Hello, beautiful souls! 💖
In this transformative episode, Neoshi Green-Kebreau delves into how believing in your purpose can change everything. 🌟 Learn how emotional healing, shadow work, and past life exploration can clear deep-rooted blocks and help you step into alignment with your highest potential. ✨
Ready for a life of purpose? Tune in to start your journey today! 🙌
- 0:00 - Intro
- 1:18 - Who is Neoshi Green-Kebreau?
- 12:31 - Neoshi’s Inspiring Journey: What Led Her to Hypnotherapy?
- 18:10 - The Importance of Purpose: Staying Motivated and Believing in Your Dream Life
- 32:57 - The Magic of Synchronicity on Your Path
- 39:09 - Why Believing in Your Purpose Changes Everything
Full Transcript:
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Hello, beautiful soul. So here I am, Yulia, your host today, and I would love to welcome to our show Neoshi Hypnos. She's the spiritual hypnotherapist. Can you imagine? So that really intrigued me when I first met her and I just would love to welcome you here. Niwashi, welcome to the show. I just wanted to ask, start this communication with you just to ask, what is that interesting topic, spiritual hypnotherapy? Because that really intrigued me when I first went over your profile in Instagram.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
Well, hypnotherapy that involves the use of. Thank you for having me. Thank you for the invitation. I appreciate it. You share me with the, with your audience. Spiritual hypnotherapy is pretty much merging the hypnotherapy with the spiritual aspects or your own personal spirituality to help you gain a deeper understanding, more clarity, guidance, a deeper, deeper meaning to what you are going through, your issues that you're experiencing. I always say I work with a few, excuse me, women and a few brave men who are on a journey to heal their soul, break through blockages and align with their divine purpose. And again, I do that all through hypnotherapy sessions, which involves using to also merge that with past life progression.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
I think we were caught just for a second. So you were talking about past life progression. We will connect it. So we cut out. Like, I didn't see you here in the show when you were talking about past life progression.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
Okay. So I was saying that the work I. And the hypnotherapy sessions that I do is different from the typical hypnotherapy sessions that you might see. Typically, when you hear somebody doing hypnotherapy, they're either doing it in the traditional fashion or whether it's in a clinical setting. And my sessions, I do past life progression, but I also incorporate shadow work. I also incorporate spirit guide assistance as well as help release any energies or attachments that might be present as well. So I like to say that again, you know, my work within my work. I work with women and a few brave men who are on the journey to heal their soul, breakthrough blockages and align with their divine purpose.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
I love this. A few brave men. All right, so can you tell me. Yeah, you need to be, by the way, really a brave man to trust even something what you cannot see because they are super logical guys. So from that perspective.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
Well, I say that. I say that because my sessions can be extremely emotional. And we all know that most men are taught that being emotional, you can't cry. Don't let anybody see you cry. You got to hold it in, you know, that's a weakness. You can't let people see you cry, especially in front of a woman. Right. And my sessions tend to be extremely emotional.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
Like I talked about, we deal a lot with shadow work and that deals with, like, the hidden aspects of you, which. Awesome. Which usually ties back into childhood issues or inner child issues, trauma, things of that nature that we've been sleeping under the rug for a long time. And so men usually have been doing that more than women, so to speak. And so when we get in a session and we regrets back to a sad memory, a memory, you know, from, you know, when they were 3 or 4, 8 or 9 or 10 comes up, but it ends up coming out.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Yeah, actually, it's a really powerful thing when, you know, many times you want to do that shadow work, but you get stuck. You get stuck with all these past life, past, past, even childhood memories. And for me, it took me a while to retrieve those memories, actually. So your. I understand the spiritual hypnotherapy work helps to actually bring it all to light. Right?
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
Right, so using hypnotherapy, you're basically allowing yourself to tap into the subconscious mind where you can access the suppressed, repressed memories, whether they be from childhood or from other lives, that are influencing and affecting your life at that moment.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
So how is the process going? Can you maybe just bring a bit of light for that. So let's say I go to your session. Can you just briefly talk, like, about the setup of the process, how. How it's happening?
