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Is the Devil a yes or no card?
The answer to that depends on the question and whether or not the Devil is reversed. Before delving into whether or not the Devil tarot card indicates yes or no, let's delve into the overview of the Devil, as that is one of the several tarot cards, such as Death and the Tower, that so many tend to misunderstand.
There is a lot of fear around this card when there should never be fear around any tarot card, but essential messages that they deliver which the Devil has. Now, let's go over the overview of this misunderstood tarot card.
Table of Contents
- Overview of the Devil Tarot Card
- The Devil Tarot Card Yes or No Questions
- The Devil Yes or No For Love
- The Devil Yes or No For Career
- The Devil Yes or No For Health
- The Devil Yes or No For Money
- The Devil Reversed Yes or No
- The Devil Reversed Yes or No For Love
- The Devil Reversed Yes or No For Career
- The Devil Reversed Yes or No For Health
- The Devil Reversed Yes or No For Money
- The Devil Yes or No Takeaways
Overview of the Devil Tarot Card

The Devil tarot card is powerful and complex, with various meanings and interpretations. In most traditional tarot decks, the Devil is depicted as a horned, winged creature resembling a satyr or a demon. This imagery represents your primal and instinctual nature.
The Devil stands on a pedestal with two naked figures, one male and one female, chained to it. These chains symbolize the bondage and limitations you impose on yourself through negative patterns, addictions, or unhealthy attachments.
In the Tridevia Tarot Deck, the Devil tarot card represents the temptations and desires that can lead you astray. It signifies the allure of materialism, pleasure, or instant gratification. It reminds you to be aware of your attachments and their potential negative consequences on your life.
The Devil card prompts you to explore your shadow self, the hidden and often repressed aspects of your personality. It invites you to confront your fears, desires, and unresolved emotions. You can achieve personal growth and transformation by acknowledging and integrating your shadow self.
Another thing the Devil tarot card signifies is addiction and dependency, whether it be substance abuse, unhealthy relationships, or negative behavioral patterns. It serves as a reminder to examine areas where you may be enslaved to harmful habits or influences. It encourages you to break free from these patterns and regain your power.
The Devil also represents the power dynamics of control and manipulation. It warns against falling victim to external influences or allowing others to control you. It reminds you to be mindful of situations where you may be manipulated or where you may be exerting control over others.
While the Devil card may initially seem ominous, it also carries a message of liberation and freedom from self-imposed limitations. It encourages you to recognize the chains that bind you and take steps towards freeing yourself. By confronting and overcoming your inner demons, you can experience personal liberation and growth.
The Devil card invites you to embrace and integrate your shadow self into your conscious awareness. It encourages you to acknowledge and accept all aspects of yourself, both light and dark. By doing so, you can achieve personal transformation and find a sense of balance and wholeness.
Whenever the Devil comes up in a reading, it is a message that involves freeing yourself from any addiction, obsession, or harmful attachments or habits. However, what if you ask a yes or no question to the tarot, and the card that comes up is the Devil? Let's talk about what that means.
The Devil Tarot Card Yes or No Questions

You may think that you cannot ask the tarot yes or no questions as that is better left for the pendulum. However, there are tarot cards that either point to no or yes when you ask a yes or no question. Therefore, when you ask a yes or no question and the Devil comes up, it is a no card when upright.
Even though there are no "good" or "bad" tarot cards, the energy of each card can be somewhat negative based on the message it brings, such as Three of Swords or the Tower. The energy of other cards can be more positive, such as the Sun or the Nine of Cups, and some can be neutral, such as the Two of Pentacles or the Hermit.
The Devil has more negative connotations because it gives you a message that you are taking things to the extreme by developing unhealthy attachments, obsessions, and addictions, so therefore, it is a no card. Let's examine what the Devil means when it becomes the answer for love when asking the tarot a yes or no question.
The Devil Yes or No For Love

When you are asking the tarot a yes or no question regarding looking for love, whether you are looking for a new relationship, if you are wondering what your current relationship looks like, or if you want to go back to an ex and the Devil comes up, then it is a no.
That means if you are looking for a new relationship, now is not the time to do so, as the Devil warns you that if you end up forming a relationship at this time, it will not be healthy. There could be some serious codependency or attachment issues, or you could end up hooking up with someone with addiction issues. You do not want that.
Therefore, you will want to hold off on finding a relationship right now, so you will want to do some inner work and ask yourself why you may rush to find someone. You will want to focus on yourself and do the work you need to do so you can be in a position to develop a genuine connection.
If your current relationship is unhealthy, and you have tried to salvage your relationship, but your partner is not on board. If you ask the tarot a yes or no question about whether your relationship will likely ask, and the Devil comes up, then you know that it means that your current relationship is not salvageable. You can always give that relationship a chance, but the more your partner pushes you away and shows no interest in the relationship, you will see that the Devil has answered your question.
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Buy NowYou may also find that sexually, you are healthy as there may be good physical chemistry, but if that is the only thing that keeps your relationship together, and it is unhealthy in all other ways, then it is time to leave.
Or perhaps your partner or you may be codependent, and if the Devil comes up after you ask whether you should stay or leave, then it is time to break that chain of codependence and unhealthy attachments.
If you want to go back to an ex and ask the tarot yes or no whether you should go back to your ex, and the Devil comes up, then that is a solid no. If you do go back to your ex, the relationship will become very unhealthy, and then you will remember why your ex is an ex in the first place. Let's find out what the Devil means when you ask it yes or no regarding your career.
The Devil Yes or No For Career

