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In your astrological chart, you have the planets and the houses, and you also have two essential points, which are the lunar nodes. The lunar nodes, also known as the Moon's nodes, are fascinating astrological points where the orbit of the Moon intersects either the apparent path of the Sun or the ecliptic. The ecliptic is the apparent path of the Sun as seen from Earth.
The lunar nodes consist of the north node and the south node. These points form an imaginary axis that runs through the Earth's surface. The North Node is at one end of this axis, while the South Node is at the opposite end.
Interestingly, the North and South Nodes are always in opposing zodiac signs. Despite this, they work together to create a balance in your life. The North Node represents your destiny and the challenges you must face. In contrast, the South Node represents your past, including your strengths and weaknesses, which include familiar but unhelpful habits. By integrating the energies of both nodes, we can achieve personal growth and fulfillment. In this post, we will focus on the North Node in Leo.
Table of Contents
- North Node in Leo Meaning
- North Node in Leo Dates
- North Node in Leo Life Purpose
- North Node in Leo South Node in Aquarius
- Karmic Reasons for North Node in Leo
- North Node in Leo in the 1st House
- North Node in Leo in the 2nd House
- North Node in Leo in the 3rd House
- North Node in Leo in the 4th House
- North Node in Leo in the 5th House
- North Node in Leo in the 6th House
- North Node in Leo in the 7th House
- North Node in Leo in the 8th House
- North Node in Leo in the 9th House
- North Node in Leo in the 10th House
- North Node in Leo in the 11th House
- North Node in Leo in the 12th House
- North Node in Leo Woman
- North Node in Leo Man
- North Node in Leo Soulmate
- North Node in Leo Careers
- North Node in Leo Celebrities
- North Node in Leo Takeaways
North Node in Leo Meaning

When your North Node is in Leo, your purpose in this lifetime is to allow yourself to be brave, courageous, creative, bold, and take on leadership roles. You are also meant to use intuition over intellect, given that Leo is a fire sign, and fire signs are tied to intuition.
Therefore, when it comes to decision-making, you go with your heart. That does not mean leaving practicality out of it, as you always need to be pragmatic, but don't ignore your feelings when you make decisions. Even if a decision you make may seem practical, it will not be the right one for you if it aligns differently from what you feel is best in your heart. Let’s look at when the North Node was last in Leo and when it will be again.
North Node in Leo Dates

The nodes change signs every 18 months during eclipses, and it can take around 18.5 years for the nodes to return to each sign. So, over the last several decades, there is a history of when the North Node was in Leo:
- November 22, 1942 to May 11, 1944
- June 11, 1961 to December 23, 1962
- January 6, 1980 to September 24, 1981
- October 21, 1998 to April 9, 2000
- May 10, 2017 to November 6, 2018
The North Node will enter Leo again on November 30, 2035, to May 29, 2037. Let’s elaborate further on your North Node in Leo purpose.
North Node in Leo Life Purpose

If you were born with a North Node in Leo, your life's purpose is to embrace your creative self-expression and showcase your unique abilities. Leo is all about self-confidence, leadership, and passion. Your mission is to develop your natural talents and gifts and use them to inspire and uplift others.
You are meant to be the protagonist of your own story and show your true self to the world. This can be done through art, performance, teaching, or any other form of self-expression. Your journey is about learning to believe in your own values and allowing yourself to be seen and appreciated for who you are. Embrace your inner lion to find fulfillment and success in life. Since your North Node is in Leo, your South Node would be in Aquarius.
North Node in Leo South Node in Aquarius

The Leo North Node and Aquarius South Node axes represent a journey of growth and evolution from a detached and collective mindset, the Aquarius, towards a more self-expressive and individualistic approach to life, which is Leo.
The position of the South Node in Aquarius indicates that you tend to be more intellectually inclined and are often focused on social causes and the greater good. You may be naturally inclined to be part of groups or communities and strongly desire to be accepted and fit in with others. You have likely developed skills in being objective, detached, and innovative.
The challenge and opportunity lie in embracing the qualities of the Leo North Node. Leo represents self-confidence, self-expression, and personal creativity. It encourages individuals to step into the spotlight and express their unique individuality. The Leo North Node asks people to embrace their passions, talents, and desires and share them with the world.
You may need to confront your fear of being noticed or standing out in a crowd to align with the Leo North Node. This involves rediscovering your inner strength and recognizing your value and worth, which may require taking risks, being more assertive, and embracing leadership roles.
Karmic Reasons for North Node in Leo

