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    Ultimate Guide to Egyptian Astrology Signs, Birth Chart and Horoscope

    Ultimate Guide to Egyptian Astrology Signs

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    The types of astrology you may be the most familiar with are Chinese, Western, or Vedic. However, there is another type of astrology that you will want to learn and know so you can learn something else new about your astrological profile. That is why this is the perfect time to explore Egyptian astrology.

    Egyptian astrology, also known as Egyptian zodiac or Kemetic horoscope, is one of the oldest forms of astrology in the world. It dates back to ancient Egypt, where it was highly revered and used as a tool for understanding the mysteries of the universe and predicting the future. 

    Unlike Western astrology, which is based on the position of the stars and planets at the time of birth, Egyptian astrology is based on the cycles of the Nile River and the natural elements of the Egyptian landscape. Let's delve further into the ancient form of this practice, following the Egyptian astrology birth chart and what that looks like. 

    Table of Contents

    Ancient Egyptian Astrology

    Ancient Egyptian Astrology

    Ancient Egyptians found astrology quite crucial because it helped them predict famine, floods, and other calamities in preparation. Temple priests were the ones who noted the celestial movements, and they paid attention to the planetary positions to see how other planets would have an impact on the environment. Egyptian temples feature an arched ceiling that mimics heaven, and each ritual the priests held was relevant to the movement and activities of the planets.

    During the Ptolemaic dynasty, the Egyptian zodiac emerged due to borrowing the Greek Zodiac and replacing the Greek gods with Egyptian deities. This adaptation created a distinct set of Egyptian zodiac signs without relying on preexisting options. Let’s delve into more detail about the ancient calendar. 

    Ancient Egyptian Calendar

    Ancient Egyptian Calendar

    The ancient Egyptian calendar closely resembled the modern Gregorian calendar in that it was a solar calendar.

    However, there were some notable differences. The Egyptian calendar consisted of 365 days, divided into three seasons of 120 days each, and each season had four months, each consisting of 30 days. As you may have noticed, this totals only 360 days, leaving a gap of five days.

    To account for this shortfall, the ancient Egyptians added a separate 5-day month that was considered outside the regular year. While the twelve months were typically numbered within each season, they could also be named after significant festivals.

    The ancient Egyptian calendar divided each month into three sections called decans, each consisting of 10 days. Interestingly, the last two days of each decan were considered days off for the royal craftsmen—this division of the months into decans connected significantly to Egyptian astrology.

    There were 36 decans in the year, corresponding to the 36 asterisms that would rise in the sky every 24 hours. This alignment with the celestial movements was crucial in understanding and interpreting Egyptian astrology.

    In ancient Egypt, early civilizations tried to develop a system for measuring time, similar to what we now refer to as clock times. They divided the day into what were known as temporal hours, with the length of each hour varying throughout the year based on the changing seasons.

    Ancient Egyptian Calendar2

    For instance, a summer hour would be longer than a winter hour due to the variations in daylight. Interestingly, the Egyptians were the first people to establish a 24-hour day.

    To measure time, they utilized various tools, such as shadow clocks and water clocks, which allowed them to track the passage of time with reasonable accuracy. Now, let’s delve into the Egyptian astrology chart. 

    Egyptian Astrology Birth Chart

    Egyptian Astrology Birth Chart

    The Egyptian astrology birth chart, also known as the Egyptian natal chart, represents the positions of the Egyptian zodiac signs at the time of your birth. Unlike the Western astrology birth chart, which is based on the positions of the stars and planets, the Egyptian birth chart focuses solely on the Egyptian zodiac signs and their corresponding ruling deities.

    The Egyptian astrology birth chart consists of a circular diagram divided into twelve equal sections, each representing one of the Egyptian zodiac signs. Each section is associated with a specific period, ruling deity, and personality traits. The chart is typically drawn with the person's birth date and time at the center, with the zodiac signs arranged clockwise around it.

    The exact birth date and time are crucial to create an Egyptian astrology birth chart. This information determines the specific zodiac sign rising on the eastern horizon at birth. This sign is known as the "rising sign" or the "ascendant." It is considered a significant factor in a person's personality and life path, similar to how it is in Western astrology.