If you are in a career that you don't care for, and you wonder if you should leave, you may be tempted to ask the tarot a yes and no question about whether you should stay at your job or look for another. If you are wondering if you should stay at your job or if you are wondering if you are appreciated at your job and you ask the tarot yes or no, and the Devil comes up, then you are not in a good place with where you are working.
You may be working too hard to the point that your boss is taking advantage of you, or you are so unhappy that you are not working hard enough because you are giving in to urges interfering with your work.
This is when you will need to ask yourself why you are staying at the workplace if you are unhappy there, whether you are overworking and allowing yourself to be taken advantage of by your boss or not working hard enough. You may also be overworking yourself to avoid stress at home. Either way, you are dealing with a very unhealthy workplace situation that needs examination.
If you are unemployed and looking for work and have found a potential job looking to hire you, and you ask the tarot whether it is a good idea to accept this job and the Devil comes up, then that is a no. It is warning you that you will likely end up in a toxic situation where you will be expected to work long hours for insufficient pay. Or you may end up with a codependent coworker that will interfere with your work.
If you are attached to the idea of working at that particular company and the Devil comes up, it is not only telling you it is a bad idea, but it is asking you to reflect as to why you are so attached to working at a company that will not be good for you. That is how the Devil yes or no tarot questions result when you ask about your career. What about health?
The Devil Yes or No For Health

When it comes to health readings, you want to be careful because you cannot ask the tarot cards or any psychic if you go to one to diagnose you with a health condition. Only a medical professional can do that.
Therefore, asking the tarot if you are healthy based on how well you care for yourself is acceptable. And if you ask the tarot if you are taking the best care of yourself to maximize your health and the Devil comes up, that is a no. And now is the time to examine how the Devil represents your self-care interfering with your health.
It is saying you are not taking the best care of yourself because there is an imbalance, which can mean you have developed some bad habits or even addictions that are interfering with your health. For example, what if you sleep well, eat nutritious foods, and not consuming too much sugar? Then, you will want to look at other areas where you lack self-care and affect your health.
You may also be confused because you also spend hours at the gym before you go to work exercising, and that is where the imbalance is. There is such a thing as over-exercising, and that will add stress and injuries to your body, and that can harm your health. Therefore, that is a sign that it is time to scale back on the time at the gym and add more rest and enjoyment into your life. Let's look and see what the Devil means in a yes or no question regarding money.
The Devil Yes or No For Money

When it comes to asking the tarot yes or no about your situation with money, whether you are asking about your financial situation or if you will end up with more money in the future and the Devil comes up, then again, the answer is no, you will not end up with more money in the future that will last. Or, if you are asking the question if your financial situation is healthy, and the Devil comes up, it is saying it is unhealthy. This is a time to ask about your relationship with money and evaluate your spending habits.
Since the Devil represents addictions, attachments, and anything in excess, it is time to reflect on your shopping habits. Do you need to spend on items that you do not need? Are you spending money on subscriptions you do not use, and are they not allowing you to save money for the future?
Suppose you admit that you do overspend, gamble, or have an unhealthy relationship with money that causes it to disappear into thin air. That is also why any money you end up with in the future will not last as you will spend it right away.
In that case, it is time to look into ways to develop a budget and develop a healthy relationship with money. Now you have a good idea of the answer the Devil gives you when you ask it a question, which is always a no. What about the Devil reversed? What does the Devil reversed mean in a yes or no question?
The Devil Reversed Yes or No

When the Devil tarot card is flipped and reversed, it represents you breaking free from the chains binding you, which is excellent. You are no longer bound to the harmful addictions, habits, or anything else that you have allowed yourself to keep captive. You are liberated from self-imposed limitations or external influences holding you back.
The Devil reversed also suggests that you are in for a personal transformation or going through a period of growth after breaking free from whatever limitations have held you captive. You are working on overcoming your fears and worries as you reclaim your power.
You have found a new sense of empowerment from it, as you are switching your negative actions to positive ones for empowerment, such as eating cleaner, kicking addictions and getting help for them, or leaving toxic friendships because you deserve better. Therefore, when the Devil reverse comes up in a yes or no question, the answer is yes! Let's look at this further and see how it affects areas regarding love, career, money, and health.
The Devil Reversed Yes or No For Love

