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Is your adult life impacted by childhood trauma?
Enroll in this exclusive course using tarot cards to rewire your mind and break free from the constraints inherited from your parents.
In this lesson, "Exploring Parental Bonds Through Tarot: A Journey of Self-Discovery," you will delve into the world of Tarot to deepen your understanding of parental relationships. Using specific cards like The Empress and The Emperor, you will reflect on your connections with your mother and father, uncovering insights and emotions. The course also guides participants to envision the ideal qualities of parental figures, fostering a journey towards personal growth and spiritual evolution. Engaging and introspective, this lesson offers a unique blend of Tarot interpretation and emotional exploration.
In this lesson you will discover powerful strategies for navigating your relationship with parental figures and fostering self-love. Through journaling, you'll unpack your feelings towards "mother" and "father," revealing deep insights for personal growth. A soothing meditation practice is introduced to nurture self-compassion and emotional stability. Finally, reciting affirmations will empower you to heal and embrace the qualities of self-parenting, fostering a loving and disciplined inner environment.
In this lesson you will delve into the therapeutic potential of Tarot for addressing and understanding childhood traumas. This lesson guides you through the process of creating a safe space for self-exploration, where you can confront past experiences related to parental figures. Through targeted Tarot readings and reflective journaling, participants will uncover patterns and behaviors rooted in their early years. This introspective journey aims to offer profound insights and facilitate a path towards healing and self-acceptance.
In "Navigating Personal Growth with the Minor Arcana," you will explore the transformative power of the Tarot's minor arcana to uncover and understand character-forming patterns personal patterns. This lesson offers strategies for delving into deep-seated behaviors and thoughts, providing a safe framework for introspection and self-care. Through reflective practices, including card interpretation and journaling, participants will identify and address the origins of their patterns, learning to manage any discomfort that arises. The course culminates in creating positive affirmations from these insights, empowering individuals to reframe their narratives and foster personal growth.
In this lesson you'll learn to harness the power of Tarot for setting clear boundaries against negative influences and patterns. This lesson focuses on the Major Arcana, guiding you through a reflective journey from The Hanged Man to The Tower, to understand and embrace personal transformation. You'll engage in activities that help you differentiate between what to leave behind and what to welcome into your life, reinforcing your decisions with positive affirmations. By confronting inner demons and opening up to new beginnings, this lesson empowers you to rewrite your narrative towards a more loving and self-accepting you.
In this lesson you will embark on a transformative journey to differentiate between conditional and unconditional love using the wisdom of the Tarot, especially focusing on The Lovers and The Devil cards. This lesson will guide you through reflective exercises to understand the essence of true, unconditional self-love versus the limitations of conditional affection. Through a powerful self-love meditation, participants will be invited to nurture an inner healing light, fostering a deep sense of purity and embracing love's ultimate power. This path aims to cultivate a profound and lasting relationship with oneself, grounded in the principles of unconditional acceptance and love.
In this lesson you will explore deep meditation techniques to connect with and internalize the nurturing and authoritative qualities symbolized by The Empress and The Emperor cards. This lesson empowers you to rewrite your personal story, aligning with the warmth, clarity, and abundance of the ideal mother, alongside the firmness, determination, and stability of the ideal father. Through guided reflection and journaling, you will actively engage with these archetypal symbols, fostering a profound understanding and embodiment of these qualities within yourself. This transformative process is designed to nurture your growth, bringing about significant shifts in how you perceive and relate to the principles of maternal and paternal influence in your life.
In this lesson you will discover the Hierophant's role in your Tarot journey as a beacon of structured knowledge and deeper wisdom. This lesson offers techniques combining meditation, active Tarot contemplation, and yoga to enhance self-awareness and spiritual growth. Through reflecting on the Hierophant card, participants will explore the bridge between traditional wisdom and personal intuition. Incorporating daily meditation practices and yoga asanas, this course aims to ground you in stability while nurturing your mental and spiritual development.
This lesson equips you with practical tools and Tarot insights to navigate through life's ups and downs. Through breathing exercises and self-love meditations, you'll learn to ground yourself and soothe your psyche amidst adversity. Engage in Tarot reflection and active meditation to cultivate balance, openness, and adaptability, transforming setbacks into opportunities for growth. Additionally, self-observation and strategic distancing from challenging situations will empower you to gain clarity and foster resilience.
In this lesson you will explore the deep responsibility that comes with transmitting knowledge and wisdom to others. This lesson emphasizes the importance of achieving internal resolution and clarity before stepping into a teaching or advisory role. Through exercises in self-reflection and discernment, participants will assess their readiness to share insights gained throughout the course, ensuring their guidance stems from a place of genuine understanding. The course encourages mindfulness in communication, teaching how to offer advice constructively and from a position of experienced insight.
Reflect Upon the Empowering Essence of the Tridevia Deck During Active Meditations

Gain insights from Yulia's extensive knowledge in tarot reading and the wisdom derived from her personal journey.