    Once the rising sign is determined, the other zodiac signs are placed in their corresponding sections of the chart. Each sign is associated with specific qualities, elements, ruling deities, and personality traits indicated in the birth chart.

    The Egyptian astrology birth chart provides insights into your character, strengths, weaknesses, and life path based on the positions of the zodiac signs at the time of your birth. It can be used for self-discovery, understanding relationships, and personal growth.

    Egyptian Astrology Calculator

    Egyptian Astrology Calculator

    If you are overwhelmed by calculating your Egyptian astrology chart, you don't have to because tools can do that. Plenty of online tools can calculate your horoscope for Western and Vedic astrology. There are the same types of tools that can help you calculate your Egyptian astrology horoscope.

    All you need to do to find the information you want is to do a Google or Bing search on the "Egyptian astrology calculator." You will find plenty of tools to help you calculate your Egyptian astrology horoscope. Let's get into the nitty-gritty of the Egyptian astrology signs so you know what your horoscope will mean. 

    Egyptian Astrology Signs

    Egyptian Astrology Signs

    There are 12 signs in Egyptian astrology, the same as in Western astrology, with planetary rulers. However, they are also very different from Western astrology as they do not govern each month the same way they would appear in Western astrology. They rule several periods throughout the year.

    For example, a sign in Western astrology would begin towards the end of a month until 30 days later, such as Aries, starting around March 20th and then switching to Taurus on April 20th (which can vary a few days each year). Egyptian astrology signs will not typically rule one period in that way. 

    They can rule two or three periods each year, and the duration varies because of the calendar. Let's delve into each of the 12 Egyptian astrology signs so you can learn about your sign and what it means for you. 

    Egyptian Astrology Nile or Satis

    Egyptian Astrology Nile or Satis

    Dates: January 1-7, June 19-28, September 1-7

    In Egyptian astrology, Satis or Nile is one of the lesser-known signs, and the Moon and Uranus rule them. Satis is associated with the goddess Satis, who was primarily worshipped in the region of Elephantine, located near the southern border of ancient Egypt. She was often depicted as a woman wearing the crown of Upper Egypt, holding an ankh (symbol of life) in one hand and a bow in the other.

    Egyptian Astrology Nile or Satis

    People born under the sign of Satis are believed to possess qualities associated with the goddess herself. They are known for their strong willpower, determination, and protective nature. Like the goddess Satis, individuals influenced by this sign are often seen as guardians and defenders of their loved ones and are willing to go to great lengths to ensure their safety and well-being.

    Those born under the sign of Satis are also known for their loyalty and devotion. They are committed to their relationships and willing to sacrifice for those they care about. They are nurturing and supportive, often as pillars of strength for their friends and family.

    Those influenced by Satis are also believed to have a deep connection to nature and the elements. They appreciate the natural world and often find solace and inspiration in outdoor environments. They may have a strong affinity for water, considering Satis' association with the Nile River, and may find peace and tranquility near bodies of water. Satis is most compatible with Amun-Ra and Set.

    Egyptian Astrology Amun-Ra

    Egyptian Astrology Amun-Ra

    Dates: January 8-21, February 1-11

    People born under the sign of Amun Ra are believed to have specific characteristics and qualities influenced by this zodiac sign, and the Sun and Saturn rule this sign. Like the mighty deity Amun Ra, people born under this sign possess natural leadership abilities.

    They have a commanding presence and are often looked up to for guidance and inspiration. They can take charge and make decisions confidently. Moreover, Amun Ra is associated with power and strength; those influenced by this sign typically exhibit these qualities. They have a strong will and are not easily discouraged by challenges or obstacles. They possess the bravery to confront difficult situations head-on.

    They also possess an innate charm and charisma that tends to attract others towards them. They are gifted with magnetic personalities and can captivate and inspire those around them. Their presence can light up a room and create a lasting impression on others.

    Amun-Ra natives are often highly motivated and driven towards achieving their goals. They possess a strong desire for success and are willing to make the necessary effort to realize their ambitions. With a fearlessness about dreaming big and striving for greatness, they are often successful in their endeavors.

    Amun Ra is commonly linked with abundance and prosperity. Therefore, people born under this sign are recognized for their generosity. They possess a giving nature and are ready to share their resources, time, and talents with others. They take pleasure in helping and supporting those who are in need.

