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    15 Essential Oils to Help Treat Sinus Congestion

    15 Essential Oils to Help Treat Sinus Congestion

    Interested in using essential oils to help treat sinus congestion? If so, this is the list for you to find the perfect oil.

    Cold and flu season rolls around with the cool temperatures of the winter months. Beginning in October and truly peaking in January and February, facing us with a stretch of months to cautiously navigate to avoid getting sick.

    Essential oils continue to prove as an alternative health modality that is effective at treating many symptoms and ailments. So you bet that their capabilities don’t stop at illness. You can count on our ultimate list of essential oils to find the right combination that will help your sinus congestion. Don’t forget to keep scrolling for our congestion essential oil recipe blends to get you started.

    Best Essential Oils For Congestion

    Choosing which essential oil to use can be a task. Not only do you need something that works, but you also need to be able to tolerate the smell and wearing it!

    That's why we have compiled all of the best essential oils for sinus congestion. A round-up of every oil that could help you and how. Find your next favorite oil below.



    Eucalyptus essential oil has a number of benefits for congestion and coughs from sinus infections. For starters, eucalyptus oil has scientifically proven to clear the surrounding air of many bacteria and other irritating microbes. Creating a clean breathing environment.

    With congestion treatment, eucalyptus oil helps break down mucus and gets it moving out of the system, with the added bonus of this oil also being a cough suppressant. A perfect pick when in the worst of it with a sinus cold.



    If you were to go to the pharmacy with sinus congestion you would probably reach for a vapor rub or lozenges. These products almost always contain menthol, an ingredient that provides a strong cooling sensation on irritated throats and sinuses.

    However, you can get the same results from peppermint essential oil. Create a blend of peppermint essential oil with other effective oils for fast acting relief, while you wait for the rest to take effect.



    Oregano essential oil makes the list as a congestion treatment because of its roots in ancient medicine’s healing modalities. Mainly, Chinese medicine. This is because of oregano’s timeless results as an antibacterial and antifungal.

    For this reason, you can’t go wrong with having oregano essential oil on hand. Incorporate this essential oil in your daily health to combat sinus infections and other causes of mucus build up.


    Commonly used for its relaxation of the body, sage essential oil can help calm other muscles and tissues too. Such as the inflamed lining of the sinuses that are causing your congestion.

    Sage essential oil is also another reliable oil for eliminating bacteria. With that said, apply the “less is more” rule here, as you don’t want to be stripping away your good bacteria as well! 

    Tea Tree

    Sinus congestion is almost always the result of sinus inflammation. For that reason, tea tree oil might be your savior. Most importantly because of its anti-inflammatory properties, tea tree oil is also an effective antibacterial and antiseptic.



    Rosemary is an impressive essential oil when it comes to its ability and uses. One of its biggest appeals is being an anti-inflammatory, as well as its ability to specifically target sinus issues.

    Some studies have even shown rosemary’s ability to boost the effectiveness of antibiotics. So if you must take a prescribed medicine for your sinus congestion, you can pair it with rosemary essential oil to aid cells in the fight to get better.



    The all-around calming essential oil, lavender, can be a life-saver when faced with sinus congestion. In a pinch this oil can treat and soothe almost any irritation. We recommend lavender essential oil to deal with congestion for two reasons.

    First off, lavender is a potent anti-inflammatory, which will reduce pain and swelling in tender sinuses, and ultimately reduce congestion. Second, lavender is popularly conducive to sleep, and for good reason. Use lavender as a night-time treatment when experiencing sinus congestion for a comfortable sleep.



    When we think of chamomile, we usually associate it as an essential oil for sleep. While yes, we can use it similarly as lavender essential oil for an uninterrupted night during sinus colds. However, this essential oil packs a lot of power in other ways too.

    Not only is chamomile an anti-inflammatory and will lull angry sinuses, it has shown to target all cold-like symptoms. 



    Ginger essential oil is well known and researched as an aid with respiratory problems. From breathing clearer to clearing congestion, ginger can help.

    Ginger induces bronchodilation, reducing cough spasms, as well as acting to break up mucus and remove it from the respiratory tract in a more controlled manner. Sounds much nicer than uncontrollably coughing, which would only make the situation worse.



    We’re going to talk about basil essential oil for two reasons. One being that basil’s most popular use is for headaches. If you’ve ever had sinus congestion, you know the pain that comes with it. Sinus congestion causes discomfort across the forehead and behind the eyes from inflammation, producing radiating and hot headaches.

