Hello, beautiful souls! 💖
Ready to awaken your divine power? 🌟 In this powerful podcast with 𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐊𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐧, we explore cosmic guidance, embracing your inner strength, and reconnecting with your soul’s true purpose. ✨
Discover how balancing energies and spiritual insight can unlock your path to clarity and confidence. Whether you're new to the journey or a seasoned seeker, this episode will inspire you to step into your divine power and align with the universe. 💫
- 0:00 – Intro
- 1:20 - Who is Whitney Kenon & Her Spiritual Evolution
- 5:58 - Why Divine Feminine Matters in Our World
- 14:47 - Understanding the Cards and Their Power
- 26:30 - Spiritual vs. Physical Leaders: The Divine Feminine's Role
- 38:16 - Embracing Transformation Beyond Fear
- 46:41 - Unlocking Divine Energy: Intuition, Vulnerability, and Truth
Full Transcript:
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Hello, beautiful souls. So here I am, Yulia, your host today. And I am so happy to welcome here our special guest. Her name is Whitney. She is the cosmic empress. Can you imagine? And a spiritual warrior. Whitney, welcome to the show.
Whitney Kenon:
Hello, Yulia, how are you? Thank you so much for inviting me today. I am truly grateful to just be another celestial being here with you to talk about what everything that comes to mind and what spirit is using through us to speak about. For sure.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
All right, let's start it.Ready to.
Whitney Kenon:
Love it.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
So, Whitney, I am really interested in how you actually started your spiritual evolution. If you could just open a bit of a veil of it, because everyone has their individualized pathway to it. And for me, what was really intriguing when I found you is that kind of like description of cosmic empress, which really speaks to me. It has such interesting frequency in it. And this spiritual warrior at the same time. You really. Wonder Woman representation on something.
Whitney Kenon:
Thank you. And it's funny that you said that, because I usually do see the symbolic. The Wonder Woman. So that's like right on the money. That's crazy. I love that. Yeah. So basically, I knew since I was a little child.
Whitney Kenon:
I was very. You know, there was something different about me. I was always a different one. I always knew gravitated towards people and helping people. But really my evolution started back in before COVID actually, when all that fiasco went down, when everyone really was stationed to stay home. I was by myself. And I remember the only I didn't have any cable. I was in the house by myself.
Whitney Kenon:
And the Only thing I had was books and an oracle card deck. And that is when I had my mass awakening during that time where God and my spirit teams definitely came to me and really allowed me to see really what life was all about during those stages of havoc on what society was putting into people. But I truly looked at it as like a wow, this is. The world is definitely different. When that situation, when that whole fiasco happened, that is when.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Yeah, yeah. It feels like we are going through some kind of a war here. It's just like it's a real peace.
Whitney Kenon:
No. Yes. I definitely feel the grand awakening is happening. You know, I know the last. Was it the solar eclipse, I believe. Yeah. I remember in deep meditation and I was advised to stay inside, not to look. And I remember in my meditation I saw God wins.
Whitney Kenon:
And I knew then and there that before this great awakening, of course there will always be more trial and tribulation to get people to feel, you know, confined in fear. But I knew since then, when I saw that, that more people were waking up to bring love into the situation and really to be able to be in their truth. So definitely we are in a war for sure. Of course, our light workers, our healers, our, you know, authoritative guides who are here are Earth grid. Earth grid workers. What we're doing here is definitely in battle with the other side. But of course, what we're doing, we are still winning because of the power of love. I do believe that, yes.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Yes, yes. That's how it is. Because in the end of everything, it's love. Even in evil faiths, there is love.
Whitney Kenon:
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Kind of like lost. What I. What I see, whenever we face some kind of evil here is some. It's some kind of a lost being, you know, just at this particular situation. So we need to develop that type of compassion which involves all these evil here in fact.
Whitney Kenon:
Correct. There is a lot of evil around. I do believe that. And I feel a lot of people are so used to being okay. Of how society looks at us instead of looking at us like how we look at society. That is why I feel, especially the Divine Feminine Collective, we are really honoring what we came here to do. We are really honoring and remembering our oath and basically taking back the leadership that what we hold as.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Oh, I love it.
Whitney Kenon:
Spiritual leaders. Yes. And that's what this is all about. I do believe The World War 3 is definitely spiritual more than physical. And a lot of people are definitely going to be awakening more which will. Which they will be guided to looking for help. But the Divine Feminines who have been really honoring our relationship with ourself, but most importantly with Source and with our spiritual team. We are ready to help all the people who come to us so that because at the end, we are the true spiritual leaders, that is going to fight, especially with our Divine Masculines.
Whitney Kenon:
We can't leave them out either. But we are definitely making a difference here in Mama Gaia.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Yes. I actually think that it's not even fighting with Divine Masculine or something. We need really so much to support them because they are much more dense than we are and maybe so much more lost here in this life they cannot see truly many times. So we need really to be like, as you righteously said, leaders in these directions. And even if they get lost and somehow act not righteously in this case, we really need to step in and guide them lovingly still.
Whitney Kenon:
And I completely agree with you. I feel there is a part of people who are trying to figure out really which they embody the most. Am I more masculine or am I more feminine? And I feel like that is where, you know, a new wave of people are trying to figure out which one do they embody more. But I do believe the Divine Masculine collective is now operating more from the heart space than the mind space. Because of the shifts we've been doing as a divine feminine collective. We've been holding it down, anchoring down, to even help them come back up, you know, to breathe with. With air. You know, some have been drowning for years.