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
Basically, I put my client to hypnotherapy. Excuse me, To a hypnosis, and we explore what comes up.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
And you are, like, some channeled guidance.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
What we deal with. I'm sorry. Repeat that.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
And you are using, like, channeled guidance.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
Repeat that. I didn't hear you.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Can you hear me now?
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
Yeah. What did you say?
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Okay. And you are using, like, some techniques in hypnotherapy, but also you are. Because I see that it's spiritual hypnotherapy. So you are using some channeled guidance.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
Through the process, within the induction. Yes and no. The spiritual aspects come into play where we. There's a part in my signature session where we talk to a spirit guide, right. And they give you guidance and clarity on why you were shown what you were shown. So if it was a childhood memory or past life memory or several past life memories. Because sometimes my clients will jump around, you know, visit more than one life or so, you know, just different. Maybe one scene from one life, another scene from one life, or just an entire life, and we'll find out why were they shown that those memories? Like, what is it? How.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
How is that affecting them? What do they need to know about those memories? And they will give them guidance and clarity on that. And then we, you know, like I said, we work with them to get those answers so that they can move forward, feeling more confident in what they're supposed to do.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Mm. I have a question to you here. Hypnotherapy, in fact, it's such a big responsibility because you are open up so many layers for a person, and how do you deal with that? So, meaning, like, how deep to go in the process, because the person may not even know itself how much he can handle.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
Again, wherever they go, is what we deal with. I always tell my clients, whatever comes up, it's because you have to deal with it at that moment. That is what you're ready to deal with. That's what you can handle. That is moment. So if it comes up, need to handle it now, you will have some clients who are like, yeah, I don't want to. I don't want to. Like, a memory will come up, and they're like, I don't want to go to that.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
I don't want to. I don't want to talk about that. And I'm like, well, it came up. Like, why are we why are you running from? Right? And so they think that they're over it and they, or they just want to keep sweeping it under the rug. And like, I'll deal with it later. I'm like, no, you need to deal with this because it's coming up for a reason. And a lot of times after the session they'll be so shocked. They're like, I really didn't expect that memory to come up.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
I was really surprised that that's what I was shown because I thought I was over that.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
And after the session, let's say that you're shown this, you're kind of like providing that integration, healing or how is it happening? Because you know, a therapy, like in general, what I noticed like here there is this huge responsibility, you open the wounds, but then you as a guide, you're responsible also for healing them. Just kind of like to provide some kind of a badge over it to providing like them helping hand, not to make them open, just how do you help them? Let's say my wound is open, I met this memory, I see it, what's next?
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
So like I said, when the memory comes up, it's because you're ready to deal with it. I also mentioned earlier about the memories that come up. We're looking for the root cause of those situations. So within each experience or with each memory that they go through, there's always an underlining emotion or belief that's attached to that. And so we work to find out what that is and then once we find out what that is, that's when I help them release it. That makes sense.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
So you don't finish the session until you help them to release it fully?
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
If they want to, yes. Because some people, you'd be surprised, you think that they want to let go of the anger, they want to let go of the, you know, the belief that they're not good enough. Right. But all these self sabotaging things. But some people, they want to hold on to it because they're afraid that if I let.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Oh, I actually, I completely relate to that because I was doing really want.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
To hold on to it.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Oh, I can relate to that Neoshi because I was doing lots of healing work myself because I come from a very abusive family. So it just took me a while to clean the, all these stuff in me, all the illusions which I created from that experience. And I remember how I was holding over anger within me just for a while and for that feeling of unfair situation, you know, just that stubbornness within. So it took me a while to really start releasing it. And that was really linked to that sense of safety. And I remember even how in a moment like there was a memory coming at the age of four or five, something in that aspect. When I first time in my life, I cursed, cursed with my language, like I used a cursing language. And then I had like a fire coming through me.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Just like I really had that sensation. And we were talking with a lady who was helping me at that moment and she told Yulia, your mental body actually started being fault at that moment. So you kind of like started really perceiving you as you before you were part of that family cluster. And that opened up so many things. So it's just like I wish I could meet you much earlier just to get to that, to get to that memory earlier because I was suffering a lot when I couldn't really understand it. Yeah, it's really amazing that you are helping people to get to those early memories. What are the most early memories you get to with your clients?
