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    Cosmic Pathways: Evolutionary Astrology, Shamanic Journeying & Tarot | Ft. CosmicOwlAstrology

    Cosmic Pathways: Evolutionary Astrology, Shamanic Journeying & Tarot | Ft. CosmicOwlAstrology

     Welcome back to another enlightening episode of the Calmoura Tarot Podcast. I'm your host, Yulia, and today we have a truly special guest: the exceptionally knowledgeable astrologer and shaman, Louise Edington. Together, we'll navigate the cosmic pathways where tarot, astrology, and shamanic journeying converge.

    In this episode, Louise delves into the depths of the Six of Cups, unraveling its emotional and astrological ties to Scorpio, and elucidates the harmonious nature of the number six in tarot. Prepare to explore the interconnectedness of individuals and the universe as Louise shares her passion for evolutionary astrology, a practice that believes in the holistic evolution of our personal and cultural selves.

    Our conversation meanders through the intricate language of astrology, the profound insights of past and concurrent lives, and the intuitive power deeply embedded in the minds of women. Louise also shares her journey into blending astrology with Native American shamanism, emphasizing the essential relationship we have with nature and spirit.

    We'll touch on the vital practice of self-awareness and responsibility, the changing paradigms from traditional values to more balanced perspectives, and the importance of intuition and instinctual intelligence. Louise reveals how she integrates her astrological knowledge with Yulia’s Tridevia Tarot Deck, showcasing how these tools can enrich our understanding of the cosmos and ourselves.

    Finally, get ready to be inspired as we discuss the necessity of resistance and timing in personal transformation, explore various types of astrology across different cultures, and ponder the merging of spiritual wisdom with scientific discovery. So, sit back, relax, and join us on this cosmic journey of myth-making, mind-expanding, and soul-connecting exploration. 


    • 00:00 - Introduction
    • 01:54 - Meeting Louise Edington
    • 04:03 - Spiritual Practices
    • 07:53 - Evolution & Growing
    • 15:33 - Feelings vs Rationality
    • 16:25 - Gender Roles and Intelligence
    • 26:00 - Astrology and Ancient Wisdom
    • 34:45 - Consciousness & The Universe
    • 41:40 - Tarot & Astrology Books By Louise
    • 49:25 - Major Arcana & Astrology

    Full Transcript:

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    I really, really love what you say because astrological language, there are different types of astrology, and you mentioned that you are specifically into evolutionary type of astrology. Astrological language is extremely, extremely complicated.

    Louise Edington:
    People really weave or write a new story of their life based on a deep understanding and self understanding and self awareness. So I take a very proactive, creative.

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    Approach to the astrology, really, because the universe, oh, it says the universe doesn't make mistakes.

    Louise Edington:
    Everything is working together. And quantum science is actually kind of proving that now. So I kind of try, try and work with my clients to help them to understand not only who they are as this one individual system, but how they are working and responding and reacting to everything else, the culture they live in and the world they live in and the planets.

    Yulia  (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    Hello, beautiful souls. So here I am today, your host, Yulia. And today I would love to introduce you a really beautiful soul. Her name is Louise Addington. She's a cosmic wisdom weaver. This is a really intriguing name, I would say, when I first heard about it. She has a tremendously powerful social media. I will put all the links here down this video, so kindly check them out.

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    She has a ton of wisdom in her. She's a real weaver. So, please, welcome to the show. Could you please please elaborate? Yes, I'm sorry for that. Could you please elaborate a bit more? How did you start your journey? I already know part of your journey, but I would love you to tell it to me again and to all those newcomers here who just listened to our first time. This girl has a tremendously powerful story, how she came into astrology world. And she doesn't only use astrology, she's weaving it. Weaving it literally with lots of her spiritual gifts.

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    So I'm all ears.

    Louise Edington:
    Okay, well, it's, where do I start? But I'm going to start back in 1989, I had my Saturn return. Most people know something, if you know anything about astrology. Most people know that we have a Saturn return around age 29. And it's a time of maturation can be a hard time, but it not always. Mine really wasn't. And at that time, I had a, I wanted to kind of change my, that scale common with the Saturn return. And a friend of mine, she had studied astrology, and I'd always been interested in sun signs and basic astrology, but this friend of mine created my chart. This is back in the days when we had no computer.

