Ten of Swords Tarot Card Meanings
Ten of Swords Keywords
Ten of Swords Description
Everything is broken and is falling apart. A female dancer tries to finish her dance (the dance represents the steps and process of life itself).
The entire pile of swords grasped with one hand couldn't be held and balanced and fell one by one. As they fall, they pierce through the different parts of the body symbolizing the different ways a situation can go wrong.
The swords represent the mind that attacks itself. The stars symbolize hope, but they have fallen and cannot rise and shine again.
The snake wrapped around the woman’s right leg complicates her steps, and symbolizes the emotions that arise due to chaos which usually complicate and come in the way of logical thinking.
NOTE: The Tarot card meaning description is based on the Rider Waite cards.
Upright Ten of Swords Meaning
Reversed Ten of Swords Meaning