thank you for having me. It was really such an honor. Like, um, I was very, um, uh, grateful that you asked me to be on here. Thank you.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Likewise. Your spirit today shines the whole show.
Laura Lee:
Thanks. You too. Bye.