    Egyptian Astrology Amun-Ra

    Those influenced by the Amun Ra sign often possess a creative and artistic flair. They have a natural talent for expression and may excel in art, music, writing, or design. They find inspiration and use their creative abilities to bring their ideas to life.

    They have a generally optimistic and positive outlook on life. They radiate positivity and have a knack for finding the silver lining. They believe in the power of positivity and strive to spread joy and optimism to those around them. Those with this sign are most compatible with Horus or Nile/Satis.

    Egyptian Astrology Mut

    Egyptian Astrology Mut

    Dates: January 22-31, September 8 - 22

    In Egyptian astrology, Mut is one of the lesser-known signs ruled by the Sun. Mut is associated with the goddess Mut, who was primarily worshipped in Thebes, the capital of ancient Egypt during the New Kingdom period. She is often depicted as a woman wearing a vulture headdress or a lioness head, symbolizing her protective and nurturing nature.

    Those born under the sign of Mut are believed to possess qualities associated with the goddess herself. They are seen as strong, independent, and fiercely protective of their loved ones. Like Mut, they are nurturing and caring, often taking on the role of guardian or protector. 

    They are highly dedicated to their family and friends and are always willing to offer support and guidance. Those influenced by the Mut sign are known for their loyalty and unwavering commitment. They are devoted to their relationships and are willing to go to great lengths to ensure the happiness and well-being of their loved ones. They are reliable and trustworthy, and those around them highly value their loyalty.

    Individuals born under the sign of Mut also possess a strong sense of intuition and wisdom. They have a deep understanding of the emotions and needs of others, making them excellent listeners and advisors. They have a calming presence and are often sought after for their wise counsel.

    Like the goddess Mut, those influenced by this sign are also connected to nature and the divine feminine. They appreciate the beauty and power of the natural world and may find solace and inspiration in natural environments. They have a deep respect for the cycles of life and the importance of nurturing and caring for the Earth.

    While Mut may not be as widely recognized as some Egyptian astrology signs, individuals born under this sign are believed to possess unique qualities and strengths. They are seen as protectors, nurturers, and wise advisors. Their loyalty, intuition, and connection to nature make them valuable and cherished individuals in their communities. Mut is most compatible with Amun-Ra and Thoth. 

    Egyptian Astrology Geb

    Egyptian Astrology Geb

    Dates: February 12-29, August 20-31

    Geb is an Egyptian deity representing the Earth. People born under this sign have a strong connection with the physical world. They are known for being practical and realistic, often finding peace and comfort in nature. They deeply value the environment around them and may possess a particular affinity for plants, animals, and the Earth's natural elements.

    Individuals influenced by the Geb sign tend to value stability and security, such as solid and stable ground. They prefer routines and consistency and seek a sense of grounding. They are known for being reliable and dependable and often provide a steady presence for their loved ones.

    People born under the sign of Geb are known for their practical and pragmatic approach to life. They possess a strong sense of logic and are highly skilled at finding practical solutions to problems. They have a natural talent for analyzing situations and making informed decisions based on practical considerations.

    Egyptian Astrology Geb practical

    Geb is associated with fertility and nurturing; those influenced by this sign often possess caring and nurturing qualities. They have a natural ability to provide support and comfort to others, and they excel in roles that involve care and compassion. They are often seen as reliable and comforting figures in their relationships.

    People born under the Geb sign are thought to have great wisdom and insight. They possess a deep understanding of all things interconnectedness and life's cycles. They are often drawn towards philosophical or spiritual pursuits and have a natural curiosity about the mysteries of existence. 

    Those influenced by the Geb sign often have a strong creative side. They may find joy and fulfillment in artistic pursuits such as painting, writing, or music. They have a unique perspective and can express themselves creatively, often using their creative outlets to self-express and explore.

    People born under the Geb sign are known for their sensitivity and empathy. They possess a great understanding of the emotions and needs of others. Their compassionate nature makes them excellent listeners and supportive friends. They are adept at recognizing the feelings of those around them and providing comfort and understanding. Geb is most compatible with Horus and Set. 