Whitney Kenon:
You know, especially with society, patriarchy, you know, that's a whole different, you know, subject. But I do believe that the divine, the three divine Masculines are making a difference right now. They are just going through that dark night of the soul. And one thing I do love, how I look at the dark night of the soul is a lot of people would think, oh, it's very dark and it's. You can't see anything. But I say dark night of the soul, like being a night like right now.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
And by the way, the darkest hour is before the dawn.
Whitney Kenon:
Exactly. But that's the reason why I love being a Divine Feminine and holding true value to who I am. Because we are the darkness and they will always be. They. They know we will always be there for them to help push them into the light where they're needing to be.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Because that's what they hold to nourish, nurture, in fact.
Whitney Kenon:
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
We cannot already get against that fact that they are still created by this universe much stronger physically than we are. Yes. And in this case, we only can support Them to do that thing with the hands here.
Whitney Kenon:
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Cannot do. I when I was working in the corporate world for a while I remember how I was always on this go go go. You know. And then I crushed myself from all these overwhelmed from all this burnout from everything until I finally relaxed in my divine femininity. In fact. And this is so powerful. You can really crush the mountains if you start doing things correctly with your avatar here.
Whitney Kenon:
Correct. I completely agree with you. It's just so mind boggling how when we really remember divine feminists, remember who we are, the oath that we have agreed before coming here and we have that aha moment we truly can move mountains. We it's like my favorite other story is David and Goliath. I do believe in the Bible when it comes to the power of the word. And David basically long story short is a regular person who went up against a giant and he didn't have anything other than a rock, a pebble and a slingshot. So. And he beat the giant by because.
Whitney Kenon:
Right. But what I love is he hit him right on the third eye. Right. And so that's what it's like how it is with the darkness, you know, with evil. They already know exactly what the light is, what we are, what God is. But the cosmic realm is. And they want to distort the collective and not seeing the truth of really what unconditional love is which is God, you know, the source, you know our celestial galactic family. And so that's really what's going on now is yes.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
By the way just before interrupting you in that story. But it's just so related to what you say. I not so long ago I was also meditating and it came to me the name Leviathan and Leviathan is actually representing that snake around the earth. It's like that demon you know. And I just like and it came to me also killed it. And it's true story when you go to Internet actually Leviathan by itself he's afraid of killbit and Killbit this small worm which penetrates the the. The big fish and inflammation. And the more small worms like this create inflammation in that we are fun.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
The worst it is these existence here for him. So it's hard for exist. It means like more of ours will start rising in our leadership as you said.
Whitney Kenon:
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
We are much more powerful here.
Whitney Kenon:
Well I do believe what's happening. You know for the divine feminine collective. We are connecting more with our sacred rage. You we are really taking a stand and connecting more with our womb as well, our womb is another world. We hold two worlds. The world that we embody in our physical vessel, but also to the world within our womb in our sacral chakra. And I do believe our rage is shaking Mama Gaia and she's hearing us in order for more of her crystalline, beautiful energies to assist us to speak the truth. I keep hearing floodgates.
Whitney Kenon:
I keep, you know, that has been following me for a while. And I do believe God is opening up more gates in order for us to access and having really more of the power that we do have behind us to help the people, help humanity. That's what's more important, because a lot of people are waking up and the dark can feel that. So I always say, as a devotee to St. Michael, you know, I'm ready. You know, I get excited for it just because that's my purpose is to always let them know that God will always win.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
So, yeah, it's the Michael's age actually is coming. We went through these Gabrielle's times where everything was in secrecy, but everything is opening up.
Whitney Kenon:
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
We really need to stand up, as you said, collectively, and speak up our truth fight everywhere.
Whitney Kenon:
Yes. And that's what I do feel that is coming a lot more people. The more we do our part as messengers, as healers, as priestesses or priests, whatever, how you want to embody who you are. We are going to be speaking more truth, but I do know it's going to be a battle because. Ooh, that's beautiful. Is that. Is that your deck? Yes.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Queen of swords here. Queens of swords.
Whitney Kenon:
Queen of swords. I love her. Me being a sun air sign, that is something I truly embody because she's a warrior. She went through a lot, and because of that sword that she carries, she holds a lot of wisdom, knowing what to do, that authority.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Yes. I actually keep talking to many healers today and too many high priestesses, how they call themselves to whatever you call yourself, it's speaking to your frequency. But the interesting thing is we all unite in the frequency of this card. And it's so amazing. It's so.
Whitney Kenon:
I think your deck is beautiful. As me as a reader, I love the deck. It's very beautiful. It definitely embodies a lot of divine feminine energy, for sure. But, yes, the Queen of Swords is not to play with. She does not play. You know, she's. She's very smart, too.
Whitney Kenon:
She'll allow you to speak, but if you're stepping on her toes, she'll definitely put you back in the.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Yeah, look at her. How she's holding her sword, actually. Look at her.
Whitney Kenon:
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Oh, she's holding it. It's just like crazy. The energy of the frequency.
