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    Justice Tarot Card Meanings

    Justice Keywords


    Justice, Accountability, Law, Fair Treatment, Karma
    Skip to Upright meaning


    Injustice, Dishonesty, Unfair Treatment, Corruption, Avoiding Accountability
    Skip to Reversed meaning

    Justice Description

    A woman sits in a balanced position, symbolizing the meaning of equality.

    In her left hand she holds a scale that does not have a supporting pillar, and her hand becomes the pillar, as she herself is justice.

    The sword in her right hand is a symbol of firmness in making decisions and that no one can beat her courage in making solid decisions.

    The clasp on her neck has a symbol of cotton, which represents her inner calmness when taking a stand.

    Her high integrity has earned her divine blessings, symbolized by the light of God above her head, helping her to carry out the truth.

    Her crown is not made of gold or human hands, but is the image of nature that bestows this trust upon her.

    In her mind, corn seeds grow into corn plants; everything is equal according to what is sought, and no one is betrayed by the results - this is symbolized by a small sapling that grows in front of her, under her control and divine light.

    The fire beneath the bench she sits on represents that not everyone can function under difficult conditions, yet she sits balanced and calm.

    NOTE: The Tarot card meaning description is based on the Rider Waite cards.

    Tridevia Tarot Deck is designed with 156 beautifully crafted positive affirmations in our guidebook ,uniquely aligned to both upright and reversed meanings of each card, to not only guide your readings but also help you manifest your dreams and awaken the divine Goddess within you.

    Upright Justice Meaning

    This is a reminder to act in alignment with your Higher Self - if your intentions are pure, so will be the outcome. If that’s not the case - it’s Karma’s job to return the same energy that was sent out. Either way, justice will be served. Stand by your decisions and face the truth. Every action has a cause and effect, that is the universal law. It’s up to you to make it work in your favor.


    The energy I put out will be the energy I receive.

    Reversed Justice Meaning

    You might have done something that doesn’t align with your values and it’s time to face the consequences. If you regret your actions, simply admit it to yourself, learn from your mistakes and see it as an opportunity for growth. Be kind to yourself and know that everyone makes mistakes - the goal is to acknowledge and own up to them. Be honest with yourself and others and take accountability for your choices. Try to be more fair towards yourself and others.


    Making mistakes is a great opportunity for personal goals.

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