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The tarot consists of 78 cards, as 22 are in the Major Arcana, representing life's significant events, and you have 56 in the Minor Arcana, composed of four suits representing the mundane. When you think about the 22 cards in the Major Arcana, it is referred to as the Fool's journey because it represents the Fool's progression throughout the deck.
The Fool is the carefree traveler who enters unknown territory. He gains different perspectives, lessons, and transformations until he reaches the World, which is the card representing the completion of that journey until the Fool enters a new cycle. The focus right now is the World tarot card, and let's discuss what it means: upright and reversed.
Table of Contents
- The World Tarot Card Meaning Overview
- The World Tarot Card Meaning for Love
- The World Tarot Card Meaning for Career
- The World Tarot Card Meaning for Money
- The World Tarot Card Meaning for Health
- The Word Tarot Card Yes or No
- The World Tarot Card Reversed
- The World Tarot Card Reversed Meaning for Love
- The World Tarot Card Reversed Meaning for Career
- The World Tarot Card Reversed Meaning for Money
- The World Tarot Card Reversed Meaning for Health
- The World Tarot Card Meaning Takeaways
The World Tarot Card Meaning Overview

The World tarot card is a powerful and highly positive card that represents completion, fulfillment, and harmony. It is often seen as one of the most positive cards in the tarot deck.
The World card symbolizes the successful completion of a journey or a significant milestone in life. It represents a sense of accomplishment, mastery, and fulfillment. It suggests that you have reached a state of wholeness and integration.
It also represents integrating various aspects of yourself or different areas of your life. It signifies the harmony and balance of embracing all parts of who you are. It suggests that you have achieved unity and are aligned with your true self.
The World card indicates the expansion of possibilities and the opening of new doors. It signifies that you have the potential to explore new horizons and experience growth in various areas of your life. It encourages you to embrace opportunities and venture into uncharted territories.
It also represents a cycle's end and a new phase's beginning. It suggests that you have learned valuable lessons from past experiences and are ready to move forward with a fresh perspective. It signifies closure and the start of a new chapter in your life.
The World card symbolizes a state of balance, harmony, and integration. It suggests you have found inner peace and align with your higher purpose. It represents a holistic approach to life and encourages you to embrace all aspects of your being. The World has beautiful imagery in our Tridevia Tarot Deck. Let's now break down the meanings of the World tarot card regarding love.
The World Tarot Card Meaning for Love

The World tarot card carries several significant meanings regarding love. The first one concerns the completion of a love journey.
The World card in a love reading suggests completing a love journey or relationship cycle. It indicates that you have reached a wholeness within yourself and have learned important lessons from past relationships. It may signify the end of a challenging period and the beginning of a new chapter in your love life.
The World card also represents the integration and harmony of relationships. It signifies a deep connection and understanding between partners, where both individuals feel balanced and aligned. It suggests a relationship in which both partners support and celebrate each other's growth and individuality.
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Buy NowIt can also indicate a sense of fulfillment and contentment in your love life. It suggests that you have found or are on the path to finding a deep and meaningful connection with a partner. It can also signify a period of emotional stability and happiness in your current relationship.
The World card signifies the expansion of love and the potential for a long-term, committed relationship. It can indicate that the relationship is evolving into a more profound connection. It encourages you to embrace the possibilities of growth and evolution within your partnership.
It represents a connection to universal love and the recognition that love is a powerful force that transcends boundaries. It encourages you to approach your relationships with compassion, understanding, and a broader perspective. It may also signify the importance of connecting with a larger community or social circle to enhance your love life. Let’s now explore what the World card means regarding career.
The World Tarot Card Meaning for Career

The World tarot card carries several significant meanings regarding career and work. The first meaning concerns achievement and success.
The World card represents the culmination of your career journey and signifies achievement and success. It indicates that you have reached a high level of accomplishment and mastery in your chosen field. It suggests recognition for your hard work and the potential for receiving accolades or promotions.
It also signifies the integration of different aspects of your career and the fulfillment that comes from finding balance and harmony in your work. It suggests that you have found your true calling or have achieved a sense of purpose and satisfaction in your professional life.
Additionally, it can indicate the expansion of opportunities and the potential for growth in your career. It suggests that new doors may open, and you can explore new horizons or take on greater responsibilities. It encourages you to embrace these opportunities and step out of your comfort zone.
The World card represents the completion of a significant work cycle or project. It signifies that you have accomplished your goals and can now move on to new endeavors. It also indicates the need for closure in your current work situation before embarking on the next phase of your career.
The World card can symbolize global recognition and the potential for international opportunities in your career. Your skills and expertise may be valued broadly, opening doors to work in different countries or with diverse cultures. It may also emphasize the importance of building connections and networking within your industry.
The World Tarot Card Meaning for Money