Whitney Kenon:
I don't know if you love. About how she has her sword coming from the top. Is that enlightenment? It's the enlightenment to it, the truth to it.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Standing still in that resolution.
Whitney Kenon:
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
So nice. It's just like she's standing still because when we go to that energy of resolution within us, we go back to center and we stop. Can I show something like, I love this. When we go to that energy of resolution, we go from swirling. Oh, just from swirling on the periphery.
Whitney Kenon:
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
The center. That's what allows us to stand there.
Whitney Kenon:
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
That's amazing. You actually start standing still. You don't need, like, all these teachings and learnings. You somehow find your individual pathway.
Whitney Kenon:
Correct. And that's where I definitely did a collective reading recently, and even just in general for everyone. And then I did one for divine feminine and divine masculine, and the whole subject was being still. You know, right now is the time to be still. A lot of people think we're needing to move, but that's what society wants you to do, because that's going on fear. When really, how are we going to be able to really listen to what our next move is as a collective? And most importantly for yourself, if you're moving your answers.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Look at this Whitney.
Whitney Kenon:
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
How can we win if we are living in chaotic times and careers? You are on the periphery. You will only suffer. But if you stand still in the Eye of the tornado.
Whitney Kenon:
The eye of the storm, right?
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Yes. That's where actually all the goodies are. We want to go there.
Whitney Kenon:
Of course, but in order for us to get there, we have to go through the storm. That's just like. In order for you to have spiritual enlightenment. Correct. You have to. You have to go and be the warrior that you are. Everyone has, you know, there is a wounded warrior. Everyone has the wounded warrior.
Whitney Kenon:
But how are we going to catalyze our pain into power to get to the eye of the storm? And that's where really the mission starts, is through the darkest valley.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
And I love, actually this. I love this one.
Whitney Kenon:
Is that the tower? Yeah.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Because can you imagine if you combine these both? Many are fearful about this, but this is so powerful, especially today. You break down all the mental constructs which are not serving you. It's just bash them.
Whitney Kenon:
You're breaking down the. The programming of what has been built on you for years. Correct. And a lot of people are. Many people. I won't say a Lot of people, but many people are afraid of those tower moments because they're so used to what they're being in their comfort. But really, the tower. I embrace the tower moment because that means the divine is saying, oh, it's time to wash this away because you have something new being rebuilt.
Whitney Kenon:
But a lot of. A lot of people have a hard time wanting to really process what they have to feel during that. Those tower moments for sure.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
But guess what? After tower, what follows? The star.
Whitney Kenon:
The star. Yes, the star.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Yeah. We need to go through that tower.
Whitney Kenon:
Right. But that's where a lot of people stop once they get to that tower because they know when they have to climb up the tower, they're gonna have to fall not knowing what's. What's right after that. And that's where I feel a lot of people are going in circles here, for sure. With the star. Oh, yeah. That's beautiful. I love the energy.
Whitney Kenon:
I love the energy.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
But she's trying still to figure out. She's trying still to figure out her way. She still.
Whitney Kenon:
The reflection of her. She's looking at the reflection of her. I feel like. Yeah.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
See who she is. She cannot understand on some level. But in fact, that's the real revelation. You broke down all the towers shreds. You don't freaking care already who you are. You're serving. You're serving. Magical.
Whitney Kenon:
Yeah. No. 100 true. And also, too, it looks like the water is moving. So that's just the representation of our emotions and how many different multidimensional layers we are. You don't know how you know when the water is moving. You're playing with it. You're going to see different versions of yourself until you're back into that calmness.
Whitney Kenon:
But you are still going to be the star that you are because of the fact you are following your true north. Yeah.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
And then follows The Moon, look at.
Whitney Kenon:
Oh, the moon. I love your cards. It's like my heart chakra is like, boom, boom, boom. I love it. That's beautiful, by the way. Oh, yeah. I love that. It's so beautiful.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Whitney, did you get the deck? Did it?
Whitney Kenon:
I need to look. I. I'm pretty sure I need to look. I haven't looked in my mailbox today. I'm sorry. I've been like. I've been working all day today, but I'm excited to use your cards for. I am like, those are.
Whitney Kenon:
I love the moon card. Wow.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
What's fully next? The Sun.
Whitney Kenon:
Oh, wow. Is that a unicorn?
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Yeah. It's actually. I. When I was designing it I just wanted to do it like a unicorn. But in fact, it's. It's the star in her, so it's.
Whitney Kenon:
Oh, wow. Yeah. That is amazing. I love how you designed your cards. What made you want to use the black as like the main focus of like.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
So it's actually that thing that. In the depths to which I was doing it, I wanted to investigate that in the depths within me. So.
Whitney Kenon:
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Lack. It's that courage. In fact, you want to go into black.
Whitney Kenon:
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Actually understand that subconscious wiring. If you don't really get it, it starts ruling you.
Whitney Kenon:
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
I want to be so strong that this sin which is inside me, which is unconscious and somehow makes me walk when I don't want to walk here.
Whitney Kenon:
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
I deal with it. I want to look into its face and deal with this. And it's a lot reversed cards because of that. Because they open up that second bottom, that second mountain all the time.
Whitney Kenon:
Yes. I completely agree with you that that's one thing I have always been, was a daredevil. Not being afraid of the dark. You know why? And that's a programming. Right. They made children afraid of the dark. Right. Why? Because they knew if we face the dark, we will find evolution, we will find truth.