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
I've had some clients go back to the womb. Not often, but I. There's been.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
You were caught.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
Can you hear me?
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Yeah, now I can hear you. Can you say it again? It's okay. We will, we will edit it.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
I've had some clients. I've had some clients not, not a lot, but a couple clients who going back as far as to their mother's womb.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Wow, this is amazing. Yeah, that's very interesting. Yeah. Because I think it's very, from one perspective, like feeling like a puzzle. Right. When we come to this world and we are like sponge, we don't have filters, then we accumulate everything and then we need to somehow get back to it. So I have a question. What actually made you to start doing this interesting work?
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
Yeah. So long story short, this is something that, that I always have a hard time explaining, picking the right word because it was, it was really a really spiritual journey for me. Right. I spent some time for years and decades trying to find my purpose and, you know, what I was meant to do here. And long story short, I had just surrendered and said, you know what? I'm not going to stress about it anymore. And when it comes, when, when, when it comes, it comes. And I'm just going to allow it to come. And after years and years and years of, you know, looking for, trying different things, trying to figure out what that was from, you know, starting a magazine for moms and business to, you know, at one point accidentally starting a detox supplement business, you know, several different things.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
I started to the More I started to just surrender to my spiritual journey is when it found me. And I always say that's because I was. I had so much more work to do that when I was ready, everything was aligned because I had done the work, like, literally from doing my own shadow work before it was popular, before it was called shadow work, before I knew what it was. I had been doing shadow work, doing my own healing throughout for, you know, the things that I was dealing with my life going through. Depression, anxiety, you know, troubled relationships, things of that nature, and just really trying to find out who I am, setting boundaries, all of that. Right. Healing my inner child who I am, and just really going through a really, really long journey. That's when it found me.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
And even when I found it, I never considered it as like, okay, this is what you're supposed to be doing. Career. Like, this is what. This is what you. This is it. I just became fascinated by it, by that, to the point where I literally was just, like, engulfing myself with everything about it. Morning, day, night, we watch videos about it with the work and things of that nature. And my husband was like, one day was just like, you know, you be really great at this.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
You should, like, really consider learning and studying this work. I was just like, not a bad. I'd, like, that would be cool, you know, and even at that moment, I was fearful and doubtful because I grew up in a traditional Christian family where, especially in a black household where anything to do with spirits. No, we don't do that. We don't play with that. And so the work. My. A lot of my work involves with spirit attachments and helping find those spirit attachments and helping them go to the light.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
And so I thought of. When I thought of maybe initially the fear set in, because I know my parents were like. I felt they weren't going to approve, and I thought they might disown me. I literally thought, like, they were going to be like, well, I don't know what this stuff is. You got. You're on some devil stuff. I'm not dealing with this no more. You're not my daughter no more, and get out of my face.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
Like, I literally thought that, but it actually became just the opposite of that. Like, initially, there was, you know, some concern for my parents, especially my mom, but it turned out to be from. From it started at, oh, I don't know, be careful with these spirits, to, oh, my God, look at my. My daughter's work and what she's doing to my dad, saying, hey, I want a session so it really wasn't what I expected. But I'm grateful because that lesson for me was resonated and confirmed for me. Spirit had told me the first time around when I found this work was don't allow fear to stop you. And again, the only reason I would have not done it is because if I had allowed the fear to stop me and being fearful of what I thought my parents would do, them disowning me, people would say about me and talk about me and think I'm weird and this, that, and the other. And I was like, you know what? I'm not going to do that.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
And Spirit was like, don't do that, because you can't live life for everybody else. You can't live life doing what everybody else wants you to do. You said that you. You've been asking us to align you with your purpose, to help you, to show you what you're supposed to be doing. We're showing you. We're giving you this, and you're. You're running, about to run away from it. Don't do that.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
And so, you know, I stepped on it. And then, you know, it's just like, you know what? You're right, Spirit. I'm gonna do it. And it's been six years now since I've been doing this work. And when I tell you I've worked with thousands of people all over the world, every continent. You can think of celebrities and actresses and musicians and sports professionals, professional athletes, you name it. Right? Pastors, other therapists and doctors and lawyers and people from all walks of life. And it's.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
It's been an amazing journey. I'm still on that journey, and I'm grateful for it. Yeah.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
So what keeps you on moving every day in that direction? What is that thing inside? Just the spirit guidance or there is some kind of inner satisfaction from what you are doing?