    Louise Edington:
    She hand calculated it and did a written kind of interpretation. And I was like, well, this is so accurate. So I said, I would love to learn how to do astrology. So she gave me some books. I actually taught myself how to hand calculate char and practiced on anybody that would let me. But at the same time as well, I was also introduced to native american shamanism, for want of a better word, by the fact I was invited along to some real sweat lodges. What I was real sweat lodges, where we would go and build the sweat lodge in the woods, you know, from the willow and from putting the stones in. And that really launched a lifelong interest.

    Louise Edington:
    But it wasn't until 2011 when I actually realized I could make this my work. There was a big gap between kind of the initiation and realizing I could make all of these things my work. So I started with astrology. I took one on one lessons with my original main teacher. I took lots of other classes. I also took a year long shamanic course, started using the tarot as well. And gradually, over time, I just realized how interconnected everything. And even though I was trained in a kind of a specific kind of astrology called evolutionary astrology, I kind of ran into doing my own thing.

    Louise Edington:
    I have a membership where I get the members doing shamanic journeying to the planet, to the energy, so that they actually learn how to feel the energies within themselves. I do that with some of my other work. I run a class called the Venus retrograde heroines journey, where we do a lot of shamanic healing work as well. Soul retrieval, all those things. But also I kind of one of those people who has a lot of irons in the fire. I love to write too. So then I got the opportunity to write. So I wrote three books.

    Louise Edington:
    And my way of working now has gradually become how to help people really weave or write a new story of their life based on a deep understanding and self understanding and self awareness. So I take a very proactive approach to the astrology.

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    I really, really love what you say, because astrological language, there different types of astrology. And you mentioned that you are specifically into evolutionary type of astrology. Astrological language is extremely, extremely complicated. Like, it's very, very, when I first, like, went into like westernized astrology, it's like, okay, I close this book. It's really hard for me. So when I see people who are going deep into reading those natal charts, you know, birth charts, everything deeper into that direction, I really have high respect there because I know how much efforts it takes to go deep into that. It shows for me immediately the depth of the mind.

    Louise Edington:

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    So it's already like something to honor and respect. And, you know, I was not into astrology. Honestly. But the interesting thing, like what brought my attention to astrology, I was in Turkey, so in Turkey, we were in Istanbul with my husband and there was the museum of Technology and Science, something like this there. I don't know if you are aware of it, but there are so many instruments there, like crazy complicated instruments. And all these instruments and tools are designed to observe stars. Can you imagine? It is just like. And it's called like Museum of Technology and Science, something that way.

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    I think if you just write it that way, museum of Technology and Science in Google, Istanbul, you will immediately see it. And it is fascinating. I think if you ever will be in that part of the world, just go there. I will, yes. And they always tell us, oh, are those ancient people? They are, you know, they don't know. They are so like we came from apes or something like this. But then when I see like something like this, these powerful tools created by those ancient people, I cannot believe I came from ape.

    Louise Edington:
    Yeah, they knew a lot more than we did. And even if there is some connection with apes, at some point it way, way, way.

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    So, yes, yes. Could you elaborate a bit more, your type, so that we could understand it more? Because I'm not sure everyone here heard ever about evolutionary type of astrology. By the way, guys, there are multiple types of astrology.

    Louise Edington:
    Oh, there are.

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    First of all, this is an expert here. She can first go through evolutionary astrology. And then could you please name us how many other astrology types are here so that we could understand the beauty of it.

    Louise Edington:
    Well, evolutionary astrology, in a nutshell, it says that we are evolving as a person when from the minute we're born to the minute that we die. And that, you know, everybody always thinks that evolving into something higher. No, not necessarily. We're just evolving. We're changing, but we are growing, we're learning some lessons. Hopefully not everybody does. But, you know, we're also evolving as a culture. Again, not always for the better, sometimes, but we are, we're always changing and evolving.

    Louise Edington:
    It's like the spiral upwards and spiral downwards, I call it, of evolving on a spiritual journey. But we're also evolving downwards into understanding what it is to be a human being on this earth. That makes sense. So, yes, that's the basic theory of evolutionary astrology. But then I bring in the shamanic connection, which understands the connection with all that there is with nature, with plant, with spirit, with whatever that is for you. And so I don't think we can separate any of that out. I think we always, as a human being, as we learn to understand who we are, it's in relationship everything. So that's kind of where my shamanic work comes in, where I get people doing shamanic work with this cosmic cycle.