Whitney Kenon:
Right. And so that's one thing I will always embody. Plus also too, I am Pluto dominant. So it kind of makes sense as to why I'm okay with the underworld a little bit. But I do love being able to help people and fight with them. Not, you know, because a lot of people feel like they're alone through this battle. And. And I feel us as spiritual leaders of who we are, we're meant to.
Whitney Kenon:
We're not meant to hold hands, but it's okay for us to all walk in our own lane while we're looking at them, giving them their reassurance, saying that you're not alone. And that's what I do. Embody as who I am, as cosmic Empress, for sure. But, you know, the empress, she's. She's open to everyone, right. She's open to all the partnerships and relationships that come to her.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
She's excited, right? She's cosmic.
Whitney Kenon:
She's cosmic. She's mother to me, you know, so, yeah, with Venus, she's love you get, you know, and birthing everything. So it's just, you know, being able to receive my name. And it's funny because before I was a candle Empress, because I do also do a lot of candle work. But, you know, but that's like a past life thing that I figure out, oh, what? That's probably the reason why I made that until I was told, no, you're Cosmic Empress. Because at the end, I am a cosmic child. But I developed my spirit to embody myself, knowing that I am an empress. Yeah, yeah.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
This is a really powerful thing because Empress, it's all the energy of abundance also.
Whitney Kenon:
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
If we look at it and it's so embracing, it's so adaptive. It's so relaxing.
Whitney Kenon:
Yes, it's so. It is so relaxing. I haven't been. I haven't been relaxed in a very long time. And now I'm like, this is what this feels like. This is amazing. Yes, yes.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Actually, what we really crave for here, when we are running again on the periphery. Right, right. This hamster cycle. It's that anxiety mental crisis for all these madness. We're like in the desert of materialism here today. They need done something about it.
Whitney Kenon:
Yes, but that's where a lot of people. The mater. The materialism is where it. I feel like it is trapping a lot of people. I understand. We are. Oh, is that the. Is that her? Oh, she's beautiful and I love her.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
It's you Cosmic empress.
Whitney Kenon:
I love it. She's just in her environment and just so open, and I love how the sun is just shining on her. Yeah. She's like, I'm ready for anybody. Come on, come on. You know? But she is a force as well. Her unconditional love is so powerful that it does have a lot. It scatters a lot of things that are not vibrationally on her level.
Whitney Kenon:
You get what I'm saying? You know, you can't. You can't fool the Empress. She can be very loving, but she knows you.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Look how she's sitting. She owns this reality, correct? Yes, she does. Everything that's harmonious for her.
Whitney Kenon:
I think it's beautiful. Yes, very harmonious. Very harmonious. Correct.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
She actually owns. Owns this reality in a very powerful way. She's sitting relaxingly.
Whitney Kenon:
So many times.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
We actually. What I feel about this realm today. Correct me if I'm wrong. I would love to hear your opinion, actually, Whitney. Yeah. We as women, collectively here, we are responsible in fact, for evolution of these planets. If we really think about this. Yeah, we are.
Whitney Kenon:
I, like, I could talk about this for hours, but yes, we. We. Okay, I'm sorry to interrupt you. If you weren't done. I'm, you know, go ahead if you're not done, I'm sorry. Okay. Yeah, we are. We.
Whitney Kenon:
Like I said, we are. The. We were meant. We are meant to be the leaders of this planet because we are also two leaders of many others. And it's because of the powerful force that we have, because we have two worlds as women, we have two worlds. We have the world where we come here in our earth home, but we also have worlds where we have access to because of our spirit, because of our soul.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Yes. And that is so true about access to those worlds because believe it or not, like my husband, for example, I married 14 years. He's a powerful student. I love that beautiful, beautiful soul. Like right at the same time, no matter how powerful student he is, he's still a man. So the interesting thing for me, I studied through him the humanity from masculine perspective. He has great friends who are beautiful, actually. Divine masculinity, representation.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
And honestly, I've never seen so far yet really powerful. Didn't touch. I know they exist, but not my real where I can touch them. So, you know, when they really can experience what I experience and when I talk to them, they just look at me and I shut down. I shut down.
Whitney Kenon:
Well, that's why I do believe that, you know, why we are called the spiritual leaders and they're called the physical, you know, because we.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Earthly leaders.
Whitney Kenon:
Earthly, the earthly, the physical. Physical, you know, the 3D as the Earth. Right. I do feel they're always going to have. They're going to. A part of them will always understand. A part of them will always understand in the higher realms, with their higher self, with our higher self. But here in the physical, earthly, they.
Whitney Kenon:
They're not really going to be able to pick up more of what we do receive because of the fact that.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
It'S just like he really wants. And we've done many practices together, everything. And I've done it with his friends. It's just like, you know, many times I feel like I'm alone because they just don't get it.
Whitney Kenon:
And have you. How do they view their spiritual. How do they see their spiritual world in front of them? That's the first question I always ask before I. Because as Divine Feminines, we receive before we take action into our own hands. So I feel in order, the power that we have as Divine Feminines to just be able to open them up to express what they nurture. Nurture, Yes. I feel we never have to lower ourselves to meet them, to understand what they are trying to say. I feel it's more of when we open up ourselves and nurture what they are wanting to articulate about their own spiritual journey.
