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Passionate and charismatic, the Queen of Wands has earned her throne and crown. She represents someone who balances their independence with their social life and knows how to listen to their inner voice to guide themselves forward.
But what does it mean when the Queen of Wands as feelings appears in a tarot reading? If this dynamic card has cropped up to reveal more about your feelings or the feelings of someone in your life, the tarot has a message for you!
Table of Contents
- The Queen of Wands Tarot Card
- The Queen of Wands as Feelings Upright
- The Queen of Wands as Feelings for Someone
- The Queen of Wands as Feelings in a Relationship
- The Queen of Wands as Feelings for an Ex
- The Queen of Wands as a Man’s Feelings
- The Queen of Wands Reversed as Feelings
- The Queen of Wands Reversed as Feelings for Someone
- The Queen of Wands Reversed as Feelings in a Relationship
- The Queen of Wands Reversed as Feelings for an Ex
- The Queen of Wands Reversed as a Man’s Feelings
- FAQs
The Queen of Wands Tarot Card
Before we explore the Queen of Wands as feelings, it is helpful to take a moment to remember what this card is all about. As a Queen, she has power over others and her path, with a gentle knack for nurture and support. Ruled by the element of fire, the Queen of Wands embodies passion and progression. She knows herself through and through and knows exactly what she needs to do to achieve her goals.

In the Tridevia Golden Foil Tarot deck, she holds a staff that represents her power, with a planet that reflects her strength resting on her lap. The world is truly in her hands, and she has control over everything she sees.
This Queen's flame shines brightly, and she forges her own path forward. Constraints and expectations aren’t her thing - she doesn’t bend for anyone! Her brilliance inspires others, and she doesn’t shy away from being the center of attention.
The Queen of Wands as Feelings Upright
When upright, the Queen of Wands is always a good sign when it comes to feelings! There is a whole load of positivity in this card, and it illuminates the good vibes within you.
Let’s break down the Queen of Wands as feelings to understand her advice and message.
The Queen of Wands as Feelings for Someone
Refreshing and exciting love is flowing through you right now, and it is time to embrace it. The Queen of Wands rarely aligns with the norm, and this may be reflected in your feelings. Is the brewing romance a bit unexpected? Can you not stop thinking about someone who is ‘not your type on paper’?
Love works in mysterious ways, and these feelings may be pretty intense and confusing. However, the Queen of Pentacles has appeared to tell you: yup, you are feeling this, and it is real!
Throw expectations out the window and step into the feelings that are coming over you. There is honesty and authentic love growing—one that will feed your soul and mind. It is time to be truthful with the person you are having these feelings for and let your emotions be heard! The energy of the Queen of Wands is being reflected in you right now, and you are able to move forward with confidence and power.
Trust in yourself and your feelings.
The Queen of Wands as Feelings in a Relationship
If you are in a relationship and the Queen of Wands appears as feelings, the card reveals strength and intimacy. You and your partner are deeply connected, and feelings of passion and romance are still going strong! There will be no seven-year itch for you two; you both share that fiery spark that brought you together in the first place.

Your feelings of love run deep, and you have the connection to overcome any difficulties you face together. Because the Queen of Wands represents courage and determination, its energy is reflected in the feelings you have towards your partner. You both have a clear vision of where you want this relationship to go and know that you can work together to create it.
Celebrate that passionate love you share and be proud of how strong your relationship is! You deserve all the happiness you are feeling.
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Buy NowThe Queen of Wands as Feelings for an Ex
If you want to understand your feelings about your ex and the Queen of Wands has cropped up, the tarot has a soothing message for you. You are confused and upset about the breakup and still have strong feelings for them. This is totally normal! We can’t just turn our feelings off like a tap (although it would be super helpful if we could).
However, the Queen of Wands wants to remind you of your strength and independence. Relationships end, sadly. That is a part of life. But your power will always be there to lean on.
Now is the time for self-discovery and expansion. The Queen of Wands is driven by that fire inside of her, and so should you be! Throw yourselves into your hobbies and passions, and try out things that you have always wanted to do. Start that side hustle, apply for that new job. You have the power to create your own future.
The Queen of Wands as a Man’s Feelings
Wondering about the feelings of a man you have your eye on? Has the Queen of Wands appeared to represent their feelings? Well, it is time to celebrate - because this card is a great sign!
The man in question has a lot of positive feelings towards you and is attracted to your charm and independence. Like the Queen of Wands, you are charismatic and fiery. Your energy means that this guy cannot stop thinking about you, and they see you as a Queen.
It is time to work out how you feel about them and if you are ready to explore this connection you have. Ensure you are aligning with your truth and being honest regarding your emotions and what you want from a future relationship. The rest will fall into place!
The Queen of Wands Reversed as Feelings
When the Queen of Wands appears reversed to represent your feelings or the feelings of someone else, its initial energy is flipped. The charismatic Queen turns introverted and is deeply in tune with their inner world. This is usually seen as a good thing - she knows herself and her values.