Regarding money and finances, the World tarot card carries several significant meanings, most commonly representing prosperity and abundance.
The World card represents abundance and prosperity in terms of finances. It suggests you are in a joyous and abundant phase regarding money matters. Your financial goals and endeavors will likely be successful, and you may experience increased wealth and resources.
It also symbolizes financial mastery and the successful completion of an economic cycle. It suggests that you have achieved financial stability and have a good grasp of managing your money. It can signify the end of financial struggles or challenges and the beginning of a phase of economic security and satisfaction.
The World card indicates the importance of integration and balance in your financial life. You have found a harmonious approach to managing your money, balancing saving and spending, investing and enjoying. It encourages you to maintain this balance and make wise financial decisions.
It can represent global financial opportunities and the potential for economic success on an international scale. You can expand your financial ventures beyond your local area or explore investment opportunities in different countries or markets.
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Buy NowFinally, the World card signifies a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction in your financial situation. It suggests that you are aligned with your financial goals and values and feel content with your current economic state. It encourages you to celebrate your financial achievements and continue making wise choices. Let’s explore the meaning of the World card regarding health.
The World Tarot Card Meaning for Health

Regarding health, you must never rely on the tarot for any checkups or diagnoses. Your doctor or health care provider can only do that for you. However, you can always do a spot check to see your overall health. And sometimes, the tarot can prompt you to make a checkup appointment with your doctor.
Since the World tarot card represents harmony, fulfillment, and balance in terms of health, it suggests that you are in a state of overall well-being. You may have achieved a sense of balance between your physical, mental, and emotional health.
It signifies a time of vitality, energy, and good health. You may feel deep satisfaction and contentment regarding your overall well-being. It is a positive indication that you are in optimal health and should continue to maintain a balanced lifestyle. Now let's look at the World and what it means as a yes or no answer.
The Word Tarot Card Yes or No

Since the World tarot card represents fulfillment and completion, it is a hardcore yes if the answer is yes or no. You have achieved something great and are ready to move on to the next thing. If you ask a yes or no question and the World arises regarding relationships, you will be told yes regardless of the question. If you are asking if you are ready to start a relationship, that is a yes. If you are asking the tarot whether you should get back to your ex, then the World will come up with the answer, which is also a yes.
If you also ask the tarot whether you should look for a new job or start a new business, and the World comes up, that is a yes. If you are asking the tarot whether you should start a new health journey, the answer is also yes if the World comes up as the answer.
However, if the World reverse comes up as an answer to any yes or no question, that is a no. It's a disappointing no, and it can indicate unfinished business. You need to tackle it before moving on to the next thing. Let's now talk more about the World reversed.
The World Tarot Card Reversed

In general, when the World tarot card is reversed, it can suggest a few possible meanings.
The reversed World card often indicates unfinished business or a lack of closure. It suggests that you feel stuck or unable to move forward in certain areas of your life. It could be a sign that you are struggling to reach your goals or experiencing a lack of fulfillment.
The reversed World can also signify resistance to change or a fear of leaving your comfort zone. You may cling to old patterns or habits that no longer serve you. It is a reminder to embrace growth and new opportunities, even if they feel unfamiliar or challenging.
It can suggest a disconnection from your inner self or a lack of harmony. You may feel disconnected from your purpose or need help finding balance. It is a call to introspection and reevaluation of your priorities and values.
The reversed World card may indicate delays or setbacks in your plans or aspirations. It could suggest that you are facing obstacles or experiencing difficulties in achieving your desired outcomes. It is a reminder to stay patient and resilient when facing challenges. What does the World reverse mean for love?
The World Tarot Card Reversed Meaning for Love