    There is also belief in basil essential oil protecting against infection and enhancing immune function, which as a result can calm respiratory upset.



    You know when you leave the city, and finally step foot into nature for a getaway? The deeply needed breaths of fresh air, unpolluted oxygen, and enriched by our trees. Well, when you’re sick with a cold, that isn’t so accessible.

    Luckily, you can receive a similar effect and (most of) the benefits right from your home! With cedarwood essential oil, you can bring the scent of nature into your home. And to top it off, cedarwood as an essential oil has shown to soothe mucus build up, clearing the way for easy breathing.



    We talk often on this blog about the effects of frankincense on the respiratory system. Like many essential oils, it is an anti-inflammatory. Frankincense essential oil can help with coughs, breathing difficulty, and clear up phlegm congestion by breaking (meaning less work blowing your nose!).

    Frankincense oil would be best as a spot treatment for colds and sinus problems. Meaning you can really put the focus on it as your main oil in times of need like these.


    Bergamot essential oil, along with other citrus essences like lemon, are effective bacteria cleansers. When used in a diffuser, bergamot can treat the surrounding air for harmful bacteria, as well as existing bacteria within your respiratory system for treating and preventing further issues.

    When it comes to congestion, bergamot works just as hard to clear up existing mucus.



    A fantastic essential oil to have on hand through cold and flu season is thyme. This is because thyme has a compound called thymol which is used as a medical disinfectant, as well as part of medicinal treatments for viruses.

    On top of fighting viral infections, thyme essential oil can be used to help reduce inflammation in the respiratory system and sinuses, as well as provide relief from build up causing congestion.

    How To Use Essential Oils For Congestion

    When using essential oils for congestion relief, you want to make sure you have the proper methods to effectively target the problem. This means utilizing your essential oils in a way that will directly reach your nose, throat, and ultimately the sinuses.

    Naturally, that implies you are going to want to be inhaling your essential oils. The following are the best ways to get the full effects of your essential oils and blends.

    Aroma Lamp

    Essential oil diffuser

    When talking about aroma lamps there are a lot of options to consider. Typically you will be looking at the new electric diffusers and the classic aroma lamps.

    The most popular is the electric diffuser, which heats the essential oils with water to break it down and release into the air as vapor. Inhaling this vapor is how you receive the benefits of the essential oils.

    Another option that is similar but cheaper is an aroma lamp fuelled by a tea light. This is usually a ceramic piece made up of a bowl that will hold the oil, and a compartment underneath for a tea light. Essentially, the tea light will heat the oil in the same manner as an electric diffuser, releasing particles of the essential oil into the air to be inhaled.

    When using a diffuser or aroma lamp, add up to 6 drops of essential oil into 100ml water. This may mean more or less depending on the size of your diffuser. Some are small, personal sizes for a desk, while others are large enough for an entire room.


    Essential oil roller

    A roll-on essential oil blend is a great option for on the go or being in a shared space where a diffuser may not be a favorable option. This will be a small glass tube with a ball on the end where the essential oil comes out when pressure is applied.

    The typical roller bottle holds up to 10ml of product, a few drops of essential oil with skin safe carrier oil for dilution. These can be pre-purchased ready to use or you can purchase an empty refillable bottle for creating your own blends. When doing a DIY roller bottle blend, use up to 10 drops of oil per 10ml for short term treatment, less if you will be using it on a regular basis (longer than a week).

    For treating congestion, ideal places for rolling your essential oil would be on the chest, along the neck, or behind the ears.


    Steam bowl

    A hot steamy room is already great for loosening up congestion. By incorporating essential oils, you can increase its effectiveness for complete clear breathing! Here are two methods for steam treating your congestion.

    Use a heat safe bowl to fill with boiled water and a few drops of your chosen essential oil, around 5-6. Gently stir the water to gently disperse the essential oil. Set a timer for about 10 to 15 minutes while you sit with your head above the bowl and a towel draped to trap in the steam.

    If the bowl method is too uncomfortable or you are short on time, you can create a steam room with your shower. If accessible, remove the front cover of your shower head and place a few drops of essential oil in the cap. This way when you turn on the hot water the essence of the essential oils will linger in the steam.

    Remember, the key to a steam treatment is breathing through your nose!