    Egyptian Astrology Osiris

    Egyptian Astrology Osiris

    Dates: March 1-10, November 27-December 18

    People born under the sign of Osiris are known to have wisdom, resilience, and a strong sense of justice, and the Sun and Pluto rule this sign. Osiris is an ancient Egyptian deity regarded as the god of the afterlife and the judge of souls. According to ancient belief, people born under the sign of Osiris are believed to possess exceptional wisdom and understanding of life's mysteries that go beyond their years. They are often drawn to spiritual or philosophical pursuits and are viewed as wise counselors and guides to others.

    Osiris is often associated with the concepts of resurrection and rebirth. Those influenced by this sign are believed to possess remarkable resilience and the ability to overcome challenges and setbacks. People born under this sign tend to have a natural inclination towards personal growth and transformation and may experience significant changes in their lives, which contribute to their spiritual evolution.

    As the judge of souls, Osiris represents justice and fairness. Those born under this sign have a strong sense of right and wrong. They deeply respect fairness and equality and may feel compelled to fight for justice in various aspects of life. They value integrity and hold themselves and others to high ethical standards.

    Osiris is known for his compassionate and nurturing nature. Therefore, those who possess strong empathy and compassion for others are born under this sign. They can naturally understand and connect with the emotions and experiences of those around them. They are often seen as caring and supportive friends.

    Egyptian Astrology Osiris Friendship

    Osiris is associated with the spiritual realm and the journey of the soul. Those influenced by this sign have a deep spiritual connection and may be drawn to mystical or esoteric practices. They strongly desire to explore the deeper meaning of life and may find solace in spiritual pursuits such as meditation, prayer, or energy healing.

    Osiris is a deity deeply rooted in ancient Egyptian traditions and rituals. Therefore, those influenced by this sign often strongly appreciate tradition and may find comfort and meaning in rituals and ceremonies. They may be drawn to cultural or historical practices and enjoy participating in events honoring their heritage.

    Osiris is known for his benevolence and generosity. Those born under this sign often possess a generous and kind nature. They have a genuine desire to help others and may actively seek opportunities to make a positive impact in their communities. They find fulfillment in acts of kindness and maybe philanthropically inclined. Osiris is most compatible with Thoth and Isis. 

    Egyptian Astrology Isis

    Egyptian Astrology Isis

    Dates: March 11-31, October 18-29, December 19-31

    Those born under the sign of Isis have many feminine characteristics, and the Earth, Moon, and Uranus rule the sign. Isis is known as the goddess of motherhood and fertility. Those born under the sign of Isis often exhibit nurturing and protective qualities. They have a strong sense of caretaking and are deeply compassionate towards others. They can naturally provide comfort and support to those in need.

    Isis is associated with wisdom and intuition. Those influenced by this sign often possess a deep inner knowing and a solid connection to their intuition. They possess an innate ability to comprehend individuals and situations profoundly and may possess a gift for providing insightful advice and guidance.

    Isis is known for her resilience and ability to overcome challenges. People born under this sign often exhibit similar traits. They have the strength to bounce back from difficult circumstances and quickly adapt to new situations. They are resourceful and able to find solutions to problems.

    Isis is believed to be associated with healing and promoting emotional well-being. People born under this sign are naturally inclined towards helping others, whether in terms of physical, emotional, or spiritual healing. They possess a deep sense of empathy towards the suffering of others and are often drawn towards professions or activities that involve supporting and assisting others.

    Isis is often associated with creativity and artistic expression. Those influenced by this sign often have a strong creative streak and may find joy and fulfillment in artistic pursuits such as writing, music, or visual arts. They can naturally tap into their imagination and express themselves uniquely and meaningfully.

    Isis is known for her unwavering devotion and loyalty, especially to her loved ones. Individuals born under this sign often exhibit similar qualities. They are fiercely loyal and dedicated to their relationships and commitments. They value trust and honesty and are dependable and trustworthy themselves.

    Isis is often linked with the practices of magic and spirituality. Those influenced by this sign often connect deeply to the spiritual realm and may be drawn to mystical or esoteric practices. They desire higher truths and may find solace and inspiration in spiritual pursuits such as meditation, energy work, or divination. Isis is most compatible with Osiris and Thoth. 

