Two of Wands Tarot Card Meanings
Two of Wands Keywords
Planning, First Steps, Decision-Making, Risk-Taking, Solid Communication
Poor Planning, Over-analysing, Inaction, Risk Aversion, Incompatible Ideas and Goals
Two of Wands Description
Two staffs with burning fire serve as symbols of the two different mysteries of life. Similar to a woman with two faces, one with eyes closed on the left, but from her perspective, the one with eyes closed is on the right. Very tricky.
The melting candle towards the bottom means we can't wait forever because as time goes on, we have to decide.
The white lines of smoke floating upwards symbolize soaring dreams.
NOTE: The Tarot card meaning description is based on the Rider Waite cards.
Tridevia Tarot Deck is designed with 156 beautifully crafted positive affirmations in our guidebook ,uniquely aligned to both upright and reversed meanings of each card, to not only guide your readings but also help you manifest your dreams and awaken the divine Goddess within you.

Upright Two of Wands Meaning
There is a new possibility awaiting you. The world is ready for what you have to offer. However, you feel a bit hesitant about making a decision to move in a new direction. This is a reminder to be open and ready to step out of your comfort zone, because great things are awaiting you, even if that means overcoming some challenges. Be brave and determined!
I’m feeling determined and confident on the path to achieving my goals.

Reversed Two of Wands Meaning
You might have great dreams but lack a plan to accomplish them. Consider reviewing all the possibilities and choose the one that aligns with your soul’s purpose the most. This might not be the easiest option - and could actually be the one that seems the most challenging. But remember that there’s no growth in your comfort zone and that your efforts will pay off.
I am ready to step into the unknown and accept the amazing opportunities that are offered to me.