Whitney Kenon:
What they tell us we are able to teach them from the foundation of what we can already receive from spirit, to be that messenger, to deliver what. They're needing to know.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
And I feel like it's very interesting because what we receive, it's actually the experiential thing and it cannot be proved illogically and densely here while they need that logical proof, because they cannot.
Whitney Kenon:
But they're visual. They're men. They're visual. Right. So it's like they have to see it. But the power of who we are, we have to. It's the unseen. But because of how much work you can put inside of yourself, the unseen can come into the physical for them to see it.
Whitney Kenon:
But it's all about how much power we actually want to receive within ourselves.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Yes. Yes.
Whitney Kenon:
Because we have that authority to do that. We have that authority.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Very interesting, Whiney. Because I'm talking to you just less than an hour and I'm already so much more in coherence with you and you understand me so much more than my husband, with whom I've been living for 10 years, where I tried to explain it, but I still like can't get it.
Whitney Kenon:
Well, if you think about it, you know, we've already had the. This conversation probably many of times, so, you know, we just finally were able to meet in the physical, you know, but we've already had this conversation. We already have this agreement to meet so that we are able to give each other insight, advice, guidance, or also too where what we're doing on your, your mission work, what I'm doing and coming back with, okay, this is what's going on and how can we make it better? Right?
Whitney Kenon:
So I feel with him being your counterpart especially, you know, I don't know how you articulate your connection with him. Right. But I do feel that you are definitely his also his teacher to, you know, help him become more comfortable within his own spiritual journey. And he, he does. I do feel he needs you definitely in the higher realms, and that's why you guys are married, you know. Wow. I've never heard of that before.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
My first question was, are you kidding me?
Whitney Kenon:
Wow. So that was. You guys definitely have a contract here. But I do feel you do have patience with him and the patience. But your patience is so powerful that you're able to really speak life into him where he's going to start seeing that life in his physical world when he's not with you. You can receive things for him and he could be like, oh, okay, you know, but he's hearing you and. And then that visual will come and he'll Be like, oh, yeah. You get what I'm saying?
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Quite interesting. Because what you see, patience, it's every time what we are talking about, and they say, honey, no hurry, no hurry.
Whitney Kenon:
Right, yeah. Patience, no hurry. There's a lot of people expect that we have to run during this journey. And really the key about it is we just have to walk. Look at the fool. Right? But us being in the middle, it's like, how can we break that circle in order for the storm to break.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Yes. That's where actually the true emperor. The true emperor is born.
Whitney Kenon:
Wow. He. Oh, yeah. He's strong in that card.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Whitney Kenon:
He's like, I know what I'm gonna have and I want it. And this is what's going to go happen. Yeah. It's amazing. I love their cards.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
I can't believe her.
Whitney Kenon:
Yeah, he's definitely in control here. But he's very protective over his divine feminine.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Only by uniting, by the way, their divine masculinity and divine femininity, we gain access to hierophant. Otherwise, we cannot. We are kind of like handicapped here.
Whitney Kenon:
Wow. We would. Yes. That is so true. But that's where a lot of things I feel a lot of divine feminines need to understand if, in regards to the divine masculine collective, is that when we found our power, we were in our high priestess energy. Right. We started off as queens until we reached our high priestess to get to our empress. And that's the same.
Whitney Kenon:
That's the same thing that I feel a lot of divine feminists who are coming into their truth, knowing what they are, they're needing to have that same amount of patience and grace with the divine masculine collective.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Correct? Correct. Because patience actually is. Is exactly that same. I figured out for me, it was the antidote for anger within heart. So once you actually start really being patient with his life. Yes. Use that antidote of that snake which is always biting you there.
Whitney Kenon:
Correct, Correct. It is. And that's the reason why, you know, it's just so important to. When you are in your journey, it's so important to really ask yourself, okay, if you see the snake biting you, when are you gonna stop, look at it and really challenge it and saying, you know, I see you're biting me, but it's no longer working. And that's where the snake will no longer fight, but instead be with you. Instead of the Kundalini, what you need to receive that enlightenment.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Oh, my God, Whitney. You know, I don't know how, but it just came to me. Are you into astrology?
Whitney Kenon:
I didn't hear you. Sorry.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Astrology as well.
Whitney Kenon:
Oh, yeah.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
So look, I don't know how, but it just came to me, like, we actually have to meet that snake. So that that snake is like that sting of a Scorpio, which we all face here and then create that medicine out of.
Whitney Kenon:
Correct. And that's where. And it's funny because I had a meditation. When I took a bath, I saw the cobra. And immediately when I saw it, you know, I took out my. I put in my warrior stance, you know, and St. Michael was like, wait, hold on. I'm like, okay, what's going on? You know, like.
Whitney Kenon:
Because I'm immediately like, what are you doing here? You know? But no, it's all about the divine awakening, you know, it's all about the divine awakening. And I truly believe, when you think about cobras and how, you know, they are really into their own energy and essence of how they're wanting to come and rise, it's the same thing with us as divine feminines, but also the divine masculine collective. I feel like the snake is moving through each collective in order to get to that level of ascension. And the venom, if you want to say, is the oil. Right? You think about the oil. When we have the awakening, in order for us to really process and go into that another layer of our frequency of.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
I love it. I absolutely love it. I remember how I went to some ashram center, like in India, and yeah, actually there were lots of. In the temple snakes. And I just. But they were all around. Not real ones. In India, there are many.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Right. But they were all around, around looking at me like, gosh, what is this? Now I get it.