    Egyptian Astrology Thoth

    Egyptian Astrology Thoth

    Dates: April 1-19, November 8-17

    People born under the Thoth sign are intellectual, curious, and thirsty for knowledge. They are often seen as scholars and researchers, and the Moon and Mercury rule the sign. 

    People influenced by the Thoth sign have a natural intellect and an insatiable thirst for knowledge. They deeply love learning and constantly seek to expand their world understanding. They excel in critical thinking and problem-solving.

    Thoth is associated with communication and language, and those under this sign possess excellent communication skills. They have a way with words, making them adept in writing, public speaking, and teaching. Their articulation and persuasion abilities shine through.

    Egyptian Astrology Thoth Writing

    Those influenced by the Thoth sign possess a keen eye for detail and a strong analytical mindset. They excel in dissecting complex information and comprehending intricate systems. Their precision and attention to detail make them proficient in tasks requiring meticulousness.

    Thoth's ability to navigate different realms and dimensions inspires adaptability in those born under this sign. They quickly adjust to new situations and thrive in various environments. Their flexible mindset allows them to embrace new ideas and perspectives.

    Thoth is also associated with creativity and invention. Those influenced by this sign possess an innovative spirit and think outside the box. They excel in artistic pursuits and find original solutions to problems.

    Thoth's role as a record-keeper and scribe influences individuals under this sign to possess strong organizational skills. They strategize and plan effectively, managing tasks and projects with ease. Creating order from chaos is their natural talent.

    Thoth is connected to magic and spirituality, drawing those influenced by this sign toward mystical practices and esoteric knowledge. They possess a deep spiritual connection and a curiosity about the mysteries of the universe. Exploring various spiritual traditions and philosophies is common for them. Thoth is most compatible with Isis and Bastet. 

    Egyptian Astrology Horus

    Egyptian Astrology Horus

    Dates: April 20-May 7, August 12-19

    Those born under the Horus sign are courageous, ambitious, and have a strong sense of justice. They are often seen as leaders and protectors, and the Moon and the Sun rule this sign.

    Horus, the god of the sky and associated with kingship and leadership, influences individuals born under this sign to exhibit strong leadership qualities. They exude confidence and assertiveness, naturally inspiring and motivating others. Their strength and determination enable them to conquer challenges and achieve their goals.

    Those influenced by the Horus sign are known for their bravery and commitment to standing up for their beliefs. They possess a strong sense of justice and fairness, often drawn to causes that defend the rights and well-being of others.

    Egyptian Astrology Horus Justice

    Depicted with a falcon's head, symbolizing keen vision, Horus inspires individuals under this sign to possess heightened intuition and the ability to perceive beyond surface-level observations. Their intuition guides them in decision-making and navigating life's obstacles.

    Ambition and a drive for success are associated with Horus. Those influenced by this sign are strongly motivated to achieve their goals and make a meaningful impact. They demonstrate determination and persistence and are willing to put forth effort and hard work.

    Loyalty and devotion, particularly to family, are qualities exemplified by Horus. Individuals born under this sign value loyalty and honor in their relationships. They exhibit dedication and unwavering loyalty, holding themselves and others to high standards.

    The association of Horus with the sky, symbolizing vastness and boundless potential, instills adaptability and resilience in those influenced by this sign. They navigate various situations with ease and readily adapt to changing circumstances. Bouncing back from setbacks, they always rise above challenges.

    Horus is also associated with the divine and the spiritual realm. Individuals born under this sign often possess a profound spiritual connection and a strong belief in higher powers. They may find themselves drawn to spiritual practices, seeking a deeper understanding of life's mysteries. Horus is most compatible with Geb and Bastet. 

    Egyptian Astrology Anubis

    Egyptian Astrology Anubis

    Dates: May 8-27, June 29-July 13

    People born under the Anubis sign are intuitive, mysterious, and strongly connected to the spiritual realm. They are often seen as psychics and mediums, and Mercury is the ruler of this sign. 

    Anubis's connection to the spiritual realm and the afterlife influences individuals born under this sign to have a deep spiritual connection. They are curious about the mysteries of existence and are often drawn to spiritual practices. Seeking a deeper understanding of the spiritual aspects of life is common for them.