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
Yeah, it's my purpose. It's definitely satisfaction. It's. It's. It's part of my purpose, what I'm here to do. Like, it gives me. So, like, always say, I'm so grateful to do this work. I'm so grateful that I'm finally walking the path that I was sent here to walk.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
It's. It's gotten to the point where it's like, there's no way I could not see myself doing this work. Right. It's just. Yeah, I'm just grateful for it. It gives me so much joy to see people when they're. From when they start a session to the end of the session. And their aura is completely different.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
There's so much lighter, their smiles so much bigger. They feel. And they're just like, wow, what did you do? Like, how did you do that? And they're so grateful and they feel so new.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
So grateful to be able to see that transformation. That's beautiful. That's, that's. That's. How can you not want to keep going?
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Yes, yes. It's already becoming like you are the hand of guard on some level, the kind of spirit. And it's not about you, but you really like that living representation of that energy. Does it, does it resonate with you from that perspective? So I have a very interesting note here regarding what you said. It just touched me. You said that you just already allowed it to happen through you. So you had that. Do you hear me? Do you hear me?
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
Well, I think we froze again.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
Here you go.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
It's okay. No worries. We will edit it. So I don't want us to worry about that. We will make it. So the most important is that feeling of, you know, relaxation through the process. Yesterday I also had some session with a client. We made it.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
There were also some freezing on her end, so we made it so as well. So my question is, you know, what really touched me is when you were speaking your story. You said that you allowed it to happen already through you. So you just like, you let it. So when was that point of revelation when you just like, you, you let it go. So was it like too much of like to handle what you were going through, which was your conscious decision in that moment? How did it come to you? Because I keep hearing the same patterns of. From people who actually found their purpose. And they say I just aligned with it.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
I just let it pass through me. I just said yes to it. And then they have fantastic lives, in fact, and it's just like they are into their lives. People are coming to them. They serve people. They usually work with many people, actually. So that's what's happening. And my question always is to those who really found their purpose in life and who are ignited by it, how that moment of revelation actually happened.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Was it like your conscious decision or was it like too much you handled at that moment? What was that tweak?
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
Well, I'll tell you about a little, a brief, what I call the come to Jesus moment that I had, you know, years, many years prior. Again, I was in a situation where I was in a lot of depression. I was a mom of two. I would stay at home. I had this multiple six figure Business that I accidentally started, long story. And it was great that I could do that and stay at home and homeschool my children, but it wasn't for me. I wasn't happy. I felt like I knew that, yeah, the money's great, but this isn't what I'm supposed to be doing.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
And so it's like one of those moments where people say. You hear. People say, oh, I was making so much money and I gave it all up to go live in the woods. Kind of like that, right? You can see why people do things like. But seriously, like, I was like, I see now, you know, why someone would do that. Like, it's not like you're doing something, but it doesn't ignite you. It doesn't light you up. It doesn't, you know, fulfill you.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
And. And so I was going, like, I said a lot of fashion things of that nature, and I wasn't on the path that I thought I was supposed to be. And I remember one day being a home. My two children, they were small, maybe less than six, maybe four and six or something like that. And I remember going into my bedroom and I literally just dropped to my knees, sobbing, crying. And as I'm sobbing and crying, and I get goosebumps every time I tell the story, and I try not to tear up because it was such a powerful moment for me. And I dropped to my knees, crying, sobbing. I mean, like, that.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
And I just said, please, God, like, help me. Like, I really need your help. I don't know what I'm here to do, but I just need your help. I don't know if I can keep on this path. Like, just please. I know I'm here for a reason. I know I'm here to do something. What is it? What am I supposed to do? And I just thought.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
And then all of a sudden I hear. And I feel like this warm embrace, like a hug. And I hear a voice that says, don't worry, you're almost there. Keep going.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Oh, gosh.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