Liberate Yourself from Toxic Influences in 3 Simple Steps:
- Dive into 10 Video Lessons + Bonus Lessons with Yulia, creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck and a spiritual entrepreneur and tarot expert.
- Engage with a versatile workbook—perfect for digital use or print—and reinforce your learning with enjoyable exercises after each lesson.
- Access downloadable PDF transcripts for quick reference and listen on-the-go with mp3 audio files.
Becoming a Better Parent
"Being a parent is the hardest job, especially when you've grown up in a home where neglect was the norm. My own upbringing left me with a lot of self-doubt about my ability to be a good partner and mother. Discovering Tridevia Tarot and their resources, particularly this course on reprogramming your mind after growing up with toxic parents, has been a game-changer for me. It's helping me break the cycle, ensuring I don't repeat the same mistakes. The insights and strategies I've gained are shaping me into the person and parent I aspire to be, positively affecting my romantic relationships as well. For anyone facing similar challenges, I can't recommend this course enough. It's a step towards healing not just yourself, but your relationships too."
- Karen C.

I am Yulia, the guiding light and creator of this course.
Allow me to share a fragment of my journey with you; as you get to know me, you will find that the cards speak to your soul with a resonance deeper and more harmonious…
Frequently asked questions
Tarot is a tool that uses a deck of cards to provide insight and guidance. It can help you by offering a reflective mirror to your subconscious mind, helping you understand your life and decisions more clearly.
Check out this video: 5 Tips How to Use Tarot Cards.
Even though this is not only a tarot course, if you're a tarot beginner, we highly recommend you complete this course first: Transform Your Life with Tridevia Tarot Deck (Simple Steps for Big Changes).
We welcome you to check out some of our other beginner friendly courses that can be a good foundation on your tarot journey.
It's recommended to have a tarot deck, preferably the Tridevia Tarot Deck, as the course is tailored to work in sync with it.
This course offers you tools for emotional healing, personal growth, and breaking negative cycles from growing up with toxic parents.
You'll learn through tarot exploration, meditation, affirmations, and practical strategies to understand and heal childhood trauma, embrace self-love, set personal boundaries, and foster unconditional self-acceptance.
Additionally, it includes standalone meditation audios and a carefully prepared workbook to support your journey.
Each video lesson is designed to be concise yet impactful, with 10 lessons and guided meditations, lasting in total a bit more than 2.5 hours.
Yes, you can download PDF transcripts and mp3 audio files for each lesson, making it convenient to learn on-the-go.
The workbook contains practical exercises that reinforce your learning and help you apply the insights from each lesson.
While the course does not currently offer a formal certification, completing it will significantly enhance your tarot reading skills and personal development.
The course is designed for flexibility, allowing you to learn at your own pace. There are no deadlines, so you can take your time with each lesson to fully absorb and practice the teachings.
What sets this course apart is its specialized focus on using tarot as a therapeutic tool for individuals who grew up with toxic parents.
It combines tarot interpretation with deep emotional healing techniques, introspection, and practical strategies tailored to overcoming childhood trauma.
The course includes standalone meditation audios for easy access and a comprehensive workbook to enhance the learning experience.
Its unique approach integrates tarot with personal growth, self-love practices, and setting healthy boundaries, making it a holistic solution for emotional and spiritual healing.
Finding Healing After a Lifetime of Struggle
"As someone who has struggled with the scars left by a challenging childhood, finding Tridevia Tarot and the course 'How to Reprogram Your Mind if You Grew Up with Toxic Parents' has been a revelation. Growing up with alcoholic and abusive parents left me searching for healing for years. I turned to this course in desperation, hoping for even a sliver of peace. What I found was so much more. From the first lesson, I felt seen and understood in ways I never imagined possible. The tears of joy I shed were real and healing. The workbook provided has become my daily companion, guiding me through each step of reprogramming the negative thoughts implanted in my mind from those early days. If you're struggling with similar issues, please give this a chance. It might just be the turning point you've been waiting for."
- Tanya W.

Trust in your magic. Embrace your journey.
Celebrate your divine femininity.