When the World tarot card appears reversed in a love reading, it can suggest a few possible meanings.
The reversed World may indicate a lack of progress or growth in your romantic relationship. It could imply that you and your partner have reached a point of stagnation where there is a need for more excitement or new experiences. This card encourages you to assess whether the relationship is fulfilling your needs and if there are areas that require attention to reignite the spark.
The reversed World can also symbolize a fear of commitment or an inability to close off past relationships fully. It may suggest that you or your partner have unresolved emotional baggage hindering your relationship's progress. Addressing these issues and working towards closure is essential to creating a healthier and more fulfilling partnership.
It may signify a lack of harmony or balance in your love life. It could indicate imbalances in giving and receiving love or a disconnection between you and your partner. This card encourages open communication and a willingness to work together to restore balance and harmony in the relationship.
The reversed World card may suggest obstacles or delays in finding love or progressing in a relationship. It could imply that external factors or internal struggles prevent you from experiencing the love and connection you desire. This card advises patience and self-reflection to identify and overcome these blockages. What does the World reverse mean for career readings?
The World Tarot Card Reversed Meaning for Career

When the World tarot card appears reversed in a career reading, it can suggest a few possible meanings.
The reversed World may indicate a need for more fulfillment or satisfaction in your current career or work environment. You may feel stuck or unfulfilled in your job, and it could be a sign that it's time to reassess your goals and aspirations.
The reversed World can also signify a resistance to change or a fear of stepping out of your comfort zone in your career. You may be holding onto familiar routines or outdated methods, hindering your professional growth. Being open to new opportunities and embracing change when necessary is essential.
It may suggest a need for balance or harmony in your work life. There may be a disconnect between your values and the demands of your job or conflicts with colleagues or superiors. This card encourages you to find ways to restore balance and find fulfillment in your career.
The reversed World card may indicate delays or setbacks in career advancement or achieving professional goals. It could imply facing obstacles or challenges preventing you from moving forward. This card reminds you to stay patient and resilient and to reassess your strategies to overcome these obstacles. What does the World reverse mean regarding money?
The World Tarot Card Reversed Meaning for Money

When the World tarot card appears reversed in a money or financial reading, it can suggest a few possible things.
The reversed World may indicate a need for progress or growth in your financial situation. It could suggest that you are experiencing a period of financial stagnation or feeling stuck in your income or economic goals. This card encourages you to assess your financial strategies and explore new growth opportunities.
It can also symbolize imbalances or issues related to your spending habits or financial management. It may suggest that you must spend more if you hang onto your money too tight, live beyond your means, or need help maintaining economic stability. This card advises you to review your budget, reduce unnecessary expenses, and seek ways to restore balance in your financial life.
The reversed World card may indicate delays or setbacks in financial success or achieving monetary goals. It could imply that you are facing obstacles or challenges hindering your financial progress. This card advises patience and resilience and encourages you to reassess your strategies and seek alternative approaches to overcome these obstacles.
It may suggest a need for more fulfillment or satisfaction in your financial pursuits or that your current financial situation is not aligned with your true desires or values. This card encourages you to reflect on what truly brings you financial fulfillment and to explore ways to align your financial goals with your values. Let’s look at what the World reverse means for health.
The World Tarot Card Reversed Meaning for Health

When the World tarot card is reversed, it can indicate a few possible health implications.
The reversed World suggests that there may be an imbalance or lack of fulfillment in your overall well-being. You may need help to achieve your health goals. It could indicate that you struggle to find harmony and balance in your physical, mental, or emotional health.
The reversed World may also suggest health issues or setbacks. It could indicate that you are experiencing challenges or obstacles in maintaining good health. It may remind you to take care of yourself and address any health concerns you may ignore.
It may also signify a need for self-reflection and self-care. It may remind you to prioritize your well-being and take the necessary steps to restore balance and harmony. This could involve changing your lifestyle, seeking professional help, or adopting healthier habits.
The World Tarot Card Meaning Takeaways

The World tarot card is a highly positive and encouraging card representing completion, fulfillment, and the integration of different aspects of life. It signifies success, expansion, unity, and the beginning of a new chapter. It encourages you to celebrate your achievements and embrace the opportunities that lie ahead.
The World tarot card in a love reading suggests completing a relationship cycle, harmony, balance within relationships, fulfillment, and contentment. The World tarot card in a career reading represents achievement, integration, expansion, completion, and global opportunities. In money readings, the World means abundance and prosperity, and in health readings, it shows an overall state of well-being.
When it comes to a yes or no question and the World comes up, it is an enthusiastic yes, but if the World reversed comes up, it is a no. And when the World is reverse, it means you have unfinished business to tackle or can only complete something once you fix it. Sometimes, it may indicate a lack of fulfillment, fear, or imbalances.
When the World reversed comes up in a reading, regardless of whether it is love, money, career, or health, you need to do some hardcore introspection to see what areas are unfulfilled or if fear is getting in the way. Tarot is one of the best tools for self-reflection.
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