Heyy! you scored whopping 85% on your Intuitive Reading Score, which means you’re…
"Wisdom is knowing the right path to take. Integrity is taking it."
(scroll down for your result)
Based on your answers it seems you've been on this Tarot journey for quite long time, 5-10 years, maybe even more.
You’ve stopped using guidebooks long ago, you know the meaning for each card like the back of your hand.
Your shelves are lined with unique decks of various styles and themes, one for every situation, each holding a special place in your heart.
Your intuitive abilities have reached a level where you can effortlessly connect the dots and weave the threads of symbolism and interpretation of your readings to different situations in life.
This makes you super capable to understand the universal whispers through Tarot.

...but here’s the thing

After years and years of practice and becoming an expert at reading Tarot, you might start losing interest.
The thrill of discovery through Tarot is fading since you already have all the answers, and you’ve reached an invisible ceiling.
Reading cards might’ve become like a hobby or casual fun activity, rather than a powerful catalyst for self-growth and self-discovery.
And now you might feel a pull towards different spiritual practices and disciplines to get a deeper connection with yourself and the universe.
Or you might be searching for methods that you can intersect Tarot with to widen your readings and get deeper insights from the cards.

I’ve often had this feeling too, here’s what you can do
(I've also included some recommendations in the last section to help you find the solutions 💗)

See, Tarot is a highly versatile tool, so you can use it to:
Dive deeper and study more about the practices you feel an inclination towards and try blending Tarot with it.
Explore chakra healings, crystal work, vedic astrology, sacred geometry or even occult practices (iykwim) using Tarot cards.
There are unique decks specifically made to enhance your readings using one of those methods.
It will open a whole new Tarot realm for you which you might’ve never discover in so many years of practice.

These are some tailored recommendations I’ve made for an expert like you!

If you’re interested in using Tarot in different directions and reprogramming your mind with it to discover new possibilities then check out my mini-course:
How to Reprogram Your Mind if You Grew Up with Toxic Parents

Check the Tridevia Tarot Deck. It might become the silver lining of your rare deck collection.
(I’ve designed this deck myself btw💗)
“Collector's Dream Deck! I've been collecting tarot decks for years, and the Tridevia Deck is a standout. The cards shuffle smoothly and the Luxury Collector's Box is perfect for keeping them safe.” ~Olivia M
“...my first thought when I opened the deck was to buy another deck to frame it because they are pieces of artwork. I would love to have them framed in my house.. It was pure excitement. They are new and shiny and I felt like a child at Christmas. I thought they would be really slippery because of the foil but they’re not.” ~Laura Scanlan

You can visit my website to find in-depth meanings of all the cards, must-read blogs, courses and other FREE guides & resources that you’ll thank me for.
(It’s a golden-mine for Tarot lovers!)

You can also join my facebook group and follow me on socials

P.S. I’m Yulia 💗, the founder of Calmoura, creator of the Tridevia Deck and your guide to Tarot, self-reflection and spirituality. Wanna know my story? Click here

Is there something you’d like to tell me? Email me here.