Regarding the Devil, reverse as a yes or no question regarding love, whether it has to do with your current relationship, a potential new one, or if you want to go back with your ex, it is a yes.
If you are looking for a new relationship and you ask the tarot a yes or no question about whether a new love will be on the horizon and the Devil reversed comes up, then it means you are at a place in your life where you are ready to find a new love. You have learned about what red flags to look for, and you also have done a lot of inner work realizing that you deserve someone who will treat you well after a history of allowing former partners to mistreat you.
If you and your partner are struggling in your relationship and you ask the tarot if it is salvageable, and the Devil reversed comes up, then it means it is salvageable, but it will take a lot of work to heal the partnership. It takes two for a relationship to work, so you both have to be on board when working on bad habits or old grudges that may be getting in the way of your partnership. Counseling may help.
If you want to go back to an ex and the Devil reversed comes up, then it is a green light to do so, as your ex and you may have done a lot of inner work to let go of toxic habits that may have harmed your relationship. A second chance is warranted. As you can see, the Devil tarot in reverse indicates that you are in a place in your life to find, maintain, or go back to an old love. Let's take a look and see what it means for career.
The Devil Reversed Yes or No For Career

Regarding the Devil reversed yes and no question regarding career, it is good news. If you are working somewhere you don't like and want to know if there will be a change regarding your job, and the Devil reversed comes up, then it is a yes. Either the work situation at the company you are working for will improve, such as you will end up with better treatment, or it can mean another better opportunity will come your way, such as in another job.
If you also know you must work harder, you realize you must put more effort into your work. You wonder if your work performance will improve; the Devil reversed signifies that your efforts will pay off, so keep working at it and doing your best.
If you are also looking for a job and want to know if one will come soon, and the Devil reversed shows up, it is a good sign that it will. Still, it is also a reminder to avoid getting attached to any particular employment opportunity, as the right one will show up for you. Now, let's look and see what the Devil reversed in a yes and no question means when it comes to health.
The Devil Reversed Yes or No For Health

As mentioned, when it comes to health readings, you have to be careful with how you approach them, as you must always see a doctor or any health professional if you are genuinely concerned about an issue you may have been facing with your health.
However, if you are on a health journey and taking better care of yourself, whether you are sleeping better, eating more nutritionally, or increasing your activity levels, and you want to know if you are on a good trajectory with your overall health, you can ask the tarot a yes or no question. If the Devil reverse is what you get when you ask if your overall health is better after the changes you have made, then that is a yes. Breaking free from bad habits has been helping you get on a healthier path.
If you ask that question if your overall health is in good shape without doing the work, and the Devil reverse comes up, then it is a yes, and also a message to you that you may have changed some bad habits without being aware of it, as you may have been going to bed earlier without even thinking about it, or you are eating more whole foods and less processed foods, or your activity levels are better.
Either way, the Devil tarot reverse is saying yes about you being in better health and saying, "Good work for taking good care of yourself."
Lastly, let's see what the Devil reverse means in a yes or no question regarding money.
The Devil Reversed Yes or No For Money

When it comes to the Devil tarot card in reverse as a yes or no answer, whether or not you will end up with more money or be in a better financial position, then the answer is yes. If you ask if your current financial situation is better and the Devil reverse shows up, it is because you may have begun to budget or kicked your mindless spending habits, which will allow you to save more and put you in a better financial position.
If you ask the tarot if you will end up with more money for your business or be in a better financial position in general, and the Devil reversed comes up, then it is a sign that you will be as you heal your relationship with money. You will end up with more money, whether you will be more successful with your business or will have an easier time manifesting money after healing some roadblocks that may have prevented you from doing so.
The Devil Yes or No Takeaways

The Devil upright represents unhealthy attachments, whether based on addictions, bad habits, obsessions, or harmful beliefs, but when the Devil is in reverse, it indicates that you have broken free from those unhealthy attachments, stepped into your power, and allowed yourself to transform.
When it comes to the Devil tarot card, it comes up in a yes or no question; it is a no when the Devil is upright. It warns you that you will run into problems regarding love, money, career, or health due to unhealthy or toxic issues, which will attract unfavorable outcomes.
However, when the Devil is reversed, that is the answer to a yes or no question; it is a yes because you have healed whatever unhealthy habits or attachments you may have had. That means you are open to a healthy relationship, a better career, better health, and a better financial situation. Therefore, in a nutshell, Devil upright means no, and Devil reversed means yes.
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