However, the reversed Queen of Wands can sometimes reveal a lack of confidence or a self-centered attitude. Let’s break down what we know about the Queen of Wands reversed as feelings to figure out what it means for you!
The Queen of Wands Reversed as Feelings for Someone
When appearing to represent your feelings for someone, the message of self-doubt and insecurity in the reversed Queen of Wands is highlighted. You have romantic feelings for this person, but something is holding you back. You are feeling safe right now in your independence and don’t want to take risks that will affect this.
However, love is all about taking a leap of faith. It is a gamble - you are putting your heart in someone else’s hands. But, the rewards you will receive for taking the risk of love are life-changing.
You need to accept your feelings and step out of your comfort zone with this person. Your feelings are real, and they are important. You don’t want to end up riddled with regret and ‘what ifs’. Speak from your heart, and whatever happens happens.
The Queen of Wands Reversed as Feelings in a Relationship
If you are in a relationship and receive the Queen of Wands reversed as feelings, the tarot reveals feelings of neglect and insecurity. Perhaps the closeness between you and your partner has vanished, and you feel as if there are oceans between you. Instead of being a team, you are simply two people who hang out together.
Of course, this sort of thing happens in long-term relationships. Life gets in the way, and external obligations mean that you both forget to give the love the attention it needs. But love is like a flower. It needs water, sun, and nurture to grow and flourish.
Thankfully, these feelings of distance and neglect can be fixed, and you will soon end up stronger than ever. Talk with your partner about how you are feeling, and work out what you can do to bring that romance back into the relationship. They probably feel the same way you do, and they will be glad you brought it up!
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Get Yours!The Queen of Wands Reversed as Feelings for an Ex
When appearing in a reading to signify feelings for an ex, the Queen of Wands reversed represents regret, dissatisfaction, and upset. You feel wronged by the relationship and believe that you put in much more than they did. Now the relationship is over, and you are pretty annoyed about it all! They were selfish throughout it all, and you are only realizing it now.
The tarot wants you to take a leaf out of their book right now and turn your attention inward. Brewing over the past and holding grudges will only upset you, so it is time to let go and focus on yourself. Of course, this is easier said than done, but you have the power to forge ahead with self-respect and confidence.
By turning to your tarot cards, you are already stepping forward in the right direction. Now is the time for introspection and self-evaluation. Tap into your true self to realign with your soul and let go of the pain that your ex left within you.
The Queen of Wands Reversed as a Man’s Feelings
The Queen of Wands reversed as a man’s feelings is a red flag in a tarot card! Here, the meaning of self-centeredness is apparent, and the tarot wants you to know that his feelings may not be as altruistic as you may think.

He may be showering you with gifts and taking you out on fancy dates, but is this guy actually trying to get to know you? Does he ask you meaningful questions and listen to your thoughts and feelings?
This man may be using you to prop up his ego. He likes the attention he receives when he is with you, and he may even view you as a trophy partner. His feelings are centered around himself, and you may get hurt if you are not careful. Take time to navigate this relationship and work out if his feelings are true. Make sure you are putting yourself first and looking after your heart.
What Does the Queen of Wands Mean in Love and Relationships?
In love and relationships, the Queen of Wands signifies openness, authenticity, and honesty. It suggests that the relationship may not fit the norm, but it is filled with love and passion. Both people hold their independence but share a happy and balanced life together. For single people, the Queen of Wands represents the charismatic and uplifting qualities within you that will attract the right partner.
What Is the Message From Queen of Wands?
The message from the Queen of Wands is one of power and independence. It reminds you to believe in yourself and your values, and highlights the impact you have over others in your life.
What Is the Personality of the Queen of Wands?
The Queen of Wands is a dynamic and charismatic person with a powerful aura. They are strong and independent but know the importance of connecting with others. Fiery and energetic, the Queen of Wands achieves whatever they put their mind to!
What Does the Queen of Wands Reversed as Love Advice Mean?
When reversed, the Queen of Wands as love advice tells you to put yourself and your feelings first. You may be bending over backward for a potential partner right now, and this needs to change! Look after your heart, mind, and soul.
Embrace Your Inner Queen of Wands
The Queen of Wands is an influential figure who has a lot to say about the world of romance and love! Whether appearing upright to help you accept the feelings you have about a special someone or appearing reversed to give you a warning about a selfish date, the Queen of Wands has your back.
Independent and powerful, there is a Queen of Wands that lives within you. Embrace her energy and let your inner fire guide you forward!
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