Whitney Kenon:
Yes, yes. The divine cobra, the divine awakening. When you start. I truly believe, you know, when you start seeing the cobra coming, it's because you are about to experience another level of a higher force of the cosmic realms. You know, you are. You are really remembering who you are. That just, you know, that is. That's been following me for about four to five months.
Whitney Kenon:
Remember who you are. Remember your own.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
This is so powerful. When I tried to remember in the beginning who I am, and we all know already, because once we inquire, you shall receive. It was Bible. So you, you know, your story, it's your very personalized story. But the interesting thing is, like, I wanted to share it with you and with everyone here and then to hear your story about it, because what happened to me once I started digging deep there is that bridge, that bridge which you need to overcome. And overcoming that bridge, what happened to me There is fear because you can kind of like. And you need that push inside to. To overcome it.
Whitney Kenon:
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
And that fear is what's holding your hand. And my fear was. Let me share with you. My fear was that I will go mad, that I will go nuts. So what helped me is, like, people who were surrounding me at that moment, who helped me because I had real fears that I will just completely lose sense of this reality. But the interesting thing is, once you lose yourself, you don't lose it. You actually. Extremely active here.
Whitney Kenon:
Yes. Yes.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Tell me your story about that.
Whitney Kenon:
Oh, man. My fear was truly actually being alone, you know, really. I was always a person, you know, being around people. And that fear really hit me. When Covid happened and everyone had. Everyone in my family, all my friends, they had somebody in their house. I was by myself, and I had no choice. So that was a very fearful thing for me.
Whitney Kenon:
And bless his soul, but I do believe my dog at that moment came to me when I needed him the most. But he passed away, and then, boom, Covid happened. So it was like. It was. It was to prepare me for what I'm doing now, but it was definitely to be alone because of the unknown, because of all of the fear that was already being pushed onto society when all of that happened. But it made sense as to why I needed to go into the dark and be by myself. Because I realized that, you know, it is okay if I am alone in this lifetime, knowing that I'm not, but it's okay if I am, because I actually have an army in the unknown. And that's what allowed me to discover more deeply in the realms on what I am now able to face.
Whitney Kenon:
And, yes, I do see things. Yes. I'm like, oh, you know, that's. That's some heavy energy. But by the power of God, in God's protection, nothing can overcome you when you believe.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Yes. This is a powerful thing, what you mentioned here, because many actually start being afraid. And I actually recorded the whole course around it. How to stop that fear to be seen.
Whitney Kenon:
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Once we start shining bright, we have that fear. It just. It's inevitable for everyone. Yes. What if they will see? Yeah.
Whitney Kenon:
Yeah. And I. I totally agree with you. It's. You know, a lot of people, the first thing is, you know, it's the energy work. A lot of people have a lot of energy work that they're needing to focus on in regards to their chakras. And we have more than just seven chakras. We have a lot more chakras than just seven But a lot of.
Whitney Kenon:
But also a lot of things is the ancestral. Well, a lot of people with also past life. A lot of people are like, why do I don't. I'm healing. I'm not having a hard time in this lifetime. I'm. I beat all the chains that were, you know, keeping me restricted. But why am I still feeling like this? And it's like, because it's your past life now that you're having to receive.
Whitney Kenon:
It's your past life that you're needing to dig into to reclaim your soul fragments that was taken from you. And that's what's. And I channeled that. What's going on to. In a new level for Divine Feminines. We are actually going into a very deeper chamber of shadow work. Because this shadow work that is coming, I call it shadows 2.5, because we're already in the 2.0. But this shadow work is from the restrictions about the divine masculines now being set free from this layer that they were trapped in.
Whitney Kenon:
So when they rose, it unleashed things which we're going to be seeing because we are the Divine Feminines. And a lot of things, what's happening is projections, and that's where for us, we have to really understand and understand is okay, before we react, is this actually an image of who I am, knowing what I am, or is this a projection to what the darkness or the enemy, I would say, is trying to keep me from ascending to finding out the secrets of really what I. Have access to.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Find that philosophical stone.
Whitney Kenon:
Exactly. That is so true. And that's funny how you mentioned the stones, because I wrote in my journal, like, six months ago, I received from my guides, open the stones. And so I'm over here like, okay, do I collect the stones first, then I open them together. But it's definitely about the Chamber of secrets. But a lot of people don't really seem to realize, which I'm a really big believer about, is that they have to tell us the truth.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Look at this here. This card is Michael Stone, actually.
Whitney Kenon:
I can't wait to see them. I'm excited, you know. Why? Well, I didn't hear you. What did you say?
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Do you know why it's representing the mastery of the Philosopher's stone?
Whitney Kenon:
No, I don't, actually. Tell me.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Look at him, how he's standing. He's pouring the water from one chalice to another, how he's only on one foot. I don't know if you can see it with my cam, but basically he's standing on one foot. Once you receive the cards, he will explore it a bit more. And I designed it specifically that way to show how scientific he is. That's the standard angel. So he's standing, he knows how to deal with his reality scientifically.
