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    The Hierophant Tarot Card Meanings

    The Hierophant Keywords


    Tradition, Knowledge, Beliefs, Conformity, Good Counsel
    Skip to Upright meaning


    Rebellion, Non-Conformity, Unorthodoxy, Ignorance, Counseling Needed
    Skip to Reversed meaning

    The Hierophant Description

    A priest sits with an aura of enlightenment, symbolized by two raised fingers and blessed by a natural sign in the form of a constellation.

    The crown with a source of light in the center is a symbol of God's blessing and wisdom.

    He is a person who archives all experiences related to emotions and turns them into an intellectual experience, which is symbolized by books/manuals on his lap which he uses to overcome problems. A soft breeze opens the pages of the book on his lap denoting a hint from God.

    The oversized robe he wears signifies his many achievements and titles, and the bright stars on each shoulder are the emblems of his high rank. His long ears symbolize insight and openness to all kinds of problems, and he listens to the complaints from people around him to increase his self-capacity.

    Two individuals stand in front of him, with a small burning fire on their heads, and represent hope that is lit by learning and listening to accomplished people like him.

    Beneath the priest’s feet is a jar held by an octopus, a highly intelligent creature. The two keys in the jar symbolize success, and the octopus uses its intelligence and perseverance to solve problems by trying to open the jar to get the keys. 

    NOTE: The Tarot card meaning description is based on the Rider Waite cards.

    Tridevia Tarot Deck is designed with 156 beautifully crafted positive affirmations in our guidebook ,uniquely aligned to both upright and reversed meanings of each card, to not only guide your readings but also help you manifest your dreams and awaken the divine Goddess within you.

    Upright Hierophant Meaning

    It is a good time to test something new, maybe take up a new hobby which would bring you closer to the right community of people who share your interests. Every new person you meet has something to teach you and enrich your life in some way. Alternatively, you can serve them as a mentor or guide and offer them support. Get in touch with your spiritual side by creating your own rituals.


    Every circumstance in life can be taken as a lesson and every person we encounter - as a teacher.

    Reversed Hierophant Meaning

    This is a reminder that all the knowledge and guidance you seek is already within you. Connect to your non-physical self, your Higher Self, and be open to receiving answers and inspiration. Create your own desired path and don’t rely on external approval - you do not need it in order to succeed. Find your own way of doing things and live by your own rules.


    I am aware that everybody’s definition of success and happiness is different and I don’t compare myself to others.

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