The karmic reason for having your North Node in Leo is that you have lessons to learn regarding Leo, as you already have habits and experiences, whether they also involve weaknesses or gifts that align with Aquarius, your South Node. Therefore, you are more comfortable with Aquarian tendencies involving innovation and humanitarianism, but you likely also struggle to get close to others and may prefer to become more detached.
And because of being more detached, you may struggle with getting close to others and having others pay attention to you, as you may be the one to want to blend into the background. Your North Node in Leo is there to help you learn to get comfortable with being confident so you can get noticed and develop personal relationships more easily.
You may have been involved with causes and organizations in a previous life, and you preferred to blend in and not call any attention to yourself. It is also possible that you were exiled, a lone wolf, a free-thinker, getting involved in radical movements, a revolutionary, or an outsider. But in this lifetime, the lesson is to stand out more and do it with confidence.
The astrological houses of your North Node in Leo and South Node in Aquarius will indicate what your life lessons are in this life. Let’s discuss the North Node in Leo in the astrological houses.
North Node in Leo in the 1st House

With the North Node in Leo in the 1st house, your life purpose is connected to self-expression, creativity, and leadership. You must develop confidence, authenticity, and the ability to shine your unique light. When you do that, you will be open to creating new relationships as people gravitate to authenticity.
This may be a struggle for you since there is a South Node in Aquarius in the 7th house. You may struggle with forming deep emotional connections or balancing your own needs with the needs of others. When you learn to become a leader and develop confidence, you will also develop healthy boundaries and cultivate authentic partnerships.
North Node in Leo in the 2nd House

The North Node in Leo in the 2nd house indicates that your life purpose involves developing self-worth, financial stability, and expressing your values. You must learn to value yourself and your talents and find ways to create abundance. However, you may hang onto old habits that could keep sabotaging yourself from creating abundance.
Your South Node is in Aquarius in the 8th house, indicating that you may tend to detach from your own power or resist transformation. You may struggle with letting go of old patterns or attachments. You need to release the need for detachment and learn to embrace your personal power, let go of fears and attachments so you find your self-worth and create the abundance you deserve.
North Node in Leo in the 3rd House

With the North Node in Leo in the 3rd house, your life purpose is connected to communication, self-expression, and learning. You need to develop your voice, express yourself creatively, and share your ideas with others. You must also become more curious by exploring new things to gain knowledge. However, this will always be challenging as your South Node is in Aquarius in the 9th house.
You may tend to detach from your beliefs or resist spiritual growth. You may struggle with embracing your inner wisdom or expanding your horizons, which will keep you from learning new things and keep you in your comfort zone. Your lesson is to release the need for detachment and learn to explore your beliefs, embrace your spirituality, seek higher knowledge, and share it with others.
North Node in Leo in the 4th House

The North Node in Leo in the 4th house indicates that your life purpose involves creating a nurturing and loving home environment. You need to develop a sense of emotional security, connect with your inner child, and create a supportive foundation for yourself and your loved ones.
That means your South Node in Aquarius is in the 10th house, indicating you may detach from family and focus too much on your career or public reputation. The lesson here is to balance your responsibility to your family as you create a loving environment for them while working on your career and not allowing your career to take over that.
North Node in Leo in the 5th House

With the North Node in Leo in the 5th house, your life purpose is connected to self-expression, creativity, and joy. You must embrace your inner child, pursue your passions, and authenticate yourself. Your purpose may also focus on helping your kids become the best versions of themselves. Your South Node is in Aquarius in the 11th house, so you may not be comfortable expressing yourself and finding yourself.
At the same time, you develop a herd mentality and become more of a follower than a leader. You may also struggle with embracing the community or contributing to collective goals if you struggle to find your creativity. The lesson you have is to learn to connect with others, find groups that share your passion, and use your creativity to make a difference.
North Node in Leo in the 6th House

The North Node in Leo in the 6th house indicates that your life purpose involves serving others with love and creativity. You must develop a healthy work-life balance, find joy in your daily routines, and use your skills to help others. This means you have your South Node in Aquarius in the 12th house, indicating that you may be lost in your own world, lost in a fantasy, and serving your needs, not in a healthy way, instead of focusing on your purpose.
You will need downtime to recharge more than those who don't have this placement, but the lesson is to use it well through meditation and rest so you can focus on your North Node in Leo's 6th house purpose.
North Node in Leo in the 7th House