    Louise Edington:
    And it's kind of like quantum. It's kind of like quantum, like quantum science, really. You know, we are. We are a system. We are. Or systems theory. We are each an individual system and then all these other systems that are bouncing off each other and reacting against each other and make it outward, the planet and to the heart of the cosmos, whatever that is. Call it the mind of God, whatever you want to call it.

    Louise Edington:
    But, you know, everything is working together and quantum science is actually kind of proving that now. So I kind of try and work with my clients to help them to understand not only who they are as this one individual, but how they are working and receiving, responding and reacting to everything else. Culture they live in, the world they live in and the planet. So it's pretty. Cos it's pretty cosmic.

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    So we are kind of like those cosmic beings, right? Cosmic beings. Instead of being in that circle which we were trained to be in our schools, in our education system, now Louise is actually accumulating all this knowledge and she's sharing to unravel, to open up that circle. So, guys, to demonstrate what she's doing, want to show you, look at this. So here how our regular classical education system trainers, right, the circle. Now, what Louise is doing, she's saying, guys, open it up these things and become cosmic being, so that this stuff will start penetrating and you become kind of descending, not ascending, descending.

    Louise Edington:
    All the elements, right? Yes, yeah, yeah, exactly.

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    So I cut it, right?

    Louise Edington:
    Because really, really, you know, as this being, say, Louise, on this earth, in this lifetime, really, that's all my consciousness is aware of me as a being. So. But to feel into that connection really kind of opens up the other possibilities of maybe other lives, past lives, current lives, even. Who knows? You know, who knows what time is? We probably.

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    I love it. I love what you say because that's the area of my study, actually. Because honestly, if you go to all these occult science and not everyone here are probably respecting it, but some maybe went into that direction. But if you have been starting it sometime in your life, you know, one thing, one rule there is that man is woman's karma. And why? Because if I experienced something here, I want to descend more into matter. And men here, guys, they are having more strict brains, more kind of like structured brains. That's why they are so called more intelligent. But our brains are flexible and this is another power.

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):

    Louise Edington:
    And so, yeah, you know, rational materialism is the very male kind of side of things. And it's caught, you know, men have feminine energies in them. And, you know, a lot of women have that kind of rational brain too. So it's not, it's all within, within each of us, really. So, but we are moving now, the astrology tells me we are moving out of that hierarchical, you know, everything is rational science. There's actually a book by a guy called Geoffrey Kripal, and he actually taught study of religion. He's a professor, but he talks about how even scientists, some scientists are flipping to realize that there is the third wave between the rational brain and just feelings and joining it all in the middle. I think there's a lot of us that are realizing that everything needs to come together. We can't just have everything.

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    Centralized, right, centralized.

    Louise Edington:
    And even astrology. You know, for decades, a lot of astrology has been about proving it scientifically. But there's an element you can't in some way because it cycles and every cycle is slightly different. So I think it takes this second attention of seeing it with a bit of an intuition as well, to really understand it.

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    Yes, I believe so that it's more like seeing it more with your soul than your brain. Right?

    Louise Edington:

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    So today, let's say we were trained to in some sense see ourselves, women, through generations. We are powerless. But the interesting thing is today, women have tremendous power.

    Louise Edington:
    Oh, we do.

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    It's like. Right. And the power is in those flexible brains, girls. So I just like, I want to mention these very important points, flexible brains, not strict brains, so that intelligence from guys. They build everything. They're very intelligent, they play chess. Amazing, right?

    Louise Edington:
    And that's needed as well. But we need.

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    Yes. Let's not go into that field. Let them build. Let them build. Yes.

    Louise Edington:
    Oh, yes, they can build.

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    Yeah, yeah. But we actually. What can a woman's soul experience? A man's soul only has to be taught. Any woman's soul can experience so much. Just because we are women, we have that gift, we don't understand it because we have that inner intuition. High priestess, by the way, is already within us. We don't need to be taught. Right?

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    So they always say we. She knows something. My husband actually tells me. How do you know this stuff? You just saw a photo.

    Louise Edington:
    He calls it my witchy way.

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    But it's, you know, it's interesting because a miracle or witchcraft or something, they perceive it on some level as something dangerous. What is a miracle? What is a miracle? Aircraft was a miracle a few years ago.

    Louise Edington:
    Right? But it took, it took somebody to tune into another level of mental activity to be able to even vision it. Well, Leonardo da Vinci was one of us.