    Often depicted as a jackal-headed deity, Anubis represents a strong sense of guardianship and protection. Individuals born under the Anubis sign are naturally inclined to watch over and care for others, ensuring their safety and well-being.

    Loyalty and devotion, exemplified by Anubis, are also found in those influenced by this sign. They deeply value their loved ones and commitments, exhibiting unwavering loyalty. Trust and integrity are essential in their relationships.

    Anubis's association with judgment and weighing hearts in the afterlife inspires individuals under this sign to possess heightened intuition and deep insight into human nature. They have a keen ability to perceive truth and understand the emotions and intentions of others.

    Wisdom and discernment are qualities associated with Anubis as the guide in the afterlife. Those influenced by this sign possess a wise and discerning nature, understanding the complexities of life. They make sound judgments and decisions, seeing beyond surface-level appearances.

    Egyptian Astrology Anubis Wisdom

    Balance and justice, qualities Anubis represents, are strong in individuals born under this sign. They have a deep sense of fairness and strive for equilibrium in all aspects of life. Moral principles guide them, treating others with fairness and respect.

    Anubis's association with the cycle of life, death, and rebirth inspires a transformative spirit in those influenced by this sign. They embrace change and are open to personal growth and self-improvement. Resilience helps them rise above challenges and emerge stronger. Anubis is most compatible with Bastet and Isis. 

    Egyptian Astrology Seth

    Egyptian Astrology Seth

    Dates: May 28-June 18, September 28-October 2

    Those born under the Seth sign are ambitious, determined, and strongly desire power. They are often seen as strong leaders and entrepreneurs. Mars is the ruler of Seth, as it is the god associated with chaos and strength, and influences individuals born under this sign to exhibit robust physical and mental capabilities. They possess unwavering determination and persistence, enabling them to conquer obstacles and achieve their goals.

    Ambition and leadership qualities are associated with Seth. Those influenced by this sign possess a strong drive for success and strive to be at the forefront of their endeavors. With natural leadership abilities, they fearlessly take charge and make tough decisions.

    Passionate and energetic individuals born under the Seth sign approach life with enthusiasm and vitality. Their contagious energy inspires those around them, and they fearlessly pursue their desires with zest.

    Change and transformation are linked with Seth, fostering adaptability and versatility in those influenced by this sign. They quickly adjust to new situations and thrive in diverse environments. Embracing change, they eagerly embrace new experiences.

    Independence and self-reliance are common traits among individuals born under the Seth sign. They possess a strong sense of individuality and boldly stand out. Preferring self-reliance, they take responsibility for their actions and decisions.

    Egyptian Astrology Seth Individuality

    Seth's protective nature extends to individuals born under this sign, who exhibit fierce loyalty towards their loved ones. They go to great lengths to safeguard and defend their family and friends, driven by a strong sense of duty and responsibility.

    Courage and resilience in the face of adversity are qualities associated with Seth. Those influenced by this sign possess an inner strength that helps them overcome challenges and bounce back from setbacks. They fearlessly confront difficult situations head-on, undeterred by obstacles. Seth is compatible with Statis/Nile and Geb. 

    Egyptian Astrology Bastet

    Egyptian Astrology Bastet

    Dates: July 14-28, September 23-27, October 3-17

    People born under the Bastet sign are independent, adventurous, and connected to the feline energy. They are often seen as free spirits, explorers, mysterious, and nurturing, and the Sun and the Moon are rulers.

    Bastet, the goddess of protection and motherhood due to the influences from the Moon, persuades individuals born under this sign to possess a strong sense of safeguarding loved ones. They exhibit a nurturing nature, prioritizing the well-being of those around them. Comfort, support, and care are readily offered to those in need.

    Sensuality and femininity are associated with Bastet, influencing those influenced by this sign to possess a graceful and captivating presence. They radiate charm and elegance, appreciating beauty and aesthetics. Their natural magnetism draws others to them.

    Independence and self-assuredness are qualities exemplified by Bastet, often mirrored in individuals born under this sign. They possess a strong sense of self and confidence in their abilities. Comfortable with independence, they exhibit a self-reliant nature.