With the North Node in Leo in the 7th house, your life purpose is connected to relationships, partnerships, and collaboration. You need to learn to balance your own needs with the needs of others, develop healthy boundaries, and express yourself authentically in partnerships. This lesson will be challenging as the South Node is in Aquarius in the 1st house.
You may tend to be detached, aloof, or emotionally distant. You may strongly desire independence and struggle to express your true emotions. Your lesson is to release the need for detachment and learn to connect with your emotions and express yourself authentically.
North Node in Leo in the 8th House

The North Node in Leo in the 8th house indicates that your life purpose involves transformation, finding personal power, and intimacy. You must embrace your power, let go of fears and attachments, and develop deep emotional connections with others. With this placement, your South Node is in Aquarius in the 2nd house. This may mean you detach from others, stick to your comfort zone, and struggle to find your worth.
You may have a rebellious attitude towards traditional values and need to release the need for detachment and learn to value yourself and your resources to allow yourself to transform and find your personal power. That will also help you connect with those on an intimate level.
North Node in Leo in the 9th House

With the North Node in Leo in the 9th house, your life purpose is connected to higher learning, spirituality, and expanding your horizons. You need to explore your beliefs, embrace your inner wisdom, and share your knowledge with others. However, with the South Node in Aquarius in the 3rd house, this may be a challenging purpose for you to fulfill.
You may tend to be intellectually detached or emotionally distant in your communication. You might struggle with expressing how you feel or connecting with others personally. You will prefer to stick to what you know and be afraid to gain more knowledge. You need to get out of your comfort zone when it comes to learning new things, expanding your horizons, focusing on your beliefs, and understanding them.
North Node in Leo in the 10th House

The North Node in Leo in the 10th house indicates that your life purpose involves leadership, public recognition, and career success. You must embrace your unique talents, pursue your ambitions, and positively impact the world. With this placement, your South Node is in Aquarius in the 4th house, indicating that you may detach from your emotions and stick to what is comfortable.
You may struggle with creating a sense of emotional security or connecting with your inner child, which means you would struggle with having the confidence to become a leader and focus on your career and ambitions. Therefore, the lesson is to find it within you to be secure, leading to confidence to fulfill your North Node in Leo's 10th house purpose.
North Node in Leo in the 11th House

With the North Node in Leo in the 11th house, your life purpose is connected to the community, social causes, and friendship. You need to connect with like-minded individuals, contribute to collective goals, and use your creativity to make a difference. That means your South Node is in Aquarius in the 5th house, as you may tend to detach from your creative expression or your inner child.
You may struggle with embracing joy, playfulness, and self-expression. The lesson is to release the need for detachment and learn to embrace your creativity, pursue your passions, and express yourself authentically to form meaningful connections in your community and connect with like-minded individuals.
North Node in Leo in the 12th House

The North Node in Leo in the 12th house indicates that your life purpose involves spiritual growth, compassion, and healing. You need to connect with your intuition, embrace solitude, and use your creativity to heal yourself and others. That means your South Node in Aquarius in the 6th house shows that you may tend to detach from your daily routines or their service to others.
You may struggle with finding joy in your work or connecting with others on a personal level, as you will easily get yourself into a rut and go through the motions. You need to connect with your Higher Self to figure out how to serve others meaningfully and go into the work that means a lot to you.
How someone expresses their North Node also impacts them if they are a man or a woman, so let’s discuss that further.
North Node in Leo Woman

The characteristics of the North Node in Leo woman will have a natural inclination towards creativity and self-expression. However, because of her falling back to her Aquarian South Node tendencies, she may have these desires but would have the instinct to inhibit what she has to offer. She is also learning to become self-confident as she knows she must become her leader but will find that she comes into situations that will cause her to struggle.
She may be the type to seek approval from others, but as she steps into her Leo North Node, she will eventually understand that the opinions of others are meaningless. Let's discuss men that have the North Node in Leo characteristics.
North Node in Leo Man

A man with the North Node in Leo will have similar characteristics as his female counterpart. However, he will also show signs of being more passionate as his desires will drive him, and he will begin to go after what he wants in life. He will have a strong sense of purpose and will put the effort to attain his goals, so he has more of a go-getting personality. That also depends on his other planetary placements and houses.
He will also be generous, as he would be the one to give pricey gifts to dates or take them out on expensive meals. He may also have a playful side. Both men and women with this placement will know how to find their soulmates if they are self-aware.
North Node in Leo Soulmate