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

    Louise Edington:
    So some. I find it interesting that, you know, there's women now who are trying to do that rational science thing. And I think a lot of women have been trying to live in a. In a very rational, linear world and be that way, whereas ignoring our instinct. But I do also see that a lot of men now are being pulled into that more instinctual feeling side of it as well, which it gives me great hope a few people are realizing.

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    Is it as well? Because I remember how my wave was. The first wave was more about masculinity. I was told, like many here, hey, you need to, you know, you need to be like, go, go, go through this world. You know, you need to earn, you need to do, you need to strive, you need to achieve and climb up.

    Louise Edington:
    The corporate ladder and all that.

    Yulia  (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    Yes, yes. It's everywhere, the ladder. It's not just the corporate, it's everywhere, the ladder, wherever you see it. Right? So with the house, purchasing house, it's also some ladder there in the bank.

    Louise Edington:
    Yes, I know. I agree. But I do. I do see a shift. Even though there is the resistance, we see the resistance to the ship, you know, people trying to hang on to that sense of power and control and domination, but yes, they're not going to win out. We're moving in. New paradigm.

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    But that's fine. Resistance is natural, right? So.

    Louise Edington:
    Oh, it is.

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    Yeah. Whenever it happens. By the way, guys, whenever resistance is happening in you forgive yourself. No, everyone is in the resistance. Now, let me give you a metaphor here. So there is a card I already like. I wish I could show it to you specifically in my deck, which. This is one.

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    Oh, my card. Just happening. You know, it was meant. So this is the evolution of the caterpillar. Enter a butterfly. Do you see? So the caterpillar must actually hold. It is afraid. It doesn't know it can fly.

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    And actually it cannot fly right? Now, there must be certain evolutionary states which should happen so that the winds will be created here. And by the way, if you study caterpillars in nature, and I'm pretty sure that Luis knows about caterpillars, they actually create that cocoon from their own poison.

    Louise Edington:
    They do. And they eat themselves up and then they're reborn.

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    Yes, yes. So when we see that resistance, it's actually necessary. It's very necessary, because right now, that poison will be used for this being, to become that bean. And by the way, for those seers here, there are many guys here, I'm pretty sure, and beautiful ladies who are so called becoming seers. I myself, coming from the land of seers from Siberia. There are lots of shamans there, lots of shamanism. And Louise, she is into shamanic stuff. So we actually, when we are surrounded by this, we start seeing slightly more.

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    And I'm pretty sure many of you here got attracted to this episode. You are seers or you are onto your post. One of the mistakes, guys, which may happen, you start seeing, you want to help, help them and open up this cocoon earlier than it is required. Louise, can you support me?

    Louise Edington:
    Oh, absolutely. And I see that with client after client, it's. There's always right timing for this opening and this kind of rebound, becoming who you are. And it's often a cycle of many kind of, you know, rebirth throughout the life as well. So. And the astrological cycles tell you that. But also, you know, like I was opened up to astrology and really the realms of the shaman in 1989. I didn't really follow that fully until after 2012.

    Louise Edington:
    You know, sometimes it kind of cook and everything else I did in between did inform that, but I didn't make it my word. So, you know, you can't hurry it. Sometimes it happens in right timing. Yeah.

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    Everything has to have right time. These are really wise words, because as again, coming back to the same card, if we open up the caterpillar earlier than it is required, we will destroy. Let's say you have a rose, a flower in front of you. It was closed. How can you open it? If you open it earlier, then it should be open. You will destroy it, right?

    Louise Edington:
    Yeah, yeah.

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    It will die. So, Louise, coming back to different types of astrology, which other types of astrology exist?

    Louise Edington:
    Oh, there's so many. I mean, you came into astrology that you know of astrology through vedic astrology, which is hindu astrology, kind of one of the oldest systems. But there's babylonian astrology, there's elective astrology, which it means choosing a date, a good day to do something or start something. There is horary astrology, which is the astrology about in the question, lost objects or will either should I buy a property? There's egyptian astrology, this and, you know, I think the celtic hell where, you know, I'm from originally, they had their own form of divination. There's been astrology way back to the earliest real evidence of western civilization, at least kind of tracking star. These tablets that are thousands of years, mayan astrology, but they're all based on the cycle of the planet, really.

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    Inca astrology. Oh, yes. Inca.

    Louise Edington:
    Yeah, yeah, yeah. Inca or probably all of the cultures. I wouldn't be surprised if your own original culture, Siberia, had some method of tracking the cycles of the stars. So some form of astrology. Of course, a lot of it wasn't written down first. It was, you know, just from.

