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The King of Swords, ruled by the element of air, embodies authority, logic, and intellectual power. With a rational mind, he knows how to approach decision-making with reason and ensures he always looks at the facts before moving forward. Because of this, the King of Swords can be a great sign when appearing in a yes or no reading, suggesting that you hold his forward-thinking prowess.
However, the true answer in a King of Swords yes or no reading is sometimes more complex than you first thought. Today, we will unravel the potential answers hidden within this card to discover why you have received the King of Swords in a yes or no reading. Let’s dive in!
Table of Contents
- King of Swords Meaning
- King of Swords Upright Yes or No
- King of Swords Yes or No Love
- King of Swords Yes or No Potential Relationships
- King of Swords Yes or No Career
- King of Swords Reversed Yes or No
- King of Swords Reversed Yes or No Love
- King of Swords Reversed Yes or No Potential Relationships
- King of Swords Reversed Yes or No Career
- FAQs
King of Swords Meaning
To really understand the meaning of the King of Swords in a yes or no reading, it is helpful to reflect on the energy of the card. As the older, masculine Swords card, the King of Swords signifies someone who is wise, mature, and powerful. In tarot, Swords reflect intellect, communication, and knowledge, and the King stands firm in his beliefs. His mind guides him, and he is an expert in his field.

In the Tridevia Golden Foil Tarot Deck, the King of Swords sits on his throne, a ring of stars crowning him. His legs are crossed, signifying his unwavering position. He knows his mind, and he isn’t swayed by gossip or chitter-chatter.
However, his attitude can sometimes feel standoffish and unemotional. He is ruled by his mind and the power of intellectual thought, so he never lets his emotions get the better of him. This is usually a good thing—it means that he can be impartial and efficient in his decision-making. But sometimes, we must listen to our hearts. Are you able to embrace the logical side of the King of Swords while also letting your emotions have a say?
King of Swords Upright Yes or No
Because the King of Swords is all about logic and decisions, it often signifies a yes in a yes or no reading. Brimming with the energy of clarity and understanding, the King shows you that you have an objective point of view and can make the right decision.
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Buy NowIf your decision is based on rational thought and empirical evidence, the King of Swords encourages you to step ahead and act. You must consider every angle and ensure you are listening to your head.
King of Swords Yes or No Love
When it comes to love, the King of Swords in a yes or no reading is a tentative yes. It suggests that you are weighing up the pros and cons of your decision and keeping a level head regarding romance. If you are asking the cards about taking the next step with your partner, it signifies a positive as you are considering all aspects of the situation. You are not rushing into things, which will bode well for your future.
However, the King of Swords is definitely not a romantic card, and it may be asking you to reflect more on your decision before acting. Are you being too rational right now and viewing the relationship as a business partnership? Are you basing your decision simply on logic and practicality?
The thing is—sometimes, love is not logical at all! The tarot may want you to consider your emotions and gut feelings right now in order to make your choice. Try to balance your logical side with your heart to make the right decision.
King of Swords Yes or No Potential Relationships
If you are asking about a potential relationship, the King of Swords is a careful yes. You are moving in the right direction with this person, but the tarot is warning you not to get too carried away. Emotions are running high, and the King of Swords is here to mellow you out a little.

The Suit of Swords is all about honesty, logic, and communication, and this card asks you to explore your connection with this person to validate its authenticity. Don’t rush into anything too soon, and make sure you are getting to know them on a deeper level.
It is time to be honest about your values and relationship goals with this person before making big decisions. Are you on the same wavelength? Do you actually see the future with them?
King of Swords Yes or No Career
The King of Swords is a firm yes regarding career questions and decisions. You have high standards and a responsible nature when it comes to your work, which means you have a significant chance of success. Like the King of Swords, you have an air of authority about you and a logical outlook, which will help you achieve your career goals.
If you are asking about applying for a new job, this King is giving you the green light. You are not switching up your career on a whim, and you have weighed up all the pros and cons of your decision. By listening to your head, you are able to make positive changes and align yourself further with your true path.
The King of Swords is also a positive sign if you are asking about starting a new business. Starting a business is hard work, but you aren’t going into it with rose-tinted glasses. You know you need to put the effort in, and you have the right characteristics to do so. Lean into your logical side and push yourself to be the very best you can be.
King of Swords Reversed Yes or No
When reversed, the King of Swords loses his kind and diplomatic energy. Instead of using his power in a proactive and fair way, he uses it for selfishness and domination. His power feeds his ego, and he only cares about himself, throwing others under the bus to get to where he wants to be.