But it wasn't like a audible voice. It was more of like, you know, you hear someone, like, telepathic type of voice, but it was very clear. And. And at the same time, I'm hearing it, it's like. It's almost like there was like a soothing, like, oh, like somebody kind of as soon as one hugs you and you feel like, oh, like, okay, okay, okay.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Like, yes, yes. I feel like when you talk about it, you know, because I had quite in my life, so I get it.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
Yeah. And what at that moment, I just. I just surrendered that. Okay, okay, okay, I'll keep going. I'll. I'll just be in. At that moment, it was just like, you know, just continue what you're doing. Keep doing what you're on.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
You're on the path. It's. You're almost there. And so, you know, at that moment, I just surrendered or say, okay, fine, I'll just focus on my children, focus on them and keep moving forward. I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing right now, so I'll do. I'll focus on what I know I'm supposed to be doing at this moment, and that's my children, and continue doing my own healing work. Right. And that's what I did.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
And how much time was between that.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Hug and when things started manifesting actually in that direction of hypnotherapy?
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
Well, in hindsight, when you talk about when things begin to manifest and when I look back that were in alignment with that, it might have been maybe within a year.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
So there is a time which you need to kind of pass through with that trust and patience within you.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
Yeah, yeah.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
What kept you going within that period?
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
Well, I'll say this. Like I said, I was homeschooling my children. There's one particular incident where, like, well, let me back up. Before I did that, I started going into getting more information about, like, numerology, tarot, things of that nature. Right. Astrology and learning, getting more into that because I was like, well, okay, I'm going to focus on the children. But, you know, maybe if I kind of use these tools that kind of give me more guidance on what I'm supposed to be doing here. Right? Because these are tools.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
These are spiritual knowledge that we've been given for a reason. And they're, you know, they're aligned with life. And a lot of things that I see, they're manifesting or they're aligned with it. So maybe there's something in there that I can use to kind of help point me in the right direction. But I was still. I was doing that, but I still wasn't, like, pressed on it. So. So I remember one day I would.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
Sometimes I would take my children to the library and to homeschool them. And we were doing one of our daily trips to the library. And I remember walking inside the library, and we're going down one of the aisles, the book aisles, and as I'm walking towards one of the book aisles, I see a book. You know how the books are usually like this, but There's a book like this standing. Oh, like, okay. And so I'm, you know, I don't know if it's the mom and me or the spirit. Just like, you know what, she's gonna see that and she's gonna want to go flip it up. Let's just make sure we put.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
I don't know. So I go walk towards bookies. And so, because it's in my path and so as I'm walking up, I'm like, let me just flip this up. You know, flip it up again. I don't know if it's just mommy stuff, just the tidiness, cleaning, cleanliness. And so I flip it up so it's aligned with the other books. And when I do that, something tells me to look at it, read the title. So I go to look at and read the title and it's about past life progression.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
And I'm like. And I think I had, I can't recall if I had already been introduced to it or was aware of it or if that came at that moment. I really don't remember. It's been a minute. But I remember pulling. There was an extreme interest in it and I pulled it down and then I'm looking at it, I'm like, okay, this is really cool. And I think it was one of Dr. Brian Wise's book.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
I don't remember what it is. But anyway I began reading it and was just like fascinated with it, like blown away by it. And it might have been one of Dolores Canon books too. I don't really call. Anyway, so I've been reading it, reading and reading it and then I ended up reading all like just finding all the books that have to do with past lives and hypnotherapy, traveling through past lives and things. Like I was just enamored by it. And um, that's when I. You.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
When you talk about at what point did it shift? You could. I could say that's kind of the point where it shifted for me.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Oh yeah, it's. It's actually sounds so true. Niwashi. Because I find one interesting pattern in everyone who find their kind of like that true authentic self purpose in this life. They start really like without tiring, consuming literally that knowledge. Knowledge. And it's just easy and it just feels like they are there. So what you are describing, it's just like without tiredness, you started like really taking it in, like sucking all this energy in so that something new will be born in you.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