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    They definitely knew something for sure. I was very into that when I was living there. So again, my first acquaintance with astrology was specifically in Turkey, when I was just like, yeah, why is it so, like, these people know something, those such complicated machines, you know, and it invoked my interest. It invoked my interest. And it's like, it cannot be that such types of machines were created by some simple, like, ape's mind, you know, it cannot be that those people knew something, you know?

    Louise Edington:
    Yeah, they did. Yeah. I, you know, talking of evolution of people and culture, I kind of don't like this view that ancient peoples were primitive and didn't know their stuff. They were just perhaps tuned in in a different way. Or they could, you know, for example, until Uranus covered, because of the invention of telescopes, we could only see as far as Saturn. So that was the limit of our universe or astrology. But since 1781, and all these newly discovered planets, asteroids, comet, everything that shifting and it's expanding our known consciousness. But they weren't primitive.

    Louise Edington:
    They were making sense of what they see and they were understanding the cycle.

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    Yes. This is so powerful, what you said, the amazing sense of what they could see. And by the way, it's also referring to our consciousness as well. If you are close, guys, if you are living in your circle again, coming back to this, how can you see? Not so long ago, I don't remember, I visited some channel of some scientists. They were like, they continuously open up new planets, you know, new planets. And I love really watching such channels. And, you know, it's interesting how there were two girls talking. The other, they were scientists of NASA, and they were talking about opening the new planet.

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    And it's so exciting. So the thing is, they try to find the similar traits of earth in different galaxies. And I'm just like, what are you talking about? It's just like, it's just like, how can you find it? Maybe it's super unique to our system, but of course they see only that. They cannot find that and they are not open with their mind to something else, to some other life force.

    Louise Edington:
    I know it's interesting isn't it how we see, how we can only really perceive what we know? And I don't. I don't think we're ever going to fully understand how the cosmos, the mind of the cosmos fully works. It seems to have it because the cycle are so working together. You know, the planet, some of them have very even orbits, you call them, but they all work together and bounce off each other. It seems to have a bit of a plan. But what's the plan? You know, who knows? I don't. I don't think we're ever going to really find out what the mind of God, it's. It's how we respond and react to it and leave it.

    Louise Edington:
    Like even the myth. You know, I study a lot of myths as well. There's a lot of astrology, which kind of myths? Well, interesting, because a lot of astrology, especially western astrology, is informed by greek myth mainly. And some roman, like, all the planets are named. Well, they were named, you know, after greek and roman gods. But all the myths really are just stories that are trying to make sense what's happening out there. And now some of these newly discovered planets are being named after polynesian deities, for example, or inuit deities. And.

    Louise Edington:
    And even there's even one now being named after a character from Lord of the Rings. So this is why I call it wisdom weaving, because we are creating new myths from this abandoned view of what we see. That includes, like, science, even realizing that we are not just hard beings that you can touch, we are wave as well, that there's other things that can't quite be seen, anything. And two things can be operating in the same place. It's kind of weird, you know, and I tried to study quantum science a little bit, but I stopped when I read that. If you think you understand quantum science, you don't really understand it.

    Louise Edington:
    I was like. I was like, I haven't got time to read every quantum science book in the world. I just know that it's where we are more than just this physical being and everything that we're connected to. Mushrooms, but we're also connected to all the planets some way. Yes. And it's mind, body, spirit within us. It's all kind of reflected within us. So we've been stuck in the mind bit, but now we're a bit uprooted. Yes.

    Louise Edington:
    Yeah. Now we're. Now we're understanding that you kind of integrate new therapy, new therapeutic approaches are finding the same. I don't know if you've heard of part work and polyvagal theory about the vagus nerve that runs up.

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    No, can you please explain us?

    Louise Edington:
    Yeah, well, the vagus nerve is a central, biggest nerve, in fact, two, that runs right from the base of the brain or the skull through the heart and down to the root. And that's connecting your mind body spirit through the heart. And a lot of these new psychotherapies, or whatever you want to call them, are about kind of tuning in to what happens when you've got a trauma trigger or something. And they're creating that balance, nerve and mind body spirit, kind of just the same as chakra balancing has been teaching for years. But. But science and. And spirituality are melding again.

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    It's a good breach for those who are too rational. Right. Just back to the same thing.

    Louise Edington:
    Exactly. Yeah. Yeah.