Because of this, the King of Swords is usually a no in a yes or no tarot reading. It may suggest that you are embodying his negative traits and only considering yourself in your decision. Or, it may signify that there are other people influencing your decision that have hidden agendas. Either way, the tarot wants you to step back and take a beat before progressing.
King of Swords Reversed Yes or No Love
If you are asking about a decision regarding your current relationship, the King of Swords reversed is a no. There are underlying issues regarding power in your partnership that need to be addressed before you take the next step together.
Perhaps you are looking at the decision from a purely selfish standpoint. For example, you may be asking about moving in with your partner. Instead of thinking about how this step will solidify your connection, you are thinking about how it would be nice to live in their big house! Of course, it is okay (and useful) to consider these aspects of the decision, but they shouldn’t be the only thing you consider.
There may be an imbalance of power in your relationship that needs to be resolved before making a big decision. Perhaps issues surrounding jealousy or codependency are making the relationship unhealthy. Address these issues before moving forward as a couple.
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Get Yours!King of Swords Reversed Yes or No Potential Relationships
Regarding potential relationships, the King of Swords reversed is a no. When reversed, the King of Swords often reveals a controlling and deceitful person. Perhaps the person you are asking about is showing these red flags, and something feels ‘not right’ about them.
You must listen to your gut right now, and if anything feels off, run the other way! We often get swept up in the idea of romance, but it is time to use your head. This person may simply not be the one for you.
Again, issues of selfishness arise in questions about potential relationships. Either you or the person in question is not approaching the connection in a healthy way and sees it as something that will simply feed your/their ego. It is time to reflect on what you actually want from a romantic relationship and evaluate your approach to love.
King of Swords Reversed Yes or No Career
With its energy of domination and control, the King of Swords is a maybe when it comes to questions about your career. It often appears to signify someone in your workplace who holds these qualities, and they are influencing your decision.

If you are asking about quitting your job or switching careers, the tarot wants you to reflect on why you want to do so. Is it because someone in your workplace is making things difficult? Does your boss tend to put you down and undermine you?
It can be hard to deal with someone like this, and of course, it is important to prioritize your well-being. Perhaps it is best to cut your losses and look for work elsewhere if this person isn’t budging. You have loads of talents, and you need to find work that makes you happy!
However, if you really love your job, you shouldn’t let someone else push you out. Can you do something to ease the situation? Do any of your coworkers feel the same way? It may be time to stand up for yourself and others to create a better working environment.
Is the King of Swords Yes or No?
The King of Swords is usually a yes in a yes or no reading when falling upright. It signifies a level head and a logical approach to your decision and suggests that you have the ability to make the right choice. However, when reversed, the King of Swords is often a no in a yes or no reading. This is because it suggests that selfishness and power are dictating your decision, and you are ignoring others.
What Does the King of Swords Mean in Love?
Regarding love, the King of Swords reveals a grounded and logical outlook. This allows you to make the right choices in love that align with your goals and lifestyle. However, you may sometimes forget to listen to your emotions! Try to balance your head and your heart to move forward on your romantic journey.
Is King of Swords a Yes or No Love?
The King of Swords is usually a yes when it comes to love. It suggests that you are weighing up the pros and cons of your decision and considering all aspects of your relationship. However, it does warn you that you may have the tendency to forget to consider the emotional side of things.
Is a Yes or No Tarot Reading Accurate?
A yes or no tarot reading is usually accurate, as the cards align with your energy and give you the answers you need. However, you shouldn’t just do something because your tarot cards tell you to do it! Tarot cards are a great way of helping you make your decision, but first and foremost, you should listen to your gut. If the cards are telling you one thing, but your gut is telling you the other, you should disregard your tarot card's yes or no answer.
Embrace the Advice in the King of Swords Tarot Card
The King of Swords is a powerful figure who will often crop up to help you make important decisions in life. If you have received the King of Swords in a yes or no reading, I hope this article has helped you get the answers you need! Whether you are asking about love, work, or anything in between, the King of Swords is here to help.
When moving forward with your decision, ensure that you are aligning with the energy of the King of Swords. Tap into your logical side and embrace your intellect. Like the King of Swords, you are powerful and strong. Never forget it!