    Safety Tips for Using Essential Oils

    While essential oils can provide some magnificent healing and relief, it is important to be mindful of the potential risks as well. Here’s some things to consider when using essential oils.

    It’s true that too much of one thing can cause more harm than good, and it is no different with essential oils. The potency of pure essential oil by itself can be very strong and cause irritation, rashes, and burns. Make sure to follow blend and mixing guidelines for the different methods discussed to avoid potentially worsening a situation or causing harm to your body. 

    It is also up for discussion if consumption of essential oils is safe. Some brands encourage essential oils in water or smoothies if “properly diluted”. While there have been cases of consumption causing internal irritation.

    Ultimately, essential oils do the trick when used in safe inhalation methods or mixed with carrier oil on the skin and there should be no reason for internal use. Be diligent to ensure you are using high quality essential oils.

    Natural Remedies for Congestion with Essential Oils

    Essential oils work great on their own. But just like many things, they are great in pairs! Making an essential oil blend will help you target multiple symptoms in one go, or you can really focus in on the one ailment bothering you by doubling (or even tripling up) on different oils that help.

    Here are a few essential oil blend recipes for congestion relief. They can be used as instructed, or mix it up by changing the ratios. However, please follow mixing directions to guarantee safe use.

    Bedtime Sinus Congestion Relief

    Bedtime essential oil congestion relief

    This diffuser blend for congestion relief is perfect to use at bed time and throughout the night for long lasting relief. Have an uninterrupted and restful night with frankincense and eucalyptus working to soothe irritated throats and open up airways, while a hint of lavender encourages you to stay in a deep sleep. 

    What you will need:

    • Diffuser
    • 2 drops of frankincense 
    • 2 drops of eucalyptus 
    • 1 drop of lavender

    Cough Relief Recipe

    Essential oil cough relief

    Replace pharmacy menthol rubs with this essential oil roll-on blend. Made of oils that act similarly as menthol, this essential oil rub will reduce any inflammation, loosen congestion, and help keep away infection.

    What you will need:

    • 10 ml empty roller bottle
    • 4 drops eucalyptus 
    • 3 drops of thyme
    • 3 drops of tea tree
    • Carrier oil (Such as this apricot oil that’s great for skin)


    Now that you are aware of all the best essential oils for congestion and how to use them, you can be prepared to safely treat your next cold, flu or bacterial infection.

    You can always come back to reference this list, or check out our stock at Calmoura of essential oils that treat congestion. It’s good to be prepared, because you never know when you’re going to wake up with a stuffy nose.

    Best Essential Oils For Congestion

    Choosing which essential oil to use can be a task. Not only do you need something that works, but you also need to be able to tolerate the smell and wearing it!

    That's why we have compiled the best essential oils for congestion. A round-up of every oil that could help you and how. Find your next favorite oil below.



    Eucalyptus essential oil has a number of benefits for congestion and coughs from sinus infections. For starters, eucalyptus oil has scientifically proven to clear the surrounding air of many bacteria and other irritating microbes. Creating a clean breathing environment.

    With congestion treatment, eucalyptus oil helps break down mucus and gets it moving out of the system, with the added bonus of this oil also being a cough suppressant. A perfect pick when in the worst of it with a sinus cold.



    If you were to go to the pharmacy with sinus congestion you would probably reach for a vapor rub or lozenges. These products almost always contain menthol, an ingredient that provides a strong cooling sensation on irritated throats and sinuses.

    However, you can get the same results from peppermint essential oil. Create a blend of peppermint essential oil with other effective oils for fast acting relief, while you wait for the rest to take effect.



    Oregano essential oil makes the list as a congestion treatment because of its roots in ancient medicine’s healing modalities. Mainly, Chinese medicine. This is because of oregano’s timeless results as an antibacterial and antifungal.

    For this reason, you can’t go wrong with having oregano essential oil on hand. Incorporate this essential oil in your daily health to combat sinus infections and other causes of mucus build up.


    Commonly used for its relaxation of the body, sage essential oil can help calm other muscles and tissues too. Such as the inflamed lining of the sinuses that are causing your congestion.

    Sage essential oil is also another reliable oil for eliminating bacteria. With that said, apply the “less is more” rule here, as you don’t want to be stripping away your good bacteria as well! 

