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    The Magician Tarot Card Meanings

    The Magician Keywords


    Willpower, Manifestation, Skill, Self Confidence
    Skip to Upright meaning


    Trickery, Lies, Manipulation, Wasted Talent, Insecurity
    Skip to Reversed meaning

    The Magician Description

    The magician casts spells with a star wand symbolizing command and action in doing.

    The planets line up side by side behind him, and he uses his skills to determine and choose which power is reliable.

    The merged and united moon and sun above his head represent a form timeless mindset and intelligence.

    On the table in front of him he has several options of wisdom that he can choose from to deal with situations, such as the pentacle, sword, stick, and cup.

    The light on his forehead represents the third eye, the spiritual eye which is active when one enters the intuitive dimension, and the thriving plants below represent good karma.

    The open eye symbol at the bottom symbolizes the awareness between imagination and reality, and the triangle contained within it represents fire and creation.

    NOTE: The Tarot card meaning description is based on the Rider Waite cards.
    Tridevia Tarot Deck is designed with 156 beautifully crafted positive affirmations in our guidebook ,uniquely aligned to both upright and reversed meanings of each card, to not only guide your readings but also help you manifest your dreams and awaken the divine Goddess within you.

    Upright Magician Meaning

    It’s a great time for manifestation - take this as a call for inspired action! Tap into your unlimited potential and be aware of the fact that you have all the necessary tools to bring your imagined desires into the physical realm. Your inner resources are limitless, the only thing you need to do is acknowledge the great power you have in creating your life. Now is the time to turn your ideas into reality.


    I have the ability to turn my dreams into reality - as if by magic!

    Reversed Magician Meaning

    You’re either uncertain of your ability to manifest your goals or you’re aware of your power but not in touch with your Higher Self. This is a reminder to get in touch with your soul and be in sync with your true desires. Go with the flow and let the Universe pick a time and place that is best for you. You don’t need to plan everything, just raise your vibration and watch as your dreams come to fruition.


    I trust the Universe to pick the best possible scenarios in my life.

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