
    How to Access your Tarot Courses Membership Area

    Welcome to Calmoura!

    We're thrilled to have you join our community of Tarot enthusiasts and learners. ✨

    This guide will walk you through creating an account on our website and accessing your Tarot courses.

    How to Activate or Create your Courses Membership Account

    Step 1 - Activate your Account

    After you make your course purchase, you’ll receive an email confirmation asking you to activate your account.

    Follow the instructions on that email to activate your account and skip to Step 3.

    Note: If you can't locate the account activation email, please proceed to Step 2.

    Step 2 - Create your Account

    Go to the Registration page, fill out the required fields in the form, and click the CREATE button.

    Note: Please use the same email address you used during checkout.

    Step 3 - Log in to your account.

    Click here, and log in to your newly created account using the email and password you have configured.

    Once logged in, you can find courses you bought under the MY COURSES section from your account.

    On that page, you can access your available courses and get started.

    Video Walkthrough

    We prepared a step-by-step video guide in case the textual guidelines were unclear.


    Follow the steps outlined above, and you'll be on your way to unlocking the mysteries of Tarot in no time. Happy learning!

    If you encounter any issues or have questions, feel free to reach out to our support team at hello@calmoura.com

    We're here to help. ❤

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