Whitney Kenon:
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
It's kind of like art, but at the same time science. And look how that the right thing at the right time so that not even one single drop will drop.
Whitney Kenon:
Misses. Correct. Wow. Yeah, that's beautiful. But I believe I'm a huge. I'm a. Yeah, I'm a huge science believer too. Like spiritual.
Whitney Kenon:
And science is. Has to be spiritual science. Yeah. Literally. Like, what is your belief? Spiritual science? Like, because it's, because at the end it there I feel like without, without science, there's no spiritual spirituality.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Already many are jumping on that theme. Even guys like Deepak Chopra. I really respect him, what he's doing. So he's even having some kind of a channel like spiritual science or something. So he's, he's doing it in his way.
Whitney Kenon:
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Lots of wisdom, of course, is there. But you see, it's not even. We guys are also doing that work. They also kind of like get open to that, right?
Whitney Kenon:
No, and I do love that. I do love that. But, you know, the question is, is it coming from, you know, is it. Is, is it. Are they doing. Going into that direction because they're seeing other, you know, powerful men doing it and they're wanting to feel powerful with it, or is it really because it's being led by their heart to really open.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
You can always investigate it. You can always investigate it by looking into their eyes.
Whitney Kenon:
Oh, for sure.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
You can see.
Whitney Kenon:
Oh, yeah, you can see it clear as day. And it's like. And that's what I'm just like, okay, like, you can't fool me. Like, maybe like, you know, seven years ago when I was, you know, still trying to figure myself out seven, ten years ago. But now I'm like, no. Like, but that's so hard. Now I feel like as divine feminines, we know we are when we are in our power, it's like, what is real, right? It's like, you know, because you immediately see it. You're like, oh, my gosh, you know, I knew this was going to happen.
Whitney Kenon:
Or ah, you know, and it's like, like, you know, it's okay. I'm just gonna continue to allow the divine to bring those that need have to meet me who I've divinely meant to me. I'm just gonna allow the divine to do that.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Let me tell you a story. It's so fun. I guess everyone can connect to these. Every woman here in us here.
Whitney Kenon:
Oh, man.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
So I remember how my husband showed me the photo of him and his guys. And she's like, Honey, I don't like him.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
I don't know. Don't like this guy. Yeah, he's a cool guy. Just what you do want from him? I don't know. I just don't like him. He said, right. It's weird. You're just weird being. And then we meet on some event together.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
He brings me on all his business events, you know, all this stuff, right? So I am following him all around. And what's happening is I meet that guy and he treats us not nicely and just like, honey, do you remember what I told you?
Whitney Kenon:
And he's probably like, oh, man. You know, like you created it, which. No, it's just we. You know, you can definitely pick up on energy. You know, a lot of people would think, well, you manifested that. And it's like, no, I. I didn't. It's.
Whitney Kenon:
It really is the. It's the realism of how you being an energy reader, or anyone really being an energy reader can pick it up. And a lot of people, I feel, are blinded by that. Right? It's like they still don't want to. It reminds me of like the four of Cups. They don't want to really focus on really what the divine is trying to show them in regards to. Hey, like, I know you're trying to have these three cups to make it look like this is really the picture, but really, like, I need you to look at this cup we're giving you because this is the truth. And a lot of people are still in that state of denial.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
That is so powerful, Whitney because also, just to continue the same thing, not only eyes are speaking about who you are talking to. They can't just dress themselves however they want. They can have the credentials however they want. They can authority however they want. But the interesting thing is they have eyes. But there is something even bigger than eyes. There is this energy. So when you shake their hands, you see the slip of their photo, everything, it's just like, oh, yeah, so many times.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
It's just like.
Whitney Kenon:
But that's why I do feel a lot of women, we are. We are definitely developing better in our boundaries and our power. And like, yeah, you might, you know what, you might have this, you might have that, but your spirit is not for me. And if you can't understand on a spiritual level who I am and what I'm value of just because of what you have in the physical, it's not, it's going to be oil and water and you know, and I feel because we are taking our sacredness back, I do feel it's going to shake the divine masculines and setting them a little bit more free in regards to what really love is, which is the power of, you know, the love we put into the world. Yeah. The surrender, the everything.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Whitney Kenon:
Yes. And the vulnerability. You know, like a lot of people have a hard time being vulnerable, not really realizing that vulnerability is so sacred and powerful.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Whitney Kenon:
You really do receive a lot. You open space. That's what you do. You open space to receive more. When you really drop those shields, it.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
I love it. I remember how actually that vulnerability can be disgraced to complaints. Yeah. So there is a subtle border there in fact. So I was part of the group and that group was all about vulnerability. But the interesting thing is it all descended to so called complaints about how things are happening in their life. And then you see that circle and I feel actually amazing and I feel bad because I don't have anything bad to share.
Whitney Kenon:
Right. You're like, yeah. And you know, but. But that's okay. You know, a lot of people think because they don't have something bad to share that there something's wrong with them and it's like that's okay that you don't have anything bad to share.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Whitney Kenon:
But that's why it's always great to just speak your truth. Because a person, depending on their perception or their perspective can still think there's still something that they resonate with in regards to. Oh yeah, your journey. You know.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
It started from my mom actually. I remember how being a child I never understood why when I share something great to my mom, she's never happy. But when I share something bad happening, she.
