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    The Hanged Man Tarot Card Meanings

    The Hanged Man Keywords


    Sacrifice, Waiting, Perspective, Suspension, Calm Before the Storm
    Skip to Upright meaning


    Stalling, Disinterest, Delays, Hang Ups, Impatience
    Skip to Reversed meaning

    The Hanged Man Description

    A young man hangs upside down but still looks peaceful and relaxed, even with a snake wrapped around his right leg, signifying his calm tolerance.

    He can break free easily, with the knife he cleverly balances on top of his left foot, but he prefers to wait and be patient.

    The tiny sparks of light around his head are symbols of mindfulness when gaining insight from a new perspective.

    The eye symbol on his chest represents intuition, and even with his eyes closed, the eye of consciousness on his forehead remains lit and open, symbolizing his sensitivity.

    The ring above his head is a symbol of a pure soul in self-sacrifice.

    Behind him are two triangles that form an hourglass shape, denoting that all it takes is time to turn things around.

    NOTE: The Tarot card meaning description is based on the Rider Waite cards.

    Tridevia Tarot Deck is designed with 156 beautifully crafted positive affirmations in our guidebook ,uniquely aligned to both upright and reversed meanings of each card, to not only guide your readings but also help you manifest your dreams and awaken the divine Goddess within you.

    Upright Hanged Man Meaning

    This is the Universe's sign to step back, take a break and put your everyday life on hold for a bit. Take some time to see things through a new perspective. You will need to be patient and surrender to the process, rather than trying to control and achieve everything at once. Look for the signs that encourage you to slow down, even if it is inconvenient right now - it will serve a greater good in the future.


    I am open to changing my perspectives and surrendering to the Universe's timing.

    Reversed Hanged Man Meaning

    You are occupied with your daily routine so much that you might not see the signs asking you to pause and slow down. Trust the signs telling you to clear your busy schedule and listen to the voice within. Be mindful of what your body and soul are telling you. After reflection you will have a fresh perspective which will help you be more decisive and move forward with renewed energy!


    I am mindful of the signs telling me to slow down so I can tune in and listen.

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