Knowing your North Node in Leo's purpose will help you find your soulmate. All you need to do is be aware of what you need to accomplish and find in your current life, as you already know you are meant to be in the spotlight in some form.
If you can nurture the creative and gregarious side that comes with having the North Node in Leo, you will attract the right people to you, and that is how you can attract your soulmate. If you are confident and working on your leadership abilities while sharing yourself with others in a non-egotistical way, you will find your tribe.
Your soulmate will recognize you by being warm and generous and allowing them to get into your world instead of keeping them at a distance, which is what you may instinctively do with your South Node in Aquarius.
However, if you can overcome that, your soulmate will know and be in your world. Just know that if you stick to your South Node in Aquarius traits, such as being distant, becoming too rational, or developing a self-righteous attitude, you will not attract your soulmate.
One way to nurture your North Node in Leo is by going into the best career to do that. Let's discuss those.
North Node in Leo Careers

With a North Node in Leo, you are meant to embrace your creative self-expression and shine your unique light in the world. Here are some career paths that align well with the qualities and energies of Leo:
- Acting - The acting world allows you to fully express your creativity and showcase your talents on stage or screen. It requires confidence, charisma, and the ability to captivate an audience.
- Performing - Whether it's singing, dancing, or performing in any other capacity, an entertainment career allows you to share your unique talents and bring joy to others through your performances.
- Art - Pursuing a career in the arts, such as painting, sculpting, graphic design, or fashion design, allows you to express your creativity and create visually stunning works that reflect your unique style.
- Teacher or coach - Sharing your knowledge and passion with others as a teacher or coach allows you to inspire and uplift others. Your natural leadership qualities and ability to encourage and motivate others make you a great mentor and guide.
- Public or motivational speaker - Your natural charisma and ability to captivate an audience make you an excellent public speaker or motivational speaker. You can inspire and uplift others with your words and presence.
- Business owner - Starting your own business allows you to take charge and control your destiny. You can use your creative talents to build a successful venture reflecting your vision and passion.
- Event planner - Planning and organizing events like weddings, parties, or conferences allows you to showcase your creativity and attention to detail. You have a knack for creating memorable experiences for others.
- Stylist - With your eye for style and flair for creativity, a career in fashion styling or personal styling allows you to help others express their unique personality through their clothing and appearance.
- Creative director - Working in a creative role within the advertising, marketing, or design industry allows you to utilize your creative skills and lead creative teams. You can bring your unique vision and artistic sensibilities to projects.
- Philanthropist - Using your leadership qualities and passion for social causes, you can make a difference in the world by advocating for and supporting causes close to your heart.
Who are some famous individuals with the North Node in Leo? Let's look at some celebrities that have this placement,
North Node in Leo Celebrities

Listed below are a few of the many North Node in Leo celebrities:
- Amy Schumer - comedian and actress
- Colin O'Donoghue - actor and musician
- Barack Obama - 44th president of the USA
- Kim Kardashian - influencer and reality star
- Diana, Princess of Wales (deceased)
- Chris Evans -actor
- Christina Aguilera - singer
- Tom Cruise - actor
- Sharon Tate - actress and model (deceased)
- Natalie Portman - actress
- Jim Carrey - actor
- Jim Morrison - singer (deceased)
- Demi Moore - actress
- Mick Jagger - singer
- Meghan, Duchess of Sussex
- Jimi Hendrix - singer (deceased)
- Alicia Keys - singer
There are thousands more celebrities with North Node in Leo, but those are the most notable few.
North Node in Leo Takeaways

When you have your North Node in Leo, you have your South Node in Aquarius. That means your purpose is to become creative and confident and develop leadership skills as your North Node indicates your life's purpose so you can evolve. That means you will have to let go of being distant and detached, which results from your South Node in Aquarius indicating your traits and habits from your previous lives. The last time the North Node was in Leo was in 2017 and 2018, and it will not show up in Leo again until 2035.
There may be many karmic reasons for your South Node in Aquarius as you may have been exiled, a lone wolf, or a rebel, so to evolve, your North Node is in Leo. However, your karma will depend on where your Leo North Node falls into your astrological house and the planets it affects. Men and women express this placement similarly but there are differences, and if you fall into the best careers to nurture your Leo North Node, you will have an easier time evolving with it.
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