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    Strength Tarot Card Meanings

    Strength Keywords


    Courage, Confidence, Inner Strength, Compassion, Control
    Skip to Upright meaning


    Self-Doubt, Weakness, Depression, Cowardice, Fear of Standing On Your Own
    Skip to Reversed meaning

    Strength Description

    A woman gently puts a star in a lion's mouth as a symbol of her self-control in overcoming her struggles.

    The lion is a symbol of strength. Its long tail symbolizes the weight being pulled by all of the various planets attached to it that need to be directed and controlled.

    The lion's head symbolizes its greatness, and represents the sun that is at the center of control of the universe.

    A bubble around the woman’s head protects her from the pressure the universe puts on her, as sometimes life needs a little breathing and thinking space.


    NOTE: The Tarot card meaning description is based on the Rider Waite cards.

    Tridevia Tarot Deck is designed with 156 beautifully crafted positive affirmations in our guidebook ,uniquely aligned to both upright and reversed meanings of each card, to not only guide your readings but also help you manifest your dreams and awaken the divine Goddess within you.

    Upright Strength Meaning

    You are balanced, determined and powerful. You are stronger and more courageous than you might think. Know that you are always protected and guided, just remember to tap into your power and remember your strength. Keep cool under any circumstances and be aware that your tranquility has a positive influence on others. Think about how you’re channeling your emotions.


    I am strong and powerful but gentle at the same time.

    Reversed Strength Meaning

    If your energy levels aren’t particularly high, it’s a good time to remember the examples from your past that prove how strong and powerful you are. Your lack of energy might be due to the fact that you’ve been feeling a lot of strong emotions lately which left you feeling a bit drained. Now’s the time to balance and take care of yourself. Try to take things lightly, even though your emotions run deep.


    I let the emotions I feel flow through me, but not control me.

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