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    They even call it spiritual science. I went to Deepak Chopras, and he's like a very, very talented guy in that he knows how to speak to masses. So he actually uses that, even one. He has a few podcasts, actually, and one of them is called spiritual science. And she's like, oh, this is smart. This is really smart just to use it that way. Because when I, for example, go to all these, for example, sadhguru, I really love that guy. I don't know if you heard about him.

    Louise Edington:
    Oh, yeah. Amazing.

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    I'm not into, like, following gurus and everything, but this guy I totally respect. Why? Because he knows what he is doing from the perspective of just talking to really masses. And masses represent by themselves, they still have that rational mind. So he used to is so much science. He's so knowledgeable. And let's say he goes to the west. He speaks lots of science. Even in India, he speaks with science, but that science is required to bridge it, right? To bridge it.

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    You cannot just say, hey, guys, connect to your astral body, you know, just. Or be ready. He needs to do certain work, right.

    Louise Edington:
    And kind of just like me saying, we are a system. Can I. To all these other systems. So is science. Math is a symbolic language, really, you know, and astrology is math in a lot of ways, you know. So again, it's all about kind of breaking it down and using that rational guide to kind of understand how it works, but then has to have that spiritual.

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    Yes, it actually is mind boggling because the universe. Oh, it is universe doesn't make mistakes. Here we keep judging, like, oh, why did I spent those five years with this bastard? You know, just like, why? But the universe doesn't make mistakes.

    Louise Edington:
    I do think we human beings are, as far as we know, pretty unique in the cosmos in that we have this consciousness. Nobody ever really, and I've watched argument on YouTube about what is consciousness? You know, nobody really knows, knows what consciousness is other than it is actually the mind mixed with the heart and mixed with the soul, I would say. But we are the ones with free will about how we respond to all of this stuff.

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    Oh, I love it. I love the word respond. This calls responsibility. It's exactly, exactly that thing. Because if we look at Mother Nature, right, in mother Nature, the trees, they breathe out what we breathe in. So everything is super responsive. And in nature.

    Louise Edington:
    Yeah. And so are we. But we have the consciousness to say or to get support or to learn to understand ourselves so that when stuff happens in the world, because it does, stuff happens in the world, stuff happens to us. We can respond to it differently and come from a place of kind of very rooted balance.

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    Yes. There is so much wisdom in that response here. When you say the word responsibility, it's a bad word. Nobody wants to hear about this word. Here. In Canada, for example, I will tell you when I just got here, I really love Canada. And like, it's an amazing country. And there is the responsibility code here, but the responsibility is quite limited, let's say in my house, let me give you the example.

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    So in my house, I have responsibility in my front yard to do certain things. And then outside of that, it's not my responsibility already. And everyone knows that it's a silent rule. And I see people actually are going beyond that responsibility. It's a beautiful thing to see, but at the same time, I see how, like, there is this code of responsibility, but at the same time, it's slightly like, this is my house, this is my responsibility. But what's happening? Let's say the person fell down nearby that house. Do I help him? Is it my responsibility or not? You know, that's a good question.

    Louise Edington:
    Yeah. Well, I think we're all. Well, a. We are responsible. Responsible for ourselves, for kind of being the best human being we can possibly attain to being and whatever best means. I don't even. That's a loaded thing, too. But.

    Louise Edington:
    But also that comes to that, putting your oxygen mask on first, kind of really learning to understand yourself, deep self awareness. And then love, of course, bringing the heart in. Love, self love. And then that ripples out to loving others. But then after you, you've kind of taken responsibility yourself. You are coming from a base strength and you can support others and it ripples out.

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    So, yes, I actually see it the same way because I've been traveling with my husband so many years, actually 14 years. And what I see is the wealthiest people, like, my husband gets connected to many, and I see the take or responsibility, meaning that they, let's say he met a guy from Pakistan, and that guy felt, I am responsible for all people in Pakistan. And he was doing businesses around that and everything. And just like, I'm responsible for all those people so that they would leave bat, you know?

    Louise Edington:

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    And I'm just like, oh, my God. And that is extremely wealthy, dude. And it's just like, oh, wow. He just takes response. And then imagine he says, Pakistan is not enough. I will take care about Malaysia. Now imagine the level of responsibility. And then maybe he says, already not enough.

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    I want to take care about all people.

    Louise Edington:
    Yeah. So long as they're coming from the take care and thing, but. And they're very self aware. Not coming from that. Not coming from that. Dominator. Well, I'm responsible and I control kind of thing.