It's just like that passionate learner is within just taking all the information to give birth to something new. And that's.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
I always say I wasn't at that moment, I wasn't really like, I would read things and get into like, I talked about the astrology and tarot, things like that, but. And I had heard, heard of NLP before and was like, ah, I thought it was interesting. I had considered at one point like being a life coach and was like, everybody's a life coach. I don't want to do that. That seems so. Like, I don't want to be telling people what to do. Like, like, I don't wanna. I don't have all the answers out.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
I don't feel. That doesn't feel good to me to tell people, well, you need to do this. I always felt like you could. You have the answers, you should know or you could find the answers. Nobody should be telling you what to do. You really know what you need to do anyway. And so at that moment, like I said, I was just living. I was just following the footsteps that I was told to follow.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
The follow the path that I was told to follow, which is just focused on yourself and your children. And I think that's what allowed things to open up to me at that moment, because I was doing the work, was focused on what I was supposed to be focused on. Not stressing anymore about what I'm supposed to be doing. Let me find, like forcing, trying to force something. It was just like, okay.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
I love it
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
Live. And just to come to me.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Yes, it actually goes in lots of alignment with. I don't know if you are acquainted with the works of Rudolf Steiner. Have you heard about him? He was really like one of the guys who was exploring lots of stuff in that spiritual realm. I was fascinated when I was reading his books, he's writing them in quite complex language. But what I noticed there, because I'm just like that scientist from that perspective. I love comparing different life pathways and making trends. You know, it's just. I really love doing that.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
And that's why I do in those interviews, by the way, to see, see how you guys are lightened up in your directions, each and everyone. It's. I'm learning through that. I'm learning the trends. So one of the trends which I see, and it's very common in coherence with what he said 100 years ago, by the way he observed it as well, is when you start that spiritual evolution in you, it's actually very, very important to keep everything stable outside in your physical reality, because all these Things will start happening inside, they will automatically start moving things outside. But that patience that keep on going with what is in here, do not kind of like create troubles outside. It will come to you. This must be stable.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
This must be stable. Like keep taking care about your children. Whatever you're currently doing, like this regular, regular course of action without expecting something, just allow it. And you just what you say is going so much in alignment with that, you know, it's just. And not only you I keep hearing those things. That's so interesting. I wanted to bring these to attention of everyone here who are seeking for their higher purpose. So look at Neoshi here.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
She, in fact she let it go, she embraced it and she at the same time didn't rush it. Right. So you, you really didn't rush it. You just were patient with that course, which kind of.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
No, like I said, just be and just allow things to unfold the way they're going to unfold and trust that they're going to unfold and that it's all gonna work out.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
I love this word trust because trust is bringing us together with self forgiveness and everything. It's part of that shadow work, I believe. So you, you are very deep in that. That we remove all these release slightly that ego in us and we kind of like remove all these clashes of egos around because once we release it, it becomes everything like flowing and much, much more abundantly flowing. Like what did you observe in your clients once they release? Do they see more abundance flowing in their life after that as a consequence?
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
I don't do follow ups with my clients, but they will sometimes reach out to me and it's always oh my God, guess what? Right?
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
I have pretty much the same. I have pretty much the same. When people really are released from something for any kind of work. Because tarot cards also can be used as therapy. A therapy work, self therapy work. So when you do it correctly, whatever the therapy work you're currently doing, and it helps you specifically and you release something, it's just like you open up some abundance flow. Can you maybe like before we finish, I'm really wondering. So you started opening up yourself to that flow.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Did you see automatically how everything started? Like really it's not a miracle, all these secret movie, everything started like, like life started supporting you. Whatever you cannot imagine. Can you just give a few examples maybe of some synchronicities from that perspective so that our audience will be inspired here when you just go to your pathway, how like literally all your life just starts supporting you there?