    Intuition and psychic abilities are linked with Bastet. Those influenced by this sign often possess heightened intuition and awareness. They tap into their inner wisdom, trusting their instincts. They may have a penchant for divination or spiritual practices.

    Egyptian Astrology Bastet Divination

    Playfulness and joy are qualities associated with Bastet. Those influenced by this sign approach life with a light-hearted and joyful demeanor. They enjoy laughter, fun, and creative expression, embracing a youthful spirit and delighting in simple pleasures.

    Maintaining balance and harmony is a role attributed to Bastet. Individuals born under this sign value equilibrium in all aspects of life. They strive to create harmonious environments and exhibit a strong sense of justice and fairness.

    Bastet's association with nature and animals inspires a deep connection among individuals influenced by this sign. They profoundly appreciate the natural world and harbor a love for animals. Drawn to environmental causes, they exhibit a nurturing and compassionate attitude towards all living beings. Bastet is most compatible with Sekhmet and Horus. 

    Egyptian Astrology Sekhmet

    Egyptian Astrology Sekhmet

    Dates: July 29-August 11, October 30-November 7

    Those born under the Sekhmet sign are passionate, fierce, and have a strong sense of justice. They are often seen as warriors and protectors, and the Sun rules Sekhmet.

    Sekhmet, the lioness goddess revered for war and healing, influences individuals born under this sign to possess strength and power. They exude a commanding presence and radiate an aura of authority. With inner fortitude, they confront challenges head-on and triumph over them.

    Those influenced by the Sekhmet sign are known for their unwavering determination and tenacity. They possess an unrelenting drive to achieve their goals, demonstrating focused dedication. Resolute in their pursuits, they persevere and refuse to give up, investing the necessary effort to succeed quickly.

    Egyptian Astrology Sekhmet Determination

    Sekhmet's association with healing and restoration inspires individuals born under this sign to possess a natural inclination to assist others and promote well-being. They possess a profound sense of empathy and compassion, deriving fulfillment from positively impacting the lives of those around them.

    Courage and protective instincts are qualities associated with Sekhmet. Those influenced by this sign exhibit similar traits, fearlessly facing adversity and swiftly standing up for themselves and others. They possess a deep desire to safeguard and defend the well-being of those they hold dear.

    Discernment and intuition are linked with Sekhmet. Individuals born under this sign possess keen judgment and the ability to make sound decisions. Guided by their strong intuition, they navigate life's complexities with ease. Swiftly assessing situations and people, they make informed choices.

    Sekhmet's associations with war and protection influence individuals born under this sign to embody leadership qualities and exude authority naturally. They possess a commanding presence and are often viewed as natural leaders. Excelling in positions of responsibility, they inspire and motivate others.

    Representing a balance between strength and compassion, Sekhmet inspires individuals influenced by this sign to seek equilibrium and temperance. Striving for harmony, they reconcile their assertive and nurturing aspects. They value moderation in all aspects of life, embracing their fierce and compassionate sides. Sekhmet is best compatible with Geb and Bastet. 

    Egyptian Astrology Chart Takeaways

    Egyptian Astrology Chart Takeaways

    Egyptian astrology, also known as the Kemetic system, is an ancient form of astrology that originated in ancient Egypt. Unlike Western astrology, which is based on the movement of the planets, Egyptian astrology is focused on the cycles of the stars, particularly Sirius. 

    The Kemetic zodiac comprises twelve signs associated with a specific Egyptian god or goddess. These signs include Satis, Amon-Ra, Mut, Geb, Osiris, Isis, Thoth, Horus, Anubis, Seth, Bastet, and Sekhmet. Each sign has its unique characteristics and attributes.

    Similar to other forms of astrology, Egyptian astrology is believed to offer insights into an individual's personality traits, strengths, weaknesses, and future events. It is commonly used for divination purposes and can guide various aspects of life, including love, career, and health.

    In addition to the zodiac signs, Egyptian astrology also considers important dates and celestial events, such as the rising of Sirius and the flooding of the Nile. These events are believed to influence human behavior and destiny.

    While Egyptian astrology may not be as widely practiced or known as Western astrology, it still holds significance for those interested in ancient Egyptian culture and spirituality. It provides a unique perspective on astrology and offers a different framework for understanding oneself and the world.

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