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    Yes. Domination. I think it creates so much pressure because actually, let me, guys, demonstrate to you what is domination. Look, domination is coming back to the same circle, because here we are in our want. If I want something, I'm just, like, pressured by my wants.

    Louise Edington:
    It's so important.

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    All what I want, right? But if I try to figure out my place here in this world, like Louise says, and figuring out what is my sacred role in this cosmos of all creation, right. Then I become this type of being, this type of. Then I loosen a bit. Everything around me. I go through the world a bit, moves, and, you know, I play more, isn't it so?

    Louise Edington:
    Definitely so, you know, I will say not all wealthy people take the kind of responsibility that person did, unfortunately, but a lot do. And that's.

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    Yes, I think there are two types there. So I just wanted to demonstrate the beautiful part.

    Louise Edington:
    Yeah, yeah. So I'm not against people having money, though. That's my thing. You know, I'm not like, if money is just energy as well, and people have been lucky enough to build wealth or inherit it, they can use that wealth, but that's usually through self understanding and self aware of who they really are.

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    Yeah, yeah, yeah. I wanted to also introduce here. That was a very interesting talk, but I wanted to introduce Louise books. Do you know, guys, she is writing books about astrology. Look at these beauty. And she writes it in humane language. You know, you can understand it. So I highly recommend her books.

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    They will be there down just in the links. You will be able to see it all. But I want you to have a brief talk specifically about tarot in astrology. I even have a piece of.

    Louise Edington:
    And this is how we met, by the way, because Yulia asked me if I would use her deck on my podcast. So I have been doing, and I do want to say before you asked me the questions, that I am writing two more books. And I have a subtact blog, cosmic owl on substack. I write daily energy and other things on solid. I write all the time.

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    Yes. She's a really knowledgeable person. She has so much into her. I honestly watch her educational program. It's like, I believe so. It's not even, like some additional video on YouTube, guys. She had. She's sharing so much.

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    And she has a podcast, and she. It's also amazing. Just like you sometimes hardly can find really knowledgeable people, she has a ton of knowledge there. So she's a real weaver, guys. So I would really recommend it. I love deep mind people. I really love. So when I meet them, I am all for them just to spread the light into the world, you know? So.

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    So coming back to the book. Coming back to the book. So, look, I always, like, I was wondering, how do you combine, actually, tarot and astrology? And I would love you to, if you have maybe one card pull right now, it's just me, Shako, and demonstrate to us, how would you use it in practice? Tarot and astrology.

    Louise Edington:
    I'll use your deck. Yeah. So I'll use your deck on the card.

    Louise Edington: (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    Oh, you can use whatever you like.

    Louise Edington:
    Oh, I'll use yours. It's right in front of me. So I will say some decks have these astrology symbols on them. This is the Alistair Crowley deck. The toss or Thor deck.

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):

    Louise Edington:
    And he has, like, this one is the two of pentacles or two of this. And he has the Jupiter and Capricorn symbols on them.

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    Can you show it close to the.

    Louise Edington:
    Yeah. Okay. There's the Jupiter and there's the Capricorn. He actually calls Pentacles deck someday. So, you know, I didn't. And it is. I think a lot of it comes from people like Crowley, who realized that the tarot and astrology and everything are all connected. A lot of people didn't like Crowley, range guy.

    Louise Edington:
    Then he gave us some good things like that tarot deck.

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):

    Louise Edington:
    But once you get to know the astrological symbolism with the card, it didn't add to your understanding. So this is a 60 from your dad.

    Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
    Can you show me?

    Louise Edington:
    Okay. I didn't want my camera to go fuzzy, but that's all right. So this is the six of cups. So you know, in tarot you'll know, Yulia, that the cup are, you know, associated with war signs because their emotions and so on. So there's the six of cups and the numbers matter too, and I talk about that in the book. So the six of cups is, is a Scorpio card and it's the sun in Scorpio. So it's a water element and that would bring out very scorpionic energies, very deep emotions, for example. And so that really kind of fits with that card to my mind.

    Louise Edington:
    So and it's a number six, which is a number of harmony. So all those things come together in the tarot, the astrology thing to inform it. And I think when people learn the tarot, it, if they just kind of learn. Yeah. Thank you. If they kind of just learn the rote meanings like the six of cups just means this. That's great to start. But like all the kind of divination things think understanding the element and, and the water signs and things like that, at least to a deep.

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