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
Yeah, like everything really aligned. Not just, you know, with me finding the word. Like I said with my husband, he was the one who was the one who was like, hey. And it's funny because he's always been that way. He's always been the one. And I've been that for him too. Where we will. What's the word? Basically, like he was the one that I say, the vessel, that spirit speaks through for my messages sometimes.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
So he's always that person that's like, hey, you should do this. Or maybe she look into this and maybe you should think about this or consider this. Because again, I, Even when I found the work, I didn't consider that. That's like, okay, go ahead and do that. Because again, I was very focused on what I was doing and just, you know. But what was the question, man? I'm sorry, I got sidetracked.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
My question. It's okay. It sometimes happens, you know, we are sometimes flowing. It's. It's. It's totally fine. It's especially like we are moving from Pisces to, from. To Aquarius.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
It's just all is fine. I'm just talking. Whenever someone is opening to their high purpose, to their high purpose, they somehow open up that abundance, flow and life like starts supporting you. Like it's, it's really. And then synchronicities is already not a miracle. You really start having them a lot. And what was not completely possible for you before, whenever you are on that flow, it's just like it's happening. So I wanted from you maybe some examples, like inspiration for people around because you really found your purpose and I know you have them so that they would actually be inspired by your example by maybe some specific things which happened.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Like synchronicities. Like, hey, this is happening because I have a ton of them and when I talk to anyone, they also like, oh, I couldn't imagine. It's just so insane how synchronistically it happened. So do you have such kind of miracles, so called, which are synchronistically happening? Exactly. After you opened up that flow when you said yes to who you are, truly.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
That's a good question. And maybe I haven't really sat back to really realize that because I've been so busy, but I always see, I always find that things flow this very easily for me when I just like I said, release control, right? No expectations, just do the work. Things just, oh, wow, that was cool. You know, things like that, it's always unexpected. So I honestly, I'd have to sit back and really look at those things because I've just been on. Really just focused on the work and doing the work. And I have little moments of like, oh, this happened. That was cool.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
Oh, this happened. Oh, that was cool. And then I just keep it going. Like, I don't. Like I. Someone might say I'm not easily impressed, so to speak. Right.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
So easy. Easy, actually, that flow.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Easy is actually.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Right. So you are in the flow zone. So that's actually the confirmation, in fact.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
Yeah, always. Just always living in the flow. Not trying to press anything, not trying to. What do you call it? Rush or force anything. It's the word I'm looking for. And just doing the work, focused on the work, focused. Focused on my family, on myself, on me, still continuing doing the work and just trying to be, you know, who I need to be in this lifetime for myself so that I can be who I need to be for everyone else as well. All the different roles that I have. You know.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
I love it. So if we summarize the whole talk, usually I really love asking absolutely every. Every guest, what would be your advice to everyone who is listening to us right now? Like that jewel jewelry from everything what you experience, but what could really help anyone here? But it's your. Your top advice. I would say that brilliant of all your wisdom, you can formulate it. One sentence, maybe something like a brilliant. Really?