    Tea Tree

    Sinus congestion is almost always the result of sinus inflammation. For that reason, tea tree oil might be your savior. Most importantly because of its anti-inflammatory properties, tea tree oil is also an effective antibacterial and antiseptic.



    Rosemary is an impressive essential oil when it comes to its ability and uses. One of its biggest appeals is being an anti-inflammatory, as well as its ability to specifically target sinus issues.

    Some studies have even shown rosemary’s ability to boost the effectiveness of antibiotics. So if you must take a prescribed medicine for your sinus congestion, you can pair it with rosemary essential oil to aid cells in the fight to get better.



    The all-around calming essential oil, lavender, can be a life-saver when faced with sinus congestion. In a pinch this oil can treat and soothe almost any irritation. We recommend lavender essential oil to deal with congestion for two reasons.

    First off, lavender is a potent anti-inflammatory, which will reduce pain and swelling in tender sinuses, and ultimately reduce congestion. Second, lavender is popularly conducive to sleep, and for good reason. Use lavender as a night-time treatment when experiencing sinus congestion for a comfortable sleep.



    When we think of chamomile, we usually associate it as an essential oil for sleep. While yes, we can use it similarly as lavender essential oil for an uninterrupted night during sinus colds. However, this essential oil packs a lot of power in other ways too.

    Not only is chamomile an anti-inflammatory and will lull angry sinuses, it has shown to target all cold-like symptoms. 



    Ginger essential oil is well known and researched as an aid with respiratory problems. From breathing clearer to clearing congestion, ginger can help.

    Ginger induces bronchodilation, reducing cough spasms, as well as acting to break up mucus and remove it from the respiratory tract in a more controlled manner. Sounds much nicer than uncontrollably coughing, which would only make the situation worse.



    We’re going to talk about basil essential oil for two reasons. One being that basil’s most popular use is for headaches. If you’ve ever had sinus congestion, you know the pain that comes with it. Sinus congestion causes discomfort across the forehead and behind the eyes from inflammation, producing radiating and hot headaches.

    There is also belief in basil essential oil protecting against infection and enhancing immune function, which as a result can calm respiratory upset.



    You know when you leave the city, and finally step foot into nature for a getaway? The deeply needed breaths of fresh air, unpolluted oxygen, and enriched by our trees. Well, when you’re sick with a cold, that isn’t so accessible.

    Luckily, you can receive a similar effect and (most of) the benefits right from your home! With cedarwood essential oil, you can bring the scent of nature into your home. And to top it off, cedarwood as an essential oil has shown to soothe mucus build up, clearing the way for easy breathing.



    We talk often on this blog about the effects of frankincense on the respiratory system. Like many essential oils, it is an anti-inflammatory. Frankincense essential oil can help with coughs, breathing difficulty, and clear up phlegm congestion by breaking (meaning less work blowing your nose!).

    Frankincense oil would be best as a spot treatment for colds and sinus problems. Meaning you can really put the focus on it as your main oil in times of need like these.


    Bergamot essential oil, along with other citrus essences like lemon, are effective bacteria cleansers. When used in a diffuser, bergamot can treat the surrounding air for harmful bacteria, as well as existing bacteria within your respiratory system for treating and preventing further issues.

    When it comes to congestion, bergamot works just as hard to clear up existing mucus.



    A fantastic essential oil to have on hand through cold and flu season is thyme. This is because thyme has a compound called thymol which is used as a medical disinfectant, as well as part of medicinal treatments for viruses.

    On top of fighting viral infections, thyme essential oil can be used to help reduce inflammation in the respiratory system and sinuses, as well as provide relief from build up causing congestion.

    How To Use Essential Oils For Congestion

    When using essential oils for congestion relief, you want to make sure you have the proper methods to effectively target the problem. This means utilizing your essential oils in a way that will directly reach your nose, throat, and ultimately the sinuses.

    Naturally, that implies you are going to want to be inhaling your essential oils. The following are the best ways to get the full effects of your essential oils and blends.

    Aroma Lamp

    Essential oil diffuser

    When talking about aroma lamps there are a lot of options to consider. Typically you will be looking at the new electric diffusers and the classic aroma lamps.

    The most popular is the electric diffuser, which heats the essential oils with water to break it down and release into the air as vapor. Inhaling this vapor is how you receive the benefits of the essential oils.