Whitney Kenon:
Right. Yeah. That's so funny. Yeah. I grew up as a military kid, so, you know, it was always order. So, you know, I feel the more that I got older and my parents got older, they're, you know, they're a lot more expressive with showing, you know, emotions. But that's the same thing with programming, you know, like so many layers of generations were born into.
Whitney Kenon:
Right. It's like continuing loops of programming that it takes time to really unfold the truth of what you're trying to figure out with your spirit. And a lot of people think they have to rush through it and it's like, no, stop rushing. Like, it's okay. It's okay to be where you are?
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Yeah, I'm from Siberia. It's Russia, you know, so I love that Russian. Yeah, it's just like, it's, it's interesting scene is, you know, and I know how people are living there. If what is shown in the news, how people are living, how many beautiful souls actually, how much programming. You know, I've been traveling for more than 10 years. Every time when I landed in any country and the taxi driver has to tell me, Yulia, just like we were talking. I'm very talking right in the end of our talk. Don't believe what's in the news.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
It's not about us. No.
Whitney Kenon:
And that's the reason why, you know, I don't watch the news. I don't like I'm a person that does not watch the news because it's fear mongering. That's where people get stuck is because of what they are writing making, you know, to get people to be in fear because they need that frequency to continue to thrive. A lot more people are going to start coming off of the news and really find. Trying to find the real news. And that's why I believe a lot of social media platforms are trying to remove shadow banned. A lot of people who are actually giving real news is because they're trying to hide the truth from us. But we're going to find out.
Whitney Kenon:
So it's like. But that's what they thrive on. They thrive on fear. They thrive, they thrive on the collective sphere for way too long. And now the lightworkers, the healers, the grid workers, the high priestesses, anybody who is of the light, you know what I mean? We are, we had enough and we're ready to. And we're fighting back for it. But you have fighting.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
I love it.
Whitney Kenon:
Keep fighting.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
I love the very powerful sword. It's. I'm unstoppable. It's actually I don't need the batteries to move on. Basically. Basically that's what we are today.
Whitney Kenon:
So pretty much I don't need the batteries. You get. Yeah, you're right, exactly. I don't need the batteries and the activations have been crazy. So, you know, I feel like two weeks ago we got this huge boost of energy and I've been non stop since, you know, sometimes I'm like, man, this is a little too much. Can you guys let me slow down? And it's like, nope, we gotta keep going, you know?
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Yes, yes. I remember how my husband came to me and it was 3am actually and I was still like working, creating something here in my room.
Whitney Kenon:
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
With my cat, with my butterflies here. And I'm working outside of computer lots of time. And I'm just creating, creating. And she's like, what are you doing? Yeah, yeah, I'm just, I'm just working. I agree.
Whitney Kenon:
I'm just working. I'm in my zone.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
I'm in my zone, you know?
Whitney Kenon:
Right, exactly.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Lots of energy. With lots of energy.
Whitney Kenon:
Yeah, it's been, it's been activated. I'm like, woo. I can feel my body vibrating more. I'm a heart. My hand chakras, feet, chakras are going off. And I'm like, all right, well, keep using me, you know, that's all I need.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Like, you really need batteries. That's what's happening.
Whitney Kenon:
Not need batteries. We don't need batteries at all. But that's what they want society to think. You need batteries. It's like, no, we don't need batteries. But a lot of people are. Do not sell. Right, Exactly.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Like bunnies.
Whitney Kenon:
I know, right? And it's like, no, I don't want to be a bunny anymore. You know, it's like, let me be the animal I want to be. And a lot of people are realizing that.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
It is so damn amazing. You know, you just like, we're shining light.
Whitney Kenon:
Oh, thank you. Thank you. I really enjoyed myself. I truly appreciate you once allowing God to allow you to see me. I am. This is the first, this is. I know I've been working with myself, stepping out of my comfort zone. And this is definitely something where I had it, it was like a, you need to do this. Right.
Whitney Kenon:
And so that's why I'm happy, you know, God brought you to me so that I can really honor what I'm here to do. But like I said, I feel like we've already had this conversation and we're just meeting up, seeing, Meeting up to, you know, change, exchange great energy with one another so we can continue on our mission. Yeah.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
So before we finish, I really love asking absolutely everyone who comes to me to our beautiful show here, if you frame in one sentence the pearl of your wisdom, how would you just frame it for our audience today?
Whitney Kenon:
A sentence of the. Of wisdom. Okay. I have to think a little bit because it's like there's so much wisdom. To be completely honest, the wisdom that I would give the collective is to speak your truth, to not allow whatever you are wanting to, whatever that is making you feel that you're, you know, you're needing to protect it or hide it, speak that. Because the moment you speak, that is the moment that you're going to be able to really authentically show the light of what you really are. That's what I was.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Batteries. You don't.
Whitney Kenon:
And you don't need batteries. All you need is love. That's all you need. Correct.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
Love is all we need. That's truly.
Whitney Kenon:
Love is all we need. That's all we need. Love is all we need. Because love comes in all forms, literally.
Yulia (Creator of the Tridevia Tarot Deck):
All right. Thank you so much, Whitney, It was amazing.
Whitney Kenon:
Thank you. Yes. Thank you so much. Please keep in touch. Bye.