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
I would say, always trust your intuition. Always trust your gut. But there's why. So I remember years ago, I was. When I was doing this magazine, I was starting a magazine, and again, like I said, it was called Million Moms in Action. And I had got this idea to do the magazine. And because I had been working with moms in business and doing, like, podcast. Podcasts were popular.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
And I remember after doing the podcast, just before starting the magazine, I had a mentor. And I went to her and said, hey, Spirit spoke to me. I think I'm supposed to be doing. Helping. I'm supposed to be helping people find their purpose. And she was like, no, no, that's not what you're supposed to be doing. No, you're supposed to be helping moms with their business. And I was just like, yeah, you think so? And, you know, although I felt that strongly, like, I felt that it was almost like in the way that I got the information, I felt strongly like, yeah, like, I was really excited.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
Like, I think this is what I'm supposed to be doing. I had even built, like, a little outline of, like, some type of, like, what do you call it? I don't say a Training, but like a course or something to kind of help them find. Because I have been going, you know, like I said, I've been doing astrology and numerology, things of that nature. So something combining all of those things to kind of help you get more understanding of what you're supposed to be doing, like, your purpose. Because at that time, I kept hearing women talk about, oh, my person, my purpose, my purpose. Everybody. And even I was on my. Of me find my purpose.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
And then I just heard a voice when they said, you can help, and you're supposed to be helping them find a purpose, but that was it. And so I'm trying to figure out, what would that look like if I was to help someone with their purpose and what's been helping me by my. At the time, I didn't know what my purpose was specifically, but I knew it was aligned with something around that, and I was just like, okay, let me just see if I can figure this out. Right, right. And so, yeah, I told her that, you know, I think I'm supposed to be doing that. She's like, no, no, no, no. And so I listened to her and said, okay, well, you know, she's my man first. Maybe she understands.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
Right. Maybe she knows better than me. Right? I'm sorry, one second. Can you go, please? Thank you. So. So I said, yeah, maybe she knows better than me. And so I was like, all right, well, I guess I'm gonna do the, you know, the magazine thing with the parents, with the moms in business, and we'll do that. So hindsight, right? Come back to the work that I'm doing today, and it's just like, literally, what I'm doing is helping people with their purpose, right? Yeah.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
There's other things involved, but the number one question that people come to me when they're coming in sessions is, what's my purpose? Right. Not just what my purpose is, what careers align with my purpose. What am I supposed to be doing here? Career, am I allowed in alignment, or how do I come in alignment with what I'm supposed to be here doing? Right. That's, like, probably the number one thing that most people on this earth want to know why I'm not here. And so always say that. To trust your intuition, trust your gut, because when you allow other people to tell you who you are, that's where you fail.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Yeah, right.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
You had good intentions. You had good intentions. And I appreciate everything that she helped me with doing that mentorship. She's a very amazing person. Still, that was a lesson for Me, you know, you and only, you know. Right? Yeah. We always get those nudges. We always get that guidance, that insight from spirit.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
Your guides, they're always talking to you through your gut, through your intuition. You have to trust it. Don't let someone else talk you out of it.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
So, yeah, I love it. Thank you so much, Neoshi. It is really amazing. You know, I just was playing with the cards now and I pulled the card, you know, for you, like seven of swords and it's all about release, in fact. And it's so incoherent with the shadow work. In fact, do you see how she's releasing those swords and how it feels light and easy? And I. It's just like the immediate energy read. I don't know why I just was playing and somehow it just happened and everything what we were talking about.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
I wish that absolutely every being who is watching us right now could experience that release, at minimum, during the watching of this episode and do some kind of like, you know, some beautiful release practice. Whatever works, let it be even some dancing or eating a piece of chocolate, you know, it can also be some kind of release it. Of course, it is not a deep one, but sometimes we need to indulge a bit into certain things and just forget about everything happening. So, Neoshi, thank you so much. You made me think a ton about many things. And now I have these hypnotherapy sessions, spiritual hypnotherapy sessions, on the list of my explanation.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
All right, I'm ready when you are. I do, I'm back. I. I do.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
I. I guess you have a long list. Something tells me but maybe because we are on this podcast, you will give me.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
Yeah, I was gonna say. All right, so I don't know about that. Listen, I. Yeah, I. I am booked up until like right now, August 2025, next year. So it's a long.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Can you see that? Can you see this woman is busy? Really? So when you are aligned with your purpose, you can see you have work up to the August 2025. So it is safe, actually it is safe to find your purpose and live with that. Oh my God, it's amazing. So thank you so much. Thank you so much for these amazing inspiration. And I want just that our talk today will be like that really some kind of guidance and enlightenment window for many who are seeking that purpose and who are still burdened by their beliefs. Right. So we are just made it specifically for you guys and what we would love together with Neoshi here.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Support me if you are with me here so that every one of you could be inspired by her amazing example. Thank you for your presence and wishing you a lovely day.
Neoshi Green-Kebreau:
All right, you too.