    Another option that is similar but cheaper is an aroma lamp fuelled by a tea light. This is usually a ceramic piece made up of a bowl that will hold the oil, and a compartment underneath for a tea light. Essentially, the tea light will heat the oil in the same manner as an electric diffuser, releasing particles of the essential oil into the air to be inhaled.

    When using a diffuser or aroma lamp, add up to 6 drops of essential oil into 100ml water. This may mean more or less depending on the size of your diffuser. Some are small, personal sizes for a desk, while others are large enough for an entire room.


    Essential oil roller

    A roll-on essential oil blend is a great option for on the go or being in a shared space where a diffuser may not be a favorable option. This will be a small glass tube with a ball on the end where the essential oil comes out when pressure is applied.

    The typical roller bottle holds up to 10ml of product, a few drops of essential oil with skin safe carrier oil for dilution. These can be pre-purchased ready to use or you can purchase an empty refillable bottle for creating your own blends. When doing a DIY roller bottle blend, use up to 10 drops of oil per 10ml for short term treatment, less if you will be using it on a regular basis (longer than a week).

    For treating congestion, ideal places for rolling your essential oil would be on the chest, along the neck, or behind the ears.


    Steam bowl

    A hot steamy room is already great for loosening up congestion. By incorporating essential oils, you can increase its effectiveness for complete clear breathing! Here are two methods for steam treating your congestion.

    Use a heat safe bowl to fill with boiled water and a few drops of your chosen essential oil, around 5-6. Gently stir the water to gently disperse the essential oil. Set a timer for about 10 to 15 minutes while you sit with your head above the bowl and a towel draped to trap in the steam.

    If the bowl method is too uncomfortable or you are short on time, you can create a steam room with your shower. If accessible, remove the front cover of your shower head and place a few drops of essential oil in the cap. This way when you turn on the hot water the essence of the essential oils will linger in the steam.

    Remember, the key to a steam treatment is breathing through your nose!

    Safety Tips for Using Essential Oils

    While essential oils can provide some magnificent healing and relief, it is important to be mindful of the potential risks as well. Here’s some things to consider when using essential oils.

    It’s true that too much of one thing can cause more harm than good, and it is no different with essential oils. The potency of pure essential oil by itself can be very strong and cause irritation, rashes, and burns. Make sure to follow blend and mixing guidelines for the different methods discussed to avoid potentially worsening a situation or causing harm to your body. 

    It is also up for discussion if consumption of essential oils is safe. Some brands encourage essential oils in water or smoothies if “properly diluted”. While there have been cases of consumption causing internal irritation.

    Ultimately, essential oils do the trick when used in safe inhalation methods or mixed with carrier oil on the skin and there should be no reason for internal use. Be diligent to ensure you are using high quality essential oils.

    Natural Remedies for Congestion with Essential Oils

    Essential oils work great on their own. But just like many things, they are great in pairs! Making an essential oil blend will help you target multiple symptoms in one go, or you can really focus in on the one ailment bothering you by doubling (or even tripling up) on different oils that help.

    Here are a few essential oil blend recipes for congestion relief. They can be used as instructed, or mix it up by changing the ratios. However, please follow mixing directions to guarantee safe use.

    Bedtime Sinus Congestion Relief

    Bedtime essential oil congestion relief

    This diffuser blend for congestion relief is perfect to use at bed time and throughout the night for long lasting relief. Have an uninterrupted and restful night with frankincense and eucalyptus working to soothe irritated throats and open up airways, while a hint of lavender encourages you to stay in a deep sleep. 

    What you will need:

    • Diffuser
    • 2 drops of frankincense 
    • 2 drops of eucalyptus 
    • 1 drop of lavender

    Cough Relief Recipe

    Essential oil cough relief

    Replace pharmacy menthol rubs with this essential oil roll-on blend. Made of oils that act similarly as menthol, this essential oil rub will reduce any inflammation, loosen congestion, and help keep away infection.

    What you will need:

    • 10 ml empty roller bottle
    • 4 drops eucalyptus 
    • 3 drops of thyme
    • 3 drops of tea tree
    • Carrier oil (Such as this apricot oil that’s great for skin)


    Now that you are aware of all the best essential oils for congestion and how to use them, you can be prepared to safely treat your next cold, flu or bacterial infection.

    You can always come back to reference this list, or check out our stock at Calmoura of essential oils that treat congestion. It’s good to be prepared, because you never know when you’